The old man retired from the power system, and his students and former officials are all over China. The Jiang family has seven sons, Jiang Shan is the third, and the eldest son now takes over the old man's job, shining in the power system and has a high position at the department level.

The second son is also a big official in the city.

The other brothers are also amazing.

The sixth and seventh sons are twins, but their hobbies are completely different. The sixth son has been obsessed with Taoism since he was a child. Now, he has been away for more than ten years and has disappeared. It is unknown whether he is dead or alive.

On the contrary, the youngest son, the seventh son, although the youngest, is now the backbone of the Jiang family.

He has never been involved in politics or business since he was a child, but only loves the military. In particular, he learned the ancient martial arts since he was a child and has the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth. Even Jiang Shan does not know the strength of this mysterious brother now.

He only knows that his seventh brother is now a special operations staff officer of the mysterious army Dragon Soul, with the rank of colonel!

An existence that countless people look up to but cannot look up to in their lifetime.

Although this is the result of the accumulation of resources of the entire Jiang family, it is also due to his own efforts.

Jiang Shan is respectful to Zhou Yi. If others see it, they will be shocked, but between the two of them, it is common.

At this moment, Zhou Yi regained his coldness, with two completely different personalities in school and outside of school.

"Three pills and a protective jade talisman, you can choose one, which is equivalent to your ginseng." Zhou Yi took out the pill and the protective jade talisman and said straight to the point.

Yi Tianxianzun, do not owe favors.

Jiang Shan was pleasantly surprised, because he knew that what Zhou Yi gave him was definitely not an ordinary item, and it was definitely a treasure worth more than 500 million.

Faced with the temptation of choosing one of the two, he, who had always been used to the ups and downs, hesitated at this moment.

He didn't know how to choose.

"The protective jade talisman, if worn on your body, can save your life three times, no matter it is a knife, a gun, a stick, a flood or a fire, it can protect you." Zhou Yi said lightly.

"I once fired seven shots at Long Wanli. The bullets were half a meter away from him and could not get an inch."

Jiang Shan was shocked, how could this be possible?

Not afraid of bullets?

But Master Zhou would never lie.

It was indeed the Master's method!

Thinking about it, it was fortunate that he made the right bet and gave away the ginseng to win recognition. Otherwise, with his attitude towards Zhou Yi at Xiaogu Mountain at that time, it is estimated that he would never be able to get close to him in this life, and it is very likely that he would have made a powerful enemy for his family.

"Three pills, if a mortal swallows them, his body functions will return to the peak period, and if a warrior swallows them, he can break through the shackles of martial arts..." Zhou Yi did not urge him, and let him choose.

When he heard that he could break through the shackles of martial artists, his eyes lit up, and he immediately decided to choose pills.

Zhou Yi nodded and put away the protective jade talisman.

"Master, I came here this time not for pills and magic weapons, but because of what you gave me, I dare not refuse." Jiang Shan did not leave, but made a gesture to urge him to talk for a long time.

Zhou Yi did not say anything, and listened to what he said next.

"Master, do you know about the Dragon Soul of China!"

Jiang Shan saw that Zhou Yi was not surprised, but was willing to listen. He was greatly encouraged and continued: "China has five special war zones. As the only highest joint combat command organization in the strategic direction, it performs the joint combat command function in accordance with the requirements of peacetime and wartime integration, normal operation, specialization, efficiency and efficiency, and undertakes the mission of responding to security threats in this strategic direction, maintaining peace, containing wars, and winning wars."

"And the Dragon Soul is selected from the elite special forces in each war zone. It is the ace among the trump cards. 's trump card. "

"Internal members can go anywhere, and they are omnipotent. They are warriors dancing on the edge of a knife, the most mysterious troops, and they carry out the most difficult tasks in China. "

"The country has also devoted all its efforts to their training, and the money spent on each person may range from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. Among them are those with natural supernatural powers, supernatural warriors, and masters of transformation, all of whom are top figures in China. "

"They defend their country, and they will appear first wherever the danger is the most..."

"What about the Red Shield Bureau?" Zhou Yi suddenly asked.

"Red Shield Bureau?"

Jiang Shan didn't expect Zhou Yi to know about the Red Shield Bureau, and immediately said: "I know a thing or two about this. If the Dragon Soul is one in a million, then the Red Shield Bureau is the result of the Dragon Soul being one in a million."

"The Red Shield Bureau is no longer part of the military sequence, but a top national secret. They have transcended the secular world, suppressing foreign supernatural evil organizations and suppressing evil warriors internally."

"Being detached from the world and striving to protect the safety of the country..." Jiang Shan actually knew a thing or two, and he didn't know anything deeper.


Zhou Yi nodded. If you talk to him about economy and politics, he will definitely disdain to listen. However, Zhou Yi might as well listen to the world of martial arts.

After so much preparation, Jiang Shan finally got to the point.

He said seriously: "Master Zhou, my seventh brother is now the consultant of the Dragon Soul East Special Zone. In a month, my seventh brother will return home for a few days. Then I would like to ask Master Xian to meet my seventh brother."

Zhou Yi said lightly: "Let it be."

Zhou Yi is issuing an order to expel him.

Listening to the words and the tone, Jiang Shan instantly heard that Zhou Yi was not interested.

He had no choice but to continue to plead at the risk of offending Zhou Yi: "Master Zhou, you came here this time to ask my seventh brother to recommend you to be the chief instructor of Dragon Soul in the East Special Zone. My seventh brother's recommendation is meritorious, and his future will be further advanced. As a chief instructor, the lowest level is also a colonel. If you perform outstandingly, you will be awarded the rank of major general, and the family will be blessed and prosperous forever!"

"It's a win-win situation."

He said directly.

When his seventh brother, who held an important position in Dragon Soul, told him that the chief instructor of the East Special Zone had been missing for two years, and there had been no suitable candidate, resulting in the East Special Zone being at the bottom of the Dragon Soul annual competition for two consecutive years.

He was sensitive and realized that this was an opportunity!

He thought of a person, a person with the ability to see through the world! That was Zhou Yi.

In order to find out Zhou Yi's background, he actually put aside his grudges with his lover in his youth and half-life enemy Li Bancheng and became friends. Moreover, he secretly investigated Zhou Yi for a long time.

"I said, let it be!" Zhou Yi said coldly.

Why should the Immortal Emperor Yi Tian, ​​who once suppressed an era and overlooked the myriad races in the starry sky, protect his family?

With his current strength, other weapons, as long as they are not the ultimate weapons, are already difficult to hurt Zhou Yi.

Of course, he will not rashly challenge the state machine. Once an opposition is formed, the whole of China will be devastated and blood will flow like a river. The cause and effect that Zhou Yi will bear will inevitably increase several times.

This is also what Zhou Yi does not want to see.

However, if someone challenges his reverse scale, everything will be different.

Jiang Shan did not expect that he said so clearly, but Zhou Yi was not moved at all. If others had this opportunity, they would definitely climb up along the pole long ago.

The actions of immortals are indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Jiang Shan smiled bitterly and said goodbye.

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