The old man was so angry that he couldn't even see the car.

"Don't smash it! Don't smash it!" Seeing his BMW quickly turned into scrap metal, Mr. Zhang was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe. His old face was almost covered with wrinkles. How could he be as rosy as when he first came?

The usual hatred of the rich made these twenty people release the devil in their hearts. There was even a young man who found a sledgehammer from somewhere and smashed it vigorously, as if he had endless strength.

Promotion and salary increase are just around the corner!

And the group of employees who were forced to leave the factory within a limited time, looked back every step, and were temporarily obsessed with the devil. The salary that doubled and doubled was gone just like that!

One of the old ladies no longer had the heart to eat melon seeds. She was thinking, when will she go back to beg the boss lady? Although the second-generation rich man is a devil, the boss lady is still easy to talk to!

Liu Zhenbei was carried out of the gate by the bodyguards with crippled hands and legs. Countless people pointed and talked along the way, and he just pretended to faint.

Liu Zhenbei has dominated Longcheng for so long, and he has never been so embarrassed in his life!

Zhou Yi turned a blind eye to the enthusiastic car smashing scene in front of him, and smiled and said to Liu Mulan: "Sister Mulan, I still need to trouble you for the mess behind."

Liu Mulan pretended to be angry and said: "Don't say such polite words in the future. I will treat you to dinner another day, and you must come."

Liu Mulan looked at the little boy in front of him, who was decisive in killing. When he beat people, he was like a devil descending, and when he smashed the car, he was as light as the clouds and the wind. At this moment, he was talking and laughing, and he became more and more a mystery.

All of these people who followed Liu Mulan were smart. They just watched a good show for free. At this moment, Zhou Yi and his mother were more important to them, and they all came to build relationships.

Seeing Zhou Yun's expression, Liu Mulan knew that they must have something to say. After the rules were set, the contract and cooperation would be discussed in detail another day, and she was ready to leave.

Zhou Yi also stood up and said, "Mom, I'll see Sister Mulan off."

Zhou Yun nodded and was ready to stand up to see her off, but Zhou Yi pressed her down on the stool.

Zhou Yun looked at her son's tall and straight back as he walked away, and a face that hadn't appeared in many years came into her mind in a trance...

"Xiao Yi, what are your plans next? This time, the Liu family will not give up. You and Aunt Zhou should be careful." Liu Mulan and the third son of the Liu family have always been in a competitive relationship, but after today, it is a situation of life and death. The Liu family is in Longcheng, and she is still a little worried in her heart. She doesn't know what Liu Lao Si, who regards face as more important than life, will do next.

"Next? Next I'm going to school." Zhou Yi turned his head and looked at Liu Mulan and smiled.

Liu Mulan's steps could not help but stagnate, and she turned her head to look at Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi's smile was very contagious, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. Liu Mulan exhaled lightly, suddenly laughed, and continued to walk out the door. The driver in the car behind was shocked to see the boss chatting and laughing with the teenager, driving the car at a snail's pace from the heart.

"I forgot that you are a senior high school student." Liu Mulan seemed to be a little annoyed when she thought of this.

"Sister Mulan, go back and tell me what conditions I need to turn the Liu family's four golden men into four lonely souls. I will find out all the dirty things behind the Liu family, and I will come up with enough chips to exchange." Zhou Yi said this at the door, waiting for Liu Mulan to get in the car.

Liu Mulan was quiet for a while, and changed the subject: "Xiaoyi, don't go to school, come and help me run the company..."

Zhou Yi rarely joked: "When I'm tired of studying and don't want to work hard, I'll find Sister Mulan..."

Liu Mulan blushed, the car window slowly rolled up, and she continued: "Let Aunt Zhou stay at my place for a few days, I want to discuss the articles of association of the joint venture with her."

Zhou Yi felt a little funny that Sister Zhou became Aunt Zhou, but he didn't point it out. Feeling her kindness, he nodded and waved to her.

On the way, Liu Mulan said to the middle-aged man who had been following her in silence and looked like a fairy: "Old Wu, you took the initiative to come with me, but you didn't say a word. Are you practicing silent meditation?"

The middle-aged man called Old Wu laughed: "Since you asked me to speak, I will say a few words, but what I say is metaphysics, you young people won't believe it..."

"This young man went to my store to buy medicine last time. Gao Shan paid for the millions of medicines. Gao Shan kowtowed to him and asked to be his disciple, but he didn't agree. However, he gave Gao Shan a copy of "Tai Xuan Thirteen Styles". Of course, if he didn't

Gao Shan practiced too seriously. He didn't notice me when I walked in front of him, and I wouldn't know this. If I were to evaluate him, it would not be an exaggeration to call him a master..." Old Wu only said half of his words. Some of his words involved Gao Shan's privacy, so he was not suitable to say them.

"Ah? "Liu Mulan didn't expect that what Wu Lao said was such a mysterious thing. For a moment, the mystery in her heart increased a lot.


"Mom, I didn't know that Sister Mulan was coming. Later, I knew that I didn't tell you because you were too soft-hearted. I wanted to fire those employees a long time ago..." The factory returned to peace. Zhou Yi handed the tissue to his mother, secretly blaming himself for making her cry again.

Then he made up a lie about how he happened to meet Li Wenzhong's family and Liu Mulan, as well as the new "anti-aging" prescription and his martial arts, which others would not believe, but his mother would definitely believe.

Zhou Yun looked at the so-called "anti-aging pill" in her hand, and her brain was a little out of order. Everything Zhou Yi said was like talking about the Book of Heaven. However, it is true that his son seems to be more promising than before.

Seeing that she still wanted to delve deeper, Zhou Yi had to change the subject and said, "Mom, Sister Mulan invited you to stay for a few days these days. It's safe there, so you can hide away. ”

“Don’t worry about me. You’ve seen my skills. I’ll be careful. I’m going back to school. I’ve been delayed for so long. I wonder if I can catch up with the courses?” Zhou Yi didn’t wait for Zhou Yun to ask, and told them their plans first.

“Go to school?” Zhou Yun was stunned. What happened in the past few days made her almost forget that her son was still a senior high school student. She was even more relieved in her heart. Her son had indeed changed. His previous catchphrase was that whoever went to school was a bastard. He was a second-generation ancestor, skipping classes, fighting, and scolding teachers. I didn’t know how many times he said good things in school and how many times he worked to avoid being expelled.

Now, he wants to go to school on his own initiative?

The reason why Zhou Yi wants to go back to school is not to play a drama of an immortal on campus. In his previous life, his mother wanted him to study hard and get into a university. Ideal university, but until the moment she passed away, her child was still a naughty second-generation rich. In addition, it is equally important to get into the university where his wife is, meet her earlier, and make up for the regrets of the previous life. It must be a very warm thing.

Zhou Yi thought of his wife in the previous life and couldn't help but smile gently.

In addition, of course, he still had to solve a "small matter", which was also a knot in his heart in the previous life. He was knocked unconscious in the battle to defend the "school beauty", which led to the beginning of the tragedy in the previous life. Who is directing all this? What conspiracy is behind it?

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