The ancient emperor Shangya looked at everything coldly. Everything in front of him was a broken universe with endless wreckage.

The debris and ashes of stars are everywhere. In some places, the universe has cooled, and in other places, the heat is astonishing and melts everything.

This time it's no longer an illusion, nor is it a ghostly charm.

But the real ghost universe scene.

In the deep space of the universe, the strange creature was shaking all over, with wounds everywhere on his body.

A huge bronze mask stands proudly in the void, and behind the bronze mask is the huge planet of the Ghost Department.

The three ghost kings just tried their best to move the bronze mask in front of the ghost planet, blocking the kick kicked by the ancient emperor Shangya just now.

If the kick kicked by Ancient Emperor Shangya hadn't been blocked, the entire planet would have exploded.

The planet exploded, not to mention the people on it?

The destructive power is so terrifying that it makes people tremble all over and send chills down their spines.

Many people in the Ghost Department hugged each other, and they could do nothing but wait for the doomsday judgment.

Some of them are supreme, some are at the destiny level, some have fought in all directions, and some have killed decisively.

But the higher the level of people, the more afraid and frightened they are, because they deeply know the horror of the ancient emperor, and they are even more aware of their situation.

Instead, there were some young men who were not strong enough in the Ghost Division. They roared one by one and wanted to rush out to fight.

At this moment, it is vividly explained that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But even this could not conceal the despair of Onibu.

Guhuang Shangya was indifferent, and he seemed to be ruthless.

Of the top ten ghost kings, only the red-clothed ghost king and the green-faced ghost king remain.

This was the result of this battle. Even the Ghost King was killed by the Ancient Emperor's Sword during the battle, melting his will and refining his soul!

The royal bones, which were said to be eternal, were crushed into powder by the Ancient Emperor Shangye with his palms and scattered in the sky!

It can be said that the ancient emperor's mourning arrow truly explains what the horror of the ancient emperor is.

It is definitely not something that modern kings can compare to. It is very powerful and terrifying in power. It can be called a peak that ordinary people cannot climb!

When he raised his hand, he saw that they were some people from the Ghost tribe hiding on another star. Those people from the Ghost tribe were hiding in the dark, hiding among the soil and rocks beneath the planet.

It was like a continent. If these people from the ghost tribe were destroyed, they would become fire seeds, drift away from here, drift into the depths of the universe, go to other universes, and then develop again incognito.

Onibu obviously made a lot of preparations.

However, what is disappointing is that this has not been hidden from Guhuang Shangya, and Guhuang Shangya raised his hand.

With a click, endless dust flew into the sky, dirt, and stones flew high into the sky, and a piece of the continent was forcibly torn down by the ancient emperor's arrow.

Then Guhuang Shangya clenched his fist and made a clicking sound.

The continent was instantly reduced to ashes.

At this moment, many people saw it, and the red-clothed Ghost King's eyes were filled with blood and tears.

"No!" the green-faced ghost king roared, with an excited look on his face. He no longer looked like a king, and he hated the ancient emperor Shangya with a splitting gaze.

"Can't you stand this?"

"What about this?" Ancient Emperor Shangya raised his hand, and the powerful field directly captured at least eight billion people on that continent.

All those people flew high into the sky, densely packed, as if they were caught by an invisible big hand.

The expression of Guhuang Shangya was indifferent and unmoved. He held eight billion lives and deaths in his hands, but he seemed to have no feeling at all.

Just squeeze your hand gently. ???.biQuPai.

As he tightened his hand, among the densely packed eight billion people, puff, puff...

There was a constant popping sound, like juicy grapes being crushed. The bright red juice splashed everywhere, and then turned into blood mist.

Screams rang out, and those who could scream were those who were not dead or pinched.

And those who were pinched had no time to scream.

It rained blood in an endless stream.

Those were seven billion people from the Ghost Department who were slaughtered so ruthlessly.

Real despair struck at this moment, and even the two remaining ghost kings felt desperate and hopeless.

The only ghost creature that could help them was not seriously injured by the ancient emperor's sword at this moment.

Although Guhuang Shangya was also seriously injured at this moment, he was still not something they could match or shake.

The Ghost Club is just like Shangya said, it's over!

Countless members of the Ghost Club had closed their eyes and were waiting to die, and even the fire they had secretly hidden to keep had been extinguished.

The other party was obviously ready to kill them all.

"Even if you die, you must remember that the Human Emperor's Department cannot be disobeyed!" The Ancient Emperor Shang Ya stepped out in one step, gathering terrifying power in his palm, and was ready to end everything.

But at this time.

"Why can't the Human Sovereign Ministry be irresponsible?" The cold voice made Tianyue sway, and the already cold universe suddenly felt a trace of heat at this moment.

Then the heat became more and more intense among everyone's surprised gazes.

That sound surprised the entire Ghost Department. Even though they had never heard it, they still guessed it.

Those who guessed it, even if the other party came late, even if the other party came only at this time, this still made them excited, and their hearts were suddenly filled with hope again.

Pairs of eyes, including the faces of the red-clothed Ghost King and the green-faced Ghost King, showed an extremely rare look of anticipation.

Their eyes were all looking towards the direction of the dark universe where the sound came from.

There, wisps of hot air finally converged into a larger stream of hot air. The billowing hot air hit, and the source of the hot air was finally revealed in front of everyone.

It was a fire suanni. The huge suanni's face was very fierce, and the terrifying aura of the supreme was moving. If it was called according to the first era.

This is a demon king!

The Suanni Demon King's huge eyes show an extremely terrifying aura, and at the same time, his body is filled with flames, and his ferocious expression makes people awe-inspiring. This is a wild demon king, full of fighting power and ferocity.

However, this is not the most eye-catching thing. The most shocking thing is that Suan Ni is just a mount.

The tall figure sitting cross-legged on his back was the one that everyone feared and hoped for.

That man was also tall, with a handsome face, and looked very powerful. His eyes were bright and his expression was unruly.

His straight and majestic body is like a peerless spear, trying to pierce the heaven and earth and hold up the universe.

It seems that as long as he is here, the sky will not fall!

"It's not a big deal to disobey the Human Emperor's Ministry!" The person on the back said coldly.

Behind him, there are flags waving, a terrifying army, a terrifying army marching and advancing!

Guhuang Shangya's expression also darkened at this moment.

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