The two of them had a long time ago, but the two of them were still very busy.

She turned her head and looked at her tall and handsome son, and her sad heart felt better. Her son was now her only spiritual support.

Zhou Yi felt that her mother was looking at her and gave her a comforting smile.

More than 70 employees of the entire factory, including senior executives, gathered in the employee cafeteria that had been converted into a conference room in the afternoon. Even the employees who were supposed to change shifts showed up at the scene. Since the factory was established, this was the first time that they had gathered in this way, except for the annual meeting.

Zhou Yi, who had never appeared on the chairman's podium, sat in this position with his mother for the first time.

"I think everyone is very clear about the company's current situation. A few days ago, many employees also saw it with their own eyes. Today, I held a general meeting to explain it to everyone openly." Zhou Yun looked around and said sadly.

"I know there are a lot of rumors recently. Some people say that I ran away, and some people say that I was thrown into the Grand Canal by the people of the Di'an Society. Today, here, I hope everyone will go through this life-and-death barrier with me. If you want to leave, I will not force you to stay. Employees who resign now will not be owed any salary, but there will be no severance pay for the time being..." Zhou Yun spoke very slowly, and every time he said a word, his heart felt like a heavy hammer hitting him.

The whispering below gradually became louder, like thousands of bees buzzing.

"I beg you to stay. Although I know this request is unreasonable, because staying means that the company may not be able to pay wages in the future, and staying means dying with the company, but as long as I get through this life-and-death crisis, I will not only make up all the wages, but also give everyone a promotion and salary increase." Zhou Yun stood up and bowed deeply to everyone. Her body trembled slightly, and she was obviously trying her best to control her emotions.


The whole hall suddenly became louder, as if it was about to explode.

"Fuck, this is good news. You must resign at this time. I thought you couldn't get your salary. Maybe you can still solve the problem of offending the Di'an Society. Who is behind the Di'an Society? The Liu family, it's obvious that the Liu family wants to mess with their family..." A short and ugly man in his forties whispered to his friend.

I don't know where he got the news, or whether the Liu family really said it.

The poor and ugly man next to him couldn't help nodding and said, "Yeah, hurry up and leave. You don't know that day I saw the boss being pressed into the toilet to drink urine..." Their voices were very low, but their hearts were so vicious that people shuddered in the hot summer.

"It is said that the female boss used to be a mistress for others. Tsk, tsk, if she makes me feel good once, I will definitely stay and don't want a penny..." An ugly man said obscenely.

In such a difficult situation of the company, although such voices are rare, they still exist.

"Why, why don't you give us compensation when we leave? I have worked here for five years. If you want to compensate me for five months' salary, I will sue him if you give me one less cent. I fell into his trap. Why should we die with him?" A slightly coquettish old lady shouted there, and her hands were missing the necessary melon seeds for gossip.

"That's right, it sounds good, stay and go through life and death together? Just don't pay? The salary is so low at ordinary times, it's really beautiful to think..." Another female employee with a big mouth that can swallow an apple had a little gloating in her eyes.

Of course, people are all human. A young man wearing glasses said to his good brother: "To be honest, the boss treats us well. It doesn't matter if you don't want this money. Whether you leave or not, I decided to stay. If I can't beat the Di'an Society, I'll do what I can."

The young man next to him nodded, his eyes slightly red, and said: "Damn it, I wish I could destroy that damn society for them now. I didn't dare to go that day. It was really embarrassing. It's just a life. Zhou Yi, the second-generation ancestor, is so awesome. We are afraid of nothing! We should have fucked him at that time."

Some voices were so loud that they even reached Zhou Yun's ears. Zhou Yun lowered her head, her shoulders trembled slightly, and quietly wiped away her tears. Then she raised her head and knocked on the microphone. The microphone made a sharp sound, and the noise in the hall stopped.

"Okay, everyone can make a decision. The administrative department will count it." Zhou Yun decided not to delay any longer. She was still facing a life-and-death test, and she had to personally come forward to negotiate with the bank.

The first bird to stick its head out gets shot. No one among those who were talking about it just now proposed to resign. When someone finally started, things were like a flood, and the people who followed the crowd rushed in.

It’s not a bad character.

Bad character, the building is about to collapse, it is better to find another way out than to sit and wait for death.

Especially the mother and son on the podium, the woman seemed to be crying with her face covered, and the son, who was called the second generation ancestor, watched all this silently, as if he was scared.

The family is the kind that is easier to bully. For the sake of resignation compensation, they have forgotten the style of Zhou Yi beating up the members of the Di'an Society a few days ago.

The leadership team is also in a posture of evacuating and escaping, and some people are even more excessive, fanning the flames: compensation, mental damage and other demands all popped up.

Since ancient times, good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone.

The more busy, the more people will add insult to injury.

"Hey, sister, is your family a vegetable market?" A discordant voice sounded abruptly, and the buzzing sound in the hall was suppressed by her voice alone, which shows her skill.

Following the source of the voice, a 151-pound fat woman walked in. She looked like Maitreya, with a friendly smile and an exaggerated and festive voice.

Zhou Yun stood up suddenly, her face suddenly changed and said: "Wang Shuiqin, you still dare to come?"

It was this woman in front of her. She was once her best friend. She said she would introduce her to a reliable bridge company. Unexpectedly, this extremely formal lending company was actually backed by the notorious Di'an Society that everyone avoided like a snake and scorpion.

"Sister, look at what you said, why don't I dare to come? I'm here to bring warmth. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, and Mr. Zheng next door are all here. Everyone cares about you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several people came in one after another. The old man with greasy hair that couldn't stand a fly was the so-called Mr. Zhang. He walked in front, looking around like he was walking on the red carpet. Behind him was a large group of people, coming aggressively and with an amazing formation.

Outside the employee cafeteria, it was like a small auto show at this time, with Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz gathered in groups.

These people seemed to be there to set off the crowd. When they separated on both sides and left a path in the middle, a man in tight clothes walked in. With every step he took, his aura seemed to be stronger. He had a temperament of contempt for the whole audience.

"Liu Zhenbei!" In the crowd, a senior executive of Yiheng Company recognized the man and couldn't help but whisper.

The sound spread like a plague. For a moment, the hall, which was buzzing just now, was silent.

There are four kings in the Liu family. Liu Zhenbei is the youngest. He is different from his brothers. He likes to enjoy the rivers and lakes. It is said that he worshipped a master when he was a child and beat Dragon City with his fists. He is definitely a top brother in the way of Dragon City.

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