Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4066 Self-Redemption

Those flashing pictures made Luo Chen puzzled, and at the same time, they seemed to reveal the truth to Luo Chen.

Perhaps back then, after Queen Xi gave birth to the fifth prince, the news spread like wildfire, but Queen Xi's clan did not go to congratulate Queen Xi!

After all, dreams are reversed!

At that time, the people of Xihou were also dissatisfied, and for some reason, all the people of Xihou were killed!

This may be what really happened after the birth of the fifth prince, but now, it is just a sweet dream of the fifth prince.

His birth made the Xihou family very happy.

This is a dream!

A sweet dream.

These people cheered and celebrated here for three consecutive days and three nights!

Everyone seems to be happy about the birth of the fifth prince.

Luo Chen has been thinking for the past three days, what is the meaning of such a dream just to fulfill his own dream?

Once you start controlling dreams, the fifth prince can do whatever he wants!

Doing so seems to make no sense at all.

But soon Luo Chen got the answer!

Because one afternoon three days later, several of them whispered.

"I heard that the baby that Queen Xi gave birth to was not a normal baby."


"Not a normal baby?"

"It is said to be a disaster star. The Eternal Court has been covering this baby and not letting anyone get close to it."

"No way, Queen Xi is fine!"

"But there is a problem with killing you!"

"Don't you think the way Shajun looks at Xihou every time is wrong?"

"Maybe there's something unclear between him and Empress Xi!"

"I heard that the Eternal Court has the same idea, and now Emperor Killer is under house arrest!" Several older people chattered together.

Others heard about it and began to spread the word and ask questions.

"I can't perfectly control my dreams, so will my dreams eventually turn into nightmares?" Luo Chen wondered again.

"I heard that Emperor Killer is now in a very dangerous situation. He went to find the child, but was blocked from the door, and then had a conflict with the emperor of the Eternal Court of Humanity!"

"How dare he?"

"The queen married the emperor in order to protect us. Isn't he afraid of angering the emperor and venting his anger on us?" someone else said.

"And if that child has nothing to do with him, why does he have to see that child?"

"Hush, please don't let these words of ours reach the ears of the Eternal Family!"

"These words are coming from the eternal human court."

"Qing is here, please stop talking!"

At this moment, above the head, a woman passed by in the sky!

Her eyes were cold, and there was an icy aura all over her body.

Luo Chen looked up and found that Qing didn't seem to be the king yet!

At this moment, Qing seemed to be just fighting to cross the seventh level.

No wonder Qing has some special feelings for the fifth prince.

After Qing flew away from high altitude, the people below started talking.

"Then what do we do?"

"A monster is born now. Will the Eternal Court of Justice punish us? Or let's run away!"

"Otherwise, if the people of Eternal Human Court are angry with us, won't they kill us all?"

Someone suggested it and we have been discussing it!

Luo Chen was not surprised. People in the First Era cannot look at it from the worldly perspective of later generations.

Because of the secular world in later generations, education has been popularized, but there will still be a lot of valuables!

Many people in the First Era did not even have basic education, and it was normal to do things that were ridiculous or ignorant.

All they think about is how to survive and how to live better.

As for the rest, they don't care.

This voice is getting louder and louder.

By the time we got to the back, it was already out of control.

Tens of millions of people are recommending representatives, letting those in the lead speak and inform.

"Why are you talking to Queen Xi and the people in the Eternal Court?"

"We just arrived and the children haven't even seen it!"

"And the celebration has just begun!"

"Leave now, it's really hard for us to explain."

"Then if we don't leave, we will wait for the people of Eternal Human Court to get angry and vent their anger on us. Should we keep our lives?"

"You have some conscience. Queen Xi married the emperor just to prevent us from being attacked and killed by other tribes!"

"She sacrificed a lot!"

"We have also grown up watching Xi Hou, how could you do this?" Someone was filled with indignation.

"If you're going to die, you can die here!" Suddenly a man rushed out and dropped his fist with a fierce punch.

Before the old man had time to react, he was knocked over by a punch. The aura on his body was about to explode, but the aura of ten people exploded in an instant, and they kept moving towards taking turns to attack and suppress.

All the strength in his body could not be used at this moment, and then he was pressed there tightly, unable to move at all.

The fists fell like raindrops, constantly bombarding him.

Seeing the old man who was beaten almost to death, other opponents also shut up at this moment!

Finally, some representatives went.

I have already found reasons and excuses to leave.

Luo Chen sighed, as Empress Xi's mother-in-law, if she abandons Empress Xi at this moment and chooses to leave, Empress Xi will probably be heartbroken!

After all, according to what they said, Queen Xi married the emperor to protect them.

But this is a dream again, and what is shown here seems to be the evil in human nature!

The real situation then may be the same as it is now.

But Luo Chen was thinking that besides him, perhaps in the dream of the fifth prince, these people should be the consciousness of those people back then!

That is to say, the body in this dream now has two consciousnesses. One consciousness is the consciousness of the Xihou clan back then.

One is the consciousness of Fengxian and his army who have fallen asleep.

And now it is the consciousness of the Xihou clan that is leading.

But these people should be dead.

Where did this consciousness come from?

In this dream, there are now many questions and doubts, and it is difficult for Luo Chen to make too many judgments at this moment.

Moreover, the main reason why Luo Chen made such a judgment was that he could feel that he seemed to have an evil emotion, a fear, a feeling of gloating but also anger and worry.

These emotions do not belong to him, but to another consciousness, but unfortunately, that consciousness is suppressed by Luo Chen's current consciousness!

"From the past, does the Fifth Prince want everyone to redeem themselves, or is he going to do something else?" Luo Chen was puzzled!

"Your Majesty, you are already here. Please nominate a few people to go and see the Fifth Prince!"

"Others can go back!"


"I won't go, I'm afraid. What if I can't leave?" "Yes, I went and saw the true face of the fifth prince. What if I get killed?"

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