The sea was still clear, and the water was still flowing.

The figure was actually using the waves as his spine to push the waves forward.

The black spot was getting bigger and bigger. A tall old man, wearing a brocade robe and carrying a long sword, stood on the waves of the sea, getting closer and closer in everyone's sight.

When he approached the cliff side of Lingshan Island, he walked leisurely, parallel to the sea level, and walked towards the top in a very calm manner, as if the gravity had no effect on him at all.

When he reached the top, Qi Fuyun stood still, like a javelin between heaven and earth, his brocade robe fluttering in the wind, like a fairy.

"Old Qi is worthy of being the sixth top figure on the Conferred God List! If I can reach this level one day, it would be worth it to die immediately." A martial arts giant saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh.

"Flying through the air, standing on the water as a wall! He is really worthy of being a god. I wonder who that young Zhou Yi is, and how dare he accept this letter of challenge." A man in a Taoist robe sighed.

"Young Zhou Yi? Haven't you heard of the name of Yi Tian Lao Mo?" A female cultivator in a brocade robe sneered.

"Is it him?" The man in the Taoist robe immediately shut up.

Although the name of Yi Tian Lao Mo has only recently risen in Dragon Country, it is like a dazzling red sun, and no one dares to look directly at it!

"So what? The Dragon Sect is just a small, semi-hidden sect, and the Demon Sect is just a rumor. The old immortal Qi is a land immortal that everyone in the world is looking forward to. The immortal Qi can destroy the Demon Sect with one sword! Killing Zhou Yi is like killing a chicken or a dog!" The man in brown tights sneered.

"That's right, the old immortal Qi can kill this little thief in a snap of his fingers!" Some people simply bow down to the established forces and suppress the newly rising forces in every possible way.

"I bet a small pill that the old Qi will beat Zhou Yi to pieces."

"If you dare to say a word about my master again, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks. Do you believe it?" A young man in the distance heard the words and said coldly. It was Xuanyuan Haotian who came down from the Dragon Soul of the Central Plains.

"You yawn, you are so arrogant. If you keep making noise, I will chop off your head with a knife." The man in brown tights said dissatisfiedly.

"What, Zhou Yi is your master?" The man in brown clothes was suddenly stunned. He was just talking so fast that he didn't realize the concept of master.

In an instant, he stopped talking and left Xuanyuan Haotian in shame.

The disciple of the immortal on land? If you can avoid it, try not to provoke it!


"Here it comes!" Someone shouted.

In the distance, a lone boat was floating on the vast ocean!

The lone boat was getting closer and closer, and the handsome young man in Taoist robes standing proudly on the bow could be seen clearly. His handsome face like a demon made people's hearts beat.

Beside him, a beautiful girl stood on the bow with him like a little adult.

This strange combination was like a Category 14 hurricane, blowing on everyone's heart.

"It's him, Zhou Yi is here!"

"Oh my god, he's so young, a land immortal under 20 years old, it's unprecedented in China Dragon Country!" Many people who had never seen Zhou Yi almost thought they had seen it wrong, was that the old devil Yi Tian on the boat?

"So handsome! He's more like a movie star, but he's actually a land immortal who can fight Qi Fuyun, it's incredible." A little nun covered her mouth and stood behind her master, surprised.

A female Taoist priest felt weak all over, trembling all over, wet and uncomfortable, obviously attracted by Zhou Yi's unparalleled charm, there is such a handsome land immortal in the world?

"Oh my god!"

"I really feel like I can't breathe. That's a land immortal. I didn't expect that I could see the fight between land immortals in my lifetime. They won't fight for three days and three nights, right?" The head of the Yue family, a martial arts family in Penglai, was as excited as a football fan seeing Messi and Ronaldo.

"This Zhou Yi is just so-so. He doesn't fly in the air like the immortal Qi. He doesn't have any magical means. He will definitely be killed in a minute!" A sixth-grade magic master commented.

"It's him. I laughed at him for being only a second-grade immortal. I'm really a frog in the well!" Thunder God Jiang Tianjun of the Shenxiao Sect looked at Zhou Yi, who stood on the bow like a fairy, and smiled bitterly.

Beside him, the lightning mother Zhu Pei Niang was also extremely shocked!

She knew it was Zhou Yi, but she still couldn't believe it at this moment! Such a young land immortal broke the entire Chinese practice


"Although Zhou Yi defeated Ashiya Doman at that time, it is rumored that Ashiya Doman had just entered the Spirit King realm, while Qi Fuyun had been immersed in the lower three realms of the land immortals for many years. It is really hard to determine who will win or lose in this battle." Yu Xiangzi of the Xiaoxiang Ancient Sword School said solemnly. Zhou Yi once saved his life in front of the Heaven and Earth Death Formation. He hoped that Zhou Yi would win in his heart.

"I, Wang Daoxuan, have no regrets in my life knowing Master Zhou Yi!" Wang Daoxuan, who tried every means to squeeze in to watch the battle, smiled bitterly.

He still remembered the scene when he first saw Zhou Yi. At that time, he could still be on par with Zhou Yi. In just less than a year, the young man had already entered the land immortal, and although he was instructed by him, he was still floating in the realm of transformation. The gap in life was so terrifying!

Xu Beiquan, Zhang Shiyuan from Longhu Mountain, and Kong Xin from Buddhism also came from all over this time... They were no exception. Once, they also worked side by side with Zhou Yi. In just a short time, this young man has become a land immortal. How could they not be shocked and moved?

I just hope that the young man will continue his miracle. After all, the enemy he faces is the sixth super terrifying existence in the Conferred God List.

For him, this must be a long and hard battle!

"Friend Yi Tian, ​​you are late. Do you want to drink a glass of wine?" Finally, Qi Fuyun spoke.

The two of them were facing each other from a distance, one on the top of the mountain and the other on a small boat.

After Qi Fuyun said this, he moved his hand, and a wave suddenly rose on the sea. Under the control of pure internal energy, the wave turned into a three-person-high water wine glass.

The wine glass tilted slightly, and the water kept flowing!


This immortal pouring wine shocked everyone present.

"Fuck, look at Zhou Yi, isn't he scared silly?" A Qi family vassal warrior shouted excitedly.

"My God, how pure is the control of internal energy! There can't be any mistakes, the earthly immortals are so terrifying!" A martial arts master said in shock.

"Friend Yi Tian, ​​don't you want to drink a glass of wine?" Qi Fuyun snorted coldly, pressed his palm down, and in the air, a large handprint condensed from internal energy into substance, like a black cloud, enveloped Zhou Yi's sky!

Heaven-turning Seal!

Qi Fuyun's most powerful skill, the most powerful move in the Heaven-turning Palm.

Looking at the big palm that seemed to be real, like copper and iron, many people couldn't help but feel endless chills in their hearts. This palm slapped down, wouldn't it be directly slapped to pieces?

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