Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4221 Take it as you please


Send a bronze mask to meet the person who needs the bronze mask?

The red-clothed ghost king quickly nodded in agreement!

But the moment her eyes lowered, an imperceptible glint flashed through her eyes.

If you can see that person with your own eyes, then if you can convince that person or confuse the other person, the bronze mask may just be temporarily handed over and kept to the other person.

Of course, this person must not be the emperor.

The ghost king in red was taken away after thinking about it. She personally took the bronze mask and presented it to Luo Chen.

Of course, she didn't know that at the moment and was still guessing who in the Eternal Family wanted this bronze mask?

But on the other side, when the red ghost king left with a bronze mask, someone stood in front of the ancient emperor.

"Are you sure you want a king to approach the fifth prince?" That person was obviously worried about Luo Chen's safety.

"Don't worry, even if the other party has some tricks, the fifth prince can't suffer. Moreover, the fifth prince is in the forbidden area, where he suppresses all power!" The ancient emperor of the Eternal Court was very confident.

He believed that nothing unexpected would happen to Luo Chen.

The ghost king in red followed him all the way wearing a mask. At this moment, the ghost king in red had restrained himself and was no longer as showy as in the previous battle.

Her whole person's aura was constricted and sluggish, and it even seemed that her beautiful face had a little more color and was no longer as pale as before.

This was intentional, to restrain his royal aura and allow himself to show off the feminine beauty of a woman as much as possible.

After all, neither the same sex nor the opposite sex will be wary of weak and seemingly inoffensive people.

Just like when Xiao'e deceived Fuyao and others.

The ghost king in red made herself look good again. If it were the first time she saw her, it would be hard to think that she was a female ghost king.

When they were about to arrive at the Fire Department, the red-clothed Ghost King had completely completed his magical disguise, which was like putting on makeup.

At this moment, she is like a beautiful woman who has defeated a captive, docile, weak, pitiful, sexy, and stunning!

The red robe now not only looks less scary, but more pitiful and pitiful, making people feel pity.

Anyone who sees her at this moment will never associate her with a generation of ghost kings.

Her eyes were clear, and her raised eyelashes looked particularly pure and beautiful when blinking.

This face is so beautiful that anyone who sees it will not be able to help but look at it a few more times. What's more, they might even feel pity.

But when she arrived at the Fire Department, she was relieved, because this was definitely not to see the emperor.

If she wasn't facing the Emperor, she wouldn't have to worry at all.

But when he stepped into the forbidden area of ​​​​the Ministry of Fire, the red-clothed ghost king's heart suddenly thumped.

Because she also felt that the power suppressing the body here was as if there was a great formation of the heavens here.

The power in her body was also suppressed and difficult to use.

The surroundings were extremely hot, and there was occasionally lava. She was even sweating at this moment. Moreover, she insisted on carrying the huge bronze mask by herself just now, and now it was already a bit burdensome.

Outside, the huge bronze mask could be held up with just one finger.

But here, she had to use strength to lift the huge bronze mask.

As she walked along the road, the closer she got to the center of the seal, the stronger the suppressive power became. In the end, her red clothes clung to her body due to sweat, making her look quite embarrassed!

At the same time, she felt a thump in her heart. Sure enough, there was a reason why the other party asked her to deliver the bronze mask without worrying.

Finally, the person leading her stopped, and the ghost king in red could clearly see a young man sitting cross-legged there.

The young man has a handsome face and a graceful posture. His whole body seems to be shining with brilliance, as if the road is clear and clean.

This is a sign that he has mastered the great road, but the opponent seems not even a king.

The ghost king in red looked calm and calm on the surface, but there was already a huge turmoil in his heart.

What kind of unparalleled monster is this?

He is not a king, but his understanding and mastery of Tao has long surpassed that of a king.

This is definitely a peerless genius, and there is such a person in the human family throughout the ages.

Although Luo Chen has occupied the body of the fifth prince, not everyone knows the fifth prince, and if you really want to talk about it, when the fifth prince himself entered the endless abyss, the red-clothed ghost king should not have been born yet.

Therefore, it is normal that the ghost king in red does not know the fifth prince.

"This is the fifth prince of my eternal human court." The man leading the ghost king in red said.

"I've met the fifth prince, and I'd like to thank the Eternal Court for helping me!" the ghost king in red said, pretending to be humble and well-behaved.

Luo Chen, on the other hand, simply ignored the red-clothed ghost king in front of him.

Luo Chen's eyes fell on the huge bronze mask.

This bronze mask was exactly the same as the bronze mask that blocked his enlightenment.

But Luo Chen knew that this was not the same mask.

There may be many such masks.

This bronze mask is extremely large. Even now, it has been infinitely reduced, but when placed here, it is still like a huge mountain reaching into the sky.

The eyebrows of the bronze mask can still be seen, but the forehead is already in the clouds.

Looking at it from a close distance, this bronze mask gives people a very special sense of oppression, which is powerful and scary.

It was a heart-stopping feeling of oppression.

Bronze seems to have experienced billions of years, but it has never decayed or decayed, and it still has an emerald green color.

Looking carefully, the mask has no expression and looks extremely cold.

Seeing that Luo Chen's eyes were staring directly at the bronze mask instead of staring at the red ghost king himself, the red ghost king tried his best to let his chest shine.

Then she deliberately lowered her body and spoke softly.

"If the fifth prince likes this mask, I can give it to him as a gift. Of course, this bronze mask has many mysteries. I can cover it up for the fifth prince." The ghost king in red came closer and said.

But what was disappointing was that Luo Chen still didn't look at her, not even glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

As if she had no charm whatsoever.

The red-clothed ghost king's heart surged. Now she could only use the bronze mask to capture Luo Chen.

"Your Excellency, how about I demonstrate to you the use of this bronze mask? What do you think?" the ghost king in red said.

Her right hand was hidden in the sleeve of her red dress, and there was a spider in the palm of her hand. There were lines of grimaces on the spider's back!

This is the Grimace Spider. Once it is contaminated, not only can it silently sow cause and effect, but every move, every thought and idea of ​​the other party will be controlled by the Red Ghost King!

In fact, the moment he met Luo Chen, the ghost king in red was shocked by Luo Chen's talent. But she was also happy, because if the other person was not a king, then she would be able to manipulate him at will!

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