The gunshot was fired, and the gun was fired.

"Bang!" The deafening sound spread to every corner of the room.

Liu Zhenxi suppressed his anger and panic and pulled the trigger.

Go to hell! He was roaring in his heart!

But the next moment, his hands shook involuntarily, and the whole person seemed to be stunned.

The man in black in front of him just slightly turned sideways and dodged the bullet!

He actually dodged the bullet?

His heart suddenly seemed to be severely imprisoned by iron wire, and a huge panic enveloped him.

"Bang! Bang!" He trembled and fired two more shots.

But he saw the man in front of him swaying left and right, and in a flash he was in front of him, and in an instant, the gun was in his hand.

A huge amount of money was spent on the soundproofing of the room. Even so, in the quiet night, the sound of gunfire could still be heard from a long distance, but in peacetime, no one thought it was gunfire.

Zhou Yi turned the butt of the gun upside down and smashed it on Liu Zhenxi's head. One of his eyes was sunken and he lay on the sofa wailing in pain.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The woman, who was frightened by the scene in front of her, screamed at this time.

Screaming is a woman's privilege.

The man in black was Zhou Yi.

The black muzzle of the gun was facing Liu Zhenxi, and his hand moved slightly, as if he was about to pull the trigger.

Liu Zhenxi didn't care about the pain and pulled the woman in front of him to block himself!

This action made the woman suddenly face death at close range. The screams disappeared immediately, and unspeakable fear and pain surged in her heart. The man she loved and admired the most pushed her to the muzzle of the gun.

Liu Zhenxi didn't hear the gunshot for a long time, only heard a faint voice: "I ask, you answer, a lie in exchange for a hole in your body, you can try the consequences of lying."

Liu Zhenxi covered his eyes with one hand and said hoarsely: "You are good at fighting, why do you have to take the road of robbery? Follow me in the future, you can have everything you want, countless money and beauties, power above millions of people..." Obviously, at this time, Liu Zhenxi still hopes to stabilize the person in front of him who is unidentified but can dodge bullets with words.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! I say, I will say everything!" Liu Zhenxi's whole body was shaking like a sieve, and the little dignity he had just had completely disappeared. He looked at the bloody hole on his foot with tears and almost fainted from the pain.

In the quiet night, one or two wails and muffled sounds were heard occasionally.

After a long time, the man in black disappeared in the night and rushed to the next location.

In a wealthy family on the outskirts of Longcheng, four white, wolf-like Argentine Dogo dogs were patrolling back and forth.

Suddenly, their hair stood up. However, strangely, the Argentine Dogo, known for its ferocity, did not bar its fangs and roar as usual, but instead knelt on the ground in fear.

When the midday sun shone in, Liu Zhenbei woke up suddenly. He found himself lying on the bed and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Last night, he had a nightmare. In the dream, he was tied up and stuck on the train track not far from home. He watched the train approaching, and his face turned pale, and he breathed as if he was short of oxygen. His heart beat violently, and he was so scared that his liver and gallbladder were broken.

When the train was only a few centimeters away from his head, he was finally so scared that he couldn't help but urinate and shit, and he screamed in his dying state.

He had sent many enemies onto the train tracks, looked at their desperate eyes, begged faces, and watched the final debris fly away and screamed excitedly. Now it was his turn, and he finally understood the feeling of being on the verge of death.

The train brushed past his scalp. He gasped heavily, and he felt exhausted after surviving a disaster.

Then, he was put on the track again, and a voice sounded faintly in his ears: "Where is the evidence of the evil you have done over the years? Recount it one by one. Otherwise, you won't be so lucky next time."

In fear, as if he was bewitched by something, Liu Zhenbei remembered that he had said a lot, and recalled the evil he had done over the years in detail. Who was buried in the barren mountain, how many cement piers were there in the depths of the ancient canal...

He stretched his body and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, all this was just a dream.


What did his hand touch? Cool and slippery.

He pulled his hand out of the cotton quilt, and the scarlet blood almost blinded his eyes.

He suddenly opened the silk quilt and found

He found himself in a pool of blood. His beloved four wolf-like Dogo Argentinos, which occasionally gnawed on human bones and drank human blood, had already bled dry. They opened their eyes wide and seemed to be still looking at him.

He shrank back in fear, but found that he was half a foot shorter. His legs were broken at the knees. The strange thing was that he didn't feel any pain at all.

The two sleeping bodyguards woke up after hearing the crazy roar. When they came in and saw the blood all over the ground, they were completely stunned.

At this time, Zhou Yi was lying on a recliner in the middle of an antique courtyard, looking at the sky leisurely. In front of him, two beautiful women were watching the pictures on the computer. The expressions on their faces were quite wonderful. Shock, anger, shyness, and other expressions kept changing on their faces.

Li Bancheng, who had been silent all the time, finally raised his head and said in a hoarse voice: "How did you get these?"

At this moment, he looked at the young man in front of him, and the shock in his heart was imaginable.

How could this boy be so terrifying?

How did he get so much evidence of bribery? How did he know every evil deed of the Liu family?

Among the many documents on the table, there are countless pieces of evidence that can bring down the Liu family. If they knew about these evidences, not only the enemies of the Liu family, but also the backers of the Liu family would wish them dead, right?

A diary, recording countless details!

A mobile hard drive is full of unbearable pictures of sanctimonious people under the camera.

And these unbearable people, after putting on clothes, look sanctimonious again, and even nod to each other occasionally in the bureau.

The laptop actually contains some scenes of torture and killing recorded by them when they were doing evil.

The recording of the recorder is jaw-dropping.

If these evidences appear anonymously, there may be no follow-up. If someone reports them in real name, then this person may disappear forever.

However, if it is in Li Bancheng's hands, as long as he is willing, the energy that explodes can shake the entire Longcheng.

Is the boy in front of him worthy? Is he worth it?

Zhou Yi looked at the shocked Li Bancheng and did not answer him. He just looked up at the sky and said lightly: "The wind is blowing..."

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