Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4069 Teaching

In the light rain, Luo Chen held the fifth prince and walked on the winding and rugged mountain road.

Along with the large army, we came to the Xi tribe!

Along the way, no one came close to Luo Chen, and many people were filled with fear and disgust.

It seems that the fifth prince is a disaster, a being that they dare to be angry but dare not speak out!

Many people also hate Luo Chen. If Luo Chen hadn't brought this disaster star here, this disaster star would still be in the eternal family today!

Luo Chen had no other consciousness, so when he arrived at the Xi clan, Luo Chen didn't know where to go.

Luo Chen stood there, making many people around him sneer.

"Fang Yi, your whole family is finished!" Someone snorted coldly at this moment.

Only Qing stepped forward at this moment, looked at Luo Chen, and looked at the baby curiously.

"Are you afraid that it will be difficult to explain? I will accompany you!" Qing said understandingly, but of course she was still as indifferent as ever.

It's not that Luo Chen is afraid that he won't be able to explain, but that he doesn't know where Fang Yi's home is at all?

Luo Chen followed Qing, and soon passed through dense forests and cliffs, and finally came to a place that looked like a village.

This place looks like a village, and the dam of the village is already crowded with people.

The person standing at the front was a woman. The woman's bare white feet were exposed, and her slim waist was exposed because of her clothes.

On a unique cheek, the woman's big eyes are as clean and clear as glass beads!

She is Fang Yi's wife!

At this moment, she looked at Luo Chen and didn't know what he meant.

Luo Chen didn't recognize the woman, but followed Qing's guidance and came to Fang Yi's home.

This is a wooden house in the village!

As soon as Luo Chen came in, Fang Yi's wife followed him.

"Are you going to take care of him?" Fang Yi's wife asked.

Luo Chen didn't say anything, but put the fifth prince on the bed!

Fang Yi's wife walked over quickly and looked at the fifth prince curiously.

But as soon as she got closer, the fifth prince reached out and grabbed her. It was instinct!

This made Fang Yi's wife's face suddenly turn red!

"He's hungry. I'll get him some animal milk!" Fang Yi's wife stood up and walked out with a blushing face!

Luo Chen sat down, thinking about how the fifth prince could influence the dream of the dream beast in his dream?

After all, when it comes to dreaming, dream beasts are the real experts!

Fang Yi's wife is really good at taking care of the baby, even though she has to face the indifference of the people in the village every day.

And in the past, everyone went out hunting together. Sometimes they would come back after hunting dragons, unicorns, phoenixes and other creatures, and they would also come back after hunting some unparalleled ferocious beasts that have become extinct in later generations.

But since Luo Chen brought the fifth prince back, no one has called Luo Chen and his family anymore.

He even often secretly stumbles upon their family!

But as time passed day by day, the fifth prince gradually grew up!

From a baby to a child.

The fifth prince was sitting on a swing. During this period, Luo Chen gave up paying attention to the dream itself.

Instead, I simply immersed myself in this kind of life. The Tao followed the natural way, and sometimes it was just an ordinary life, taking my time and taking my time.

"Uncle Fang, why doesn't everyone like me?" The fifth prince sat on the swing, seeming extremely sad.

He has a head all over his body, and he can feel everyone's emotions towards him, including love, dislike, disgust, hatred, fear, etc.

"Why do you want everyone to like you?" Luo Chen asked.

"Don't they also like me? This doesn't affect me at all." Luo Chen looked at the fifth prince.

"They don't like you because of me!" The fifth prince lowered his head.

"They don't like you because they are ignorant and narrow-minded. It has nothing to do with you!" Luo Chen educated again.

"You are you. It doesn't matter to you whether others like you or not. If they like you, it can't make your life better. If they don't like you, it can't make your life worse!" Luo Chen said again .

"You want to play in the mud with those little brats?" Luo Chen pointed at a group of children in the mud outside the village.

"That's not true!" The fifth prince lowered his head.

"Then why do you care whether they like you or not?"

"I just think they are very pitiful!" The fifth prince sighed again.

His maturity is far beyond ordinary people. Although he looks four or five years old, his mental age is now that of seventeen or eighteen years old.

This is due to the fifth prince himself and also to Luo Chen's education method.

Of course, the fifth prince still has a childish side occasionally.

"They are pitiful. It is also their business and has nothing to do with you, at least it has nothing to do with you now." Luo Chen said again.

"Uncle Fang, what are you doing sitting here every day?"

"Practice!" Luo Chen replied.

"Can you practice while sitting down?"

"But their cultivation is all about tempering the body or inducing strength. You have nothing?"

"What they practice is the outside, what I cultivate is the heart. To cultivate the Tao, cultivate the heart first. When the heart is there, the Tao will follow!"

"Otherwise it's just a matter of carving a boat and asking for a sword!" Luo Chen said.

"How to cultivate your mind?"

"Just sitting like this?" the fifth prince asked curiously.

"Sit down, comprehend carefully, comprehend every moment, observe, think, and understand the great path!" Luo Chen guided.

The fifth prince nodded.

"Then can I cultivate my body like them?" the fifth prince asked.


"That's just giving up the basics and chasing the weak. The strength goes up, but the state of mind cannot keep up. In the end, it will only harm yourself. It's like they hate you. If they understand the great way, they won't hate you." Luo Chen taught again.

"I tried secretly. There is something inside me, and I am very afraid of that thing!" The fifth prince lowered his head again.

"I know, so just cultivate your mind and understand how to be a good person." Luo Chen said.

"What is the realization of being a human being?"

"Without hurting others, do what you want to do that makes you happy, and realize everything, whether it's happiness or pain!" Luo Chen said again.

This is a dream of the fifth prince, so maybe the fifth prince can only have this dream once, and he can only be a human being this time!

Therefore, what Luo Chen gave the fifth prince was to be a good person and live a good life!

After all, the dream will wake up one day, and the fifth prince will wake up one day, so it is better to truly experience being a human being in this dream!

"Uncle Fang, why are you different from them?"

"Why should I be like them?" Luo Chen asked.

"Remember, everything in the world is full of wonders. You must learn to allow all kinds of things to exist. Of course, if something hurts you, destroy it!"

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