Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 949: Stupid thief

This person said

The others really froze right away and immediately felt that something was wrong

"Ah yeah, I really feel that way"

"...Damn it must have been tricked. You know that the boss didn't fund us. The three or four thousand dollars are all our own pockets. If we fail again, the boss doesn't reward us. Wouldn't it be a shortage of people and money."

"Oh, my Jesus, we are being tricked by a sick man in East Asia. Can Chinese people have this kind of IQ? In my opinion, let's just put a bomb in his car and let him drive. He automatically detonated"

"How can this be done in case the car explodes and hurts other people? The boss asks us to solve it secretly. He just doesn't want to let this matter go to light.

"Hmm, why did the subordinates who joined the Gambino family originally joined the Gambino family to behave in the street? Now it is the time to show off."

"That’s what I thought, too. What the eldest brother said just now is right. Let’s plant a bomb on him, even if it’s made public. He is a Chinese who still wants to be protected by law in the United States. Why are you kidding me? Obviously it has been discovered now, so there is no point in keeping track of it. We might as well just plant a bomb instead of doing it."

"Okay, just do it like that." It has been decided that the other fools clap their hands and praise


They didn’t notice at all because they had gone in and out a dozen times back and forth and spent three or four thousand dollars from start to finish. They were all the same meals and didn’t eat or drink, so all the customers in the restaurant had noticed them and they were in the shop. Every clerk in's also noticed them

"Hey, these people are stupid, right"

"Who knows but 80% is"

People talk in private

Lorraine's table is no exception

Lan Lan said strangely: "Those people are so strange, isn't this an American custom?"

Lorraine couldn't help smiling: "Hehe although Americans have a lot of brain damage, but this brain damage custom will not form a traditional believe me."

He said, take out the cell phone in his hand and check it out. Well, it’s been almost twenty hours since the time he called.

Sure enough, two minutes after the five foolish hats had just sent a person out to secretly plant a bomb, a few lines suddenly appeared at the door of the restaurant

"Citizens, we are the police. Just now someone here called the police and said that there were five suspicious and sneaky guys in black suits and black sunglasses."

The level of handling this case is good enough, but the stupid police met the stupid thief

When this note just fell, all the restaurant staff and customers pointed in the same direction.

The police turned around

I mow

Isn’t the table next to me just right... four in black suits... with black sunglasses...?

These four dumb hats were stunned by this situation. Look at me, let me see. You just froze silently for three seconds. The four people have a tacit understanding. "Swish" took off their sunglasses


The strip looked ugly and silent for a while and then said: "Are you insulting my IQ?"

The four people looked at each other. Fortunately, one of the guys called "Big Dicks" was a little clever

He said, "Hey, Mr. Police, I said that we came to the restaurant for a meal and also obstructed the judicial service?"

"But your behavior is too suspicious" said the headline

A law-abiding waiter next to him said, "Yes, Mr. Police. These people went back and forth in and out of the store a dozen times and every time they came back, they ordered the same meal and paid for them without eating or drinking. Four thousand dollars..." Since Lorraine always took the phone out of the back door next to the bathroom, except for these five fools, Lorraine didn't attract anyone's attention.

The leader frowned and said: "This behavior is too suspicious. I want to take you back to the police station for investigation."

"Hey wait, Mr. Police, we have money. Can we like to play like this?" The guy called "Big Dicks" still said hard.

"Oh, your mouth is pretty hard, do you know your suspicious behavior? We have every reason to suspect that you are conspiring to plan a certain terrorist activity and you pretend to be garlic with me." This is a stern voice. No way, who can make the United States have such a strong sense of anti-terrorism?

"Haha terrorism rules can scare people. Do you think we don’t understand the law?" The big brother laughed and said, "If we are terrorists, we must at least bring a bomb on our body, don’t you come and search? See if we have any"

And just at this moment, a clever young policeman behind the headline came up and walked next to the headlined ear and said, "Didn’t the boss just say that they have five people, why are there only four people now?"

However, as soon as the young police officer's voice fell off, the phone on the guy with the nickname "Big Dicks" suddenly rang

"Well, you answer this call" as a note, this product is still very conscious

"Why" the old man insisted

But this note is sure that this call must be awkward, and snatched it over with a "di" connection.

Before this guy was talking, someone's voice came over there

"Hey, eldest dick, I can't put it on. You tell me that this type of bomb needs to connect this extra wire to the blue wire or the red wire"


Hearing the words on the phone, the face suddenly changed and stared at the big **** in front of him.

I mow

You **** will really pretend to let me search you, your **** accomplices are actually installing bombs

The heart rushed to the surface, but he pinched his voice and calmly said: "It's easy, where are you, I will help you"

"Fuck, where can I be, of course I am outside..."

After quietly listening to this guy's exact address, he quickly hung up the phone and handed it to the young policeman behind him: "You are here watching you and you come with me."

Before he finished his words, he turned around and slapped the eldest son with a slap on the head: "Nyma is dressed like Fack handed me a copy"

After the explanation, I took two people and ran out

"Hey, what is the situation with terrorists... The United States is really a dangerous country"

At this time, Song Meiyuan at Lorraine's table looked at the situation there from a distance and couldn't help feeling

Lan Lan and Qin Wanshu are also very confused

Only Jiang Yan quietly whitened Lorraine's eyes, as if she was saying: "Little villain has a bad stomach."


It's dark outside

It's dark

The guy who just called the eldest son was quietly playing with the bomb next to Lorraine's car

"I can't figure out this high-tech thing," the guy said with emotion

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "This is high-tech, you are too stupid."

The guy who fiddled with the bomb thought it was the eldest son and turned his head and said, "You are here...well, are not the eldest son I know"

The person who came is of course the leader

This note hummed coldly: "Of course I am not your second child"

Before he finished his words, he flew up and kicked with a fierce "bang": "I am your aunt"

"Bombs raised by a **** will not carry out terrorist activities and handcuff me away"



Carter Brown flirted with his secretary in his office

Suddenly a bunch of slivers broke into the door

"Well, what's the situation?" Carter Brown was startled. When the big fat face was upset, he obviously hated other people's good deeds.

But he was dumbfounded when he saw it all

What's going on

Is it possible that the Gambino family has been dealt with?

At the moment when he was surprised, a note came up righteously: "Mr. Carter Brown, because five dangerous terrorists have unanimously claimed that you are their boss, so we need to ask you to go back to the police station for investigation. Please do not resist. You have the right not to Speak but any details in what you say will be included in our investigation file"



An old American **** who wanted to kill Lorraine and the people around Lorraine

Was thrown into jail by Lorraine without a single soldier

Since Carter Brown had a conspiracy in this matter, he couldn't explain it clearly.

If he said that he wanted to kill Lorraine, he would probably be guilty of his crimes. For a while, he won’t be able to get out until his lawyer thinks of a better solution.

So after pacing this kind of trash fish, Lorraine is still working on his own business plan without stopping.

Progress: full progress

And that day Lorraine waited for too long because he would visit his home when he reached the best time for his overall advancement, who had been in the United States but never visited... Han Laosan Han Zhennan


"Oh, get on with it"

A middle-aged American man with blond hair and blue eyes but a somewhat fierce appearance in a super-mansion of Connaught Big, slowly stroking the fur of a Persian cat in his arms, holding a cigar in his hand, nodding to indicate his eyes. Go out


The door was closed. The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and muttered to himself in a deep voice: "A lot of Asian clowns have come."

PS: second more

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