After this battle, Zhou Yi completely returned to school. He studied during the day and practiced at night. The thin spiritual energy in the school was quickly absorbed by him, and this strand of spiritual energy was transformed into a rotating true essence. One hundred turns, two hundred turns! A full eight hundred turns of true essence filled his body.

Former Emperor Yi Tian, ​​retaking the Qi training stage is like a college student retaking the first grade of elementary school. He will not take the slightest detour.

At the first level of Qi training, the strength of one bull, now Zhou Yi has the strength of eight bulls.

Zhou Yi's life is like a calm lake, while the lives of others are like undercurrents at the bottom of the lake.

Li Bancheng was furious and used thunderous means to attack the Liu family, even breaking some of the rules on the surface and killing the Liu family! To do this, he needed to pay a huge amount of connections and share the fruits of the Liu family's demise with everyone. During this period, it was rare that he did not come to disturb Zhou Yi. However, Li Bancheng's daughter Li Qingzhi called Zhou Yi several times to invite Zhou Yi to dinner, but was politely rejected.

Li Qingzhi was somewhat resentful and even wanted to cry because of the rejection. She had so many suitors, but when had she been rejected so coldly? If it weren't for her mother's nagging to let her call, if it weren't for her asking him to treat her spider nevus, she would have lost her temper long ago, hum!

But thinking about his all-powerful skills, the little girl blushed again. She quietly stuck out her tongue and called again.

Liu Mulan didn't come to bother her during this period.

While she was busy harvesting Liu Laosan's medical capital, she injected 50 million yuan to revitalize Yiheng Pharmaceutical, and at the same time, she spent a "huge amount of money" to acquire the Putian hospital, which was also converted into a beauty hospital.

Liu Mulan looked down on the world in front of outsiders, but in front of Zhou Yun, she was as obedient as a newly married young wife. After seeing Zhou Yi's all-powerful means, Liu Mulan only followed Zhou Yun's lead.

So good that Zhou Yun was a little terrified. Zhou Yun sometimes whispered a few words to her son, and Zhou Yi just smiled. It felt so good to have his mother nagging around him!

From his mother's nagging and the occasional messages from Liu Mulan, Zhou Yi had a deep understanding of the turmoil in Longcheng's pharmaceutical industry.

Although the merged pharmaceutical company has not really reopened, and the beauty and beauty pills improved from Zhou Yi's prescriptions cannot be put on the market for sale, it has already set off a storm, especially in the eyes of beauty-loving ladies, this is a well-deserved elixir.

Liu Mulan accelerated the application process. She knew that when these drugs were officially launched, she would have a pivotal position in the entire Chinese pharmaceutical industry.

Unlike Zhou Yun's womanly kindness, Liu Mulan directly plundered several pharmaceutical factories around Yiheng Pharmaceuticals with almost free money. It was Zhou Yun's plea to let them leave the house.

Wang Shuiqin, who used to weigh 151 pounds, has become only 101 pounds. Several Zhangs and Zhengs who used to appear in Yiheng Pharmaceuticals either owed a lot of gambling debts or their pharmaceutical companies were investigated continuously and eventually went bankrupt and liquidated.

The endings were all very sad.

Yiheng Pharmaceuticals tore down the former walls and accommodated all the surrounding pharmaceutical factories. The original employees in the surrounding factories thought that the sky was about to fall, and everyone was panicked. Unexpectedly, although the sky fell, it was just replaced by another sky, and their lives were better.

In the medical map of Longcheng, Liu Mulan's position as the queen is becoming more and more stable, and Zhou Yun, a woman who is on equal footing with Liu Mulan everywhere, and even has a higher status than Liu Mulan, has caused countless speculations.

During this time, Zhou Yi finally experienced the real life of a senior high school student. There was no so-called trembling love from a female teacher with a perfect figure, and no TV drama plot of several women chasing one man. Everything was plain and safe.

The countdown on the blackboard was like a spell to urge death, and everyone could only run desperately like a clockwork.

Even if the sound of morning reading around was noisy, Zhou Yi could quietly "print" all the knowledge.

In several mock exams, Zhou Yi just read and wrote at a glance, and kept a score that was neither too high nor too low. It was not that he wanted to pretend to be Boyi, but he thought that these exams had no meaning to him at all.

In his case, the teachers could not give up on him, nor could they say how much they cared about him. There were too many such mediocre students.

When the countdown days were only in the single digits, when there were only a few classes left, even the teachers became gentle.

The math teacher who was always called a witch saw a female student in her

slept in the class, she stopped other students from waking up the girl, and put a special battery-powered fan next to the girl. The girl's fine sweat was blown away by the wind, as if all her troubles were blown away.

The chemistry teacher, who had a coffin face all day, rarely did not teach chemistry in his last class, but told a crosstalk, which made the children laugh. When there were five minutes left before the class ended, the chemistry teacher put away the tools neatly and gently said: "Children, get out of class is about to end. This is the last class between us. The teacher will never have the opportunity to delay the class again. You are the best students I have ever taught. Thank you for your company in the past three years!" It was not very sentimental, but many students cried. When the bell rang, the chemistry teacher turned around and left, but his steps were very slow, very slow.

This breath of youth, this most beautiful time that will be sad for many years, just like this, slowly walked away, gathered together as a ball of fire, scattered as a sky full of stars, and the third year of high school ended just like that.

In Zhou Yi's inner demon, the college entrance examination was also a small obsession of Zhou Yi. He didn't want to see his mother's expression of envy when she heard the results of other children. In the first half month of Zhou Yi's college entrance examination, Zhou Yun prepared various nutritious meals for her son without distraction. She never mentioned business matters in her nagging. She knew that her son's grades were not good, and she comforted him softly, saying that as long as you work hard, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam. Zhou Yi enjoyed his mother's nagging and nodded in response. It was rare to feel a little fortunate in my heart: when my mother knows my results, she should be very happy. The song "The Sun Always Comes After the Rain" was played in the examination room. It should have been an inspirational song, but it made many students feel sad. These two days were torture and a new life. Three days, the days when I couldn't pretend to be Boyi passed in the blink of an eye. The college entrance examination is over! Zhou Yun didn't ask about Zhou Yi's grades, and told him to have fun during the holiday.

Her son's recent transformation made her no longer expect too much.

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