Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 984: The savior is coming!

Under the slaughter, Lorraine felt like a stone falling rapidly.

The more you fall, the heavier it is.

Lorraine could even hear the blurry and slow wind in his ears.

he knows……

My consciousness began to faintly blur.

Zhao Feng's use of this knife was very terrible.

In front of Lorraine, watching Zhao Feng fiercely like a butcher in the night, slashing like a fruit and vegetable, blood is like a blooming fountain, shocking.

What's more terrifying is that Lorraine can't see clearly. The picture before his eyes, the blood, is like a slow motion after Gaussian blurring.

"Could it be...I am going to die here today... Hehe, my goal, in the end... still not achieved..."

What's interesting is that after being chopped with so many knives, Lorraine didn't even feel too much pain. He felt both real and illusory, making him feel that heaven was close at hand.

Oh no.

Lorraine also collected a lot of souls under his hands... Maybe, he would go to hell.

Just like now, he felt that with every cut of Zhao Feng, he seemed to be falling and approaching more and more toward the eighteenth floor of hell.


Lorraine didn't know that he hadn't died yet, mainly because Zhao Feng released the water.

Yes, that's right, Zhao Feng is releasing water.

He looks fierce, but he didn’t want to take Lorraine’s life directly. Instead, he wanted to wipe out all his fighting power as much as possible, so that he could be tortured and tortured. Zhao Feng used it. The drugs and tools used to force a confession were absolutely varied, only unexpected, but none he did not possess.

Seeing that Lorraine was almost cut down, the ability of both legs and hands has been almost restricted. At most, he can only walk slowly. Compared with the speed of Lorraine peak state, it is definitely a snail and cunning rabbit. the difference.

The moon in the sky was always covered by gloomy clouds at first.

But now...

No one noticed that the moon appeared again in the black night sky.

Although, it is the moon.

Although, it is only a faint trace of hazy brilliance.


This is enough to illuminate hope.

Even if it is to illuminate a trace, a little bit of hope.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound.

A short blade gleaming with cold light, with the sound of howling wind, attacked Zhao Feng like a small thunder on the horizon.

And Zhao Feng obviously has a very powerful intuitive reaction ability. When the howling wind rushed toward his ears, he had already made a subconscious counterattack.

Originally, he was still slashing Lorraine's blade frantically, and suddenly it bounced off the flying short blade.


Zhao Feng was taken aback for a moment and couldn't help but blurt out.

In fact, even if it was a sudden attacker, it didn't matter. With Zhao Feng's strength, killing him was.

However, judging from the strength of the flying short blade just now and the tricky point of view... this sudden killer is definitely not an ordinary person.

Is a master.

And he is a master who can definitely match his own strength.

Not easy.

Is this Lorraine's savior?

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Feng felt nervous. He must not let this Lorraine be rescued. Otherwise, would he have to just lose what he was looking for? What if the clue is completely broken? do,.

Therefore, subconsciously, he had to grab Lorraine with one hand to prevent Lorraine from being snatched away.


He seemed to underestimate this person who suddenly struck.

Since this person's method was lower than Zhao Feng's missing, it caused him to predict in advance, but did not have enough time to react quickly.

Lorraine’s eyes were already blurred, but his consciousness was still slightly clearer now, he knew...

For myself, it seems to be turning around.


This person is an enemy or a friend.

What is this person who suddenly appeared for?

Lorraine didn't remember... among the people he knew, there were people with such superb skills...

Oh no.

There is also... a person.

That... the one who kept Lorraine unpredictable.

It was also the only woman who made Lorraine unpredictable...woman.

Beauty woman.

As the thoughts in Lorraine's mind slowly turned, a graceful figure suddenly appeared between Zhao Feng and Lorraine.

And is a graceful, **** and quick figure.

Fast as lightning.

Although it was just an unclear afterimage in the dark night,... Lorraine knew... it was her, who came to save herself.


There was a dull sound.

A heavy blow fell on...

It fell on Lorraine.

Yes, this graceful figure, this glamorous figure familiar and unfamiliar to Lorraine, didn't even attack Zhao Feng, but kicked himself fiercely.

And this foot kicked fiercely on the wound on Lorraine's abdomen, and the pain was intense, one could imagine.

God testified that the current Lorraine was really inexhaustible, except for the face, neck, and body, all were wounds.

Therefore, this kick can only hit Lorraine's wound.

After being kicked fiercely by this kick, Lorraine was kicked out like an off-string arrow, like a kite that got off the line.

And very coincidentally...

Behind the battle in Lorraine, almost four or five meters away, was a hillside.

Oh, by the way, in order to avoid some eyes and ears, Lorraine chose this route of travel, but chose a low hill with a tender body, where there are bushes, so it can be used as a cover.

did not expect……

This unintentionally selected terrain was used by this graceful figure, this inexplicable friend.

Lorraine didn't quite understand at first why this woman would attack herself.

But... when he was thrown out like a kite that got off the line, he understood...this...maybe the only way for this woman to save herself.


Zhao Feng watched Lorraine being kicked in front of his own eyes, and he was a little baffling for a moment.

But seeing Lorraine falling straight down the landslide of the hill, he immediately understood.

Immediately shouted angrily: "Asshole."

As he said, he wanted to rush over.

However, at this time this graceful figure has been blocked in front of his eyes.

And... make an aggressive attack.

"Huh." "Huh." "Huh." "Huh."...

With four consecutive sounds, the woman’s hands projected four flying knives in succession, and shot them in the direction that Zhao Feng might rush past. Invisibly, all the routes that Zhao Feng could find in the current state of action were all shot. Are all sealed.

Because Zhao Feng's obsession to find "Tyrant" was too strong, he did not evade the four daggers wholeheartedly, but was accidentally wiped on his arm by one of the flying knives.

And at the moment he was hit in the arm, he also clearly felt a faint of poison in his blood.

And this feeling made him completely awake.

This sudden master is many times stronger than the previous Lorraine. The state and mentality of disdain for hostility before him is absolutely not to be possessed. Otherwise, he may seem to be comparable to himself in this strength. In the eyes of the enemy, it is really possible for his own life to be explained here.

So, he stopped the mentality of underestimating the enemy almost instantly.

He knew that this time, he was really going to pass "Tyrant" who was about to catch him.

But he also knows that as long as he can survive, there is hope. The other party is Lorraine, but the young master of the Rock family is now a man in business around the world. It is too easy to find his whereabouts. Nevertheless.

Oh, of course, if Lorraine wanted to avoid the pursuit of his master, he would probably plan to retire as soon as possible after returning, so as to avoid the cause of the public and not reveal his whereabouts.

However, Zhao Feng also knew very well that if the monk could not escape the temple, the Luo family had to retreat from the whole family, stay anonymous without asking about the world, and not revealing their whereabouts. It would take some time to prepare. During this time, Zhao Feng would not. Mind starting from the relatives around Lorraine, family members, one by one.

and so……

Now that the goal ran away, let's run away. As long as he can deal with the opponent right now, then... I can continue with the next step.

Judging from the judgment just now, I am afraid that I will have to fight hard.

Because, during the battle with Lorraine just now, he has suffered some skin injuries. Although it was a small injury, the wound was poisonous. After that, he used emergency detoxification potion to remedy it, which inevitably caused some muscles. The damage, and when facing enemies at the same level and level, this small injury can even affect the final result.

As he thought about it quickly in his mind, Zhao Feng quickly took out a bottle of potion again and sprinkled it on the wound he was hit, and again accompanied by the "sizzling" terrifying sound, to corrode and kill the virus. .

"...This is... Nano Antidote,,, this is an organization's high-level combat props that only front-line members are eligible to hold, how could you possibly have it? Your Blade Department is just an employment division."

At this time, the woman saw him using this potion, she couldn't help being stunned.

Oh, know the nano antidote.

It seems that the other party... is his own, and, knowing the existence of nano antidote, 80% is still a person with a high level of authority in the organization.

Zhao Feng frowned, and then he began to look closely at the woman in front of him.

And in the next second, he couldn't help but suddenly realized, this glamorous woman in front of him, with red hair, is not the beauty killer who has recently risen to fame in the Sky Eye organization, Ryu.

This woman has always been fascinating but...

Why would she interfere with her actions this time...

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