Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4231 Death itself


The armies of the Human Emperor's Ministry are gathering and may invade the territory in large numbers.

This time, even the emperor was no longer relaxed, but dealt with it seriously.

After all, the army of the Human Emperor cannot be underestimated. At this time, many people realized that the real war was coming.

When the two top forces collide, the war may spread to the entire First Era.

You must know that even the attack on the Queen and the Old Emperor did not start a war in the entire First Era.

The fighting back then was only localized and was quickly brought under control.

And this time, the battle started by Eternal Human Court Futian may affect the entire First Era.

This was the first time that many people in the First Era felt oppressed and stressed by the flames of war.

The feeling of powerlessness that comes when war is imminent but cannot do anything fills the hearts of many people.

The feeling is like suddenly knowing that the sun is going to explode tomorrow, and mankind is still desperate except for despair!

Because he couldn't take any effective action at all, not even to provide any help for his own life.

Many people looked up at the sky. Some of the universe time was at noon and the sun was shining brightly. Some were standing under the big trees at dusk, and some were standing in the fields in the early morning.

This kind of war that affected the First Era might have been possible to escape in other eras.

After all, everyone in the world can always find a peaceful place where they can survive and live.

But where should the combat power and destructive power of the First Era, which easily destroyed an entire universe, escape?

There is no escape, no avoidance!

At this moment, many people in the Five Elements Department were very happy. They really surrendered to Luo Chen for the first time in their hearts.

At this moment, countless people from the Fifth Era knelt down and bowed with fists in the direction of the Flame Forbidden Area of ​​the Five Elements Department!

At this moment, the world seemed to have a breath of life rushing towards Luo Chen.

This is a sincere blessing, blessing, praise and thanks!

Because Luo Chen arranged in advance for many family members of the Five Elements Department to go to the Fifth Era, they could escape this disaster.

This powerful will penetrated everything and rushed towards Luo Chen.

At this moment, the situation on Luo Chen's side was indeed very dangerous and complicated.

The aura of the knight riding the unicorn is really terrifying. If this undead soul was alive, then at least it would be an ancient emperor!

Because he is still an ancient emperor after death, which is a bit scary.

But Luo Chen is now not sure whether this thing was alive or not!

Because, it is very likely that this thing is a dead spirit.

There are living beings. Any living thing, including but not limited to animals, can be called a living being.

Even if it’s just a grass or a tree?

But no one has seen the undead!

This kind of undead spirit is not transformed into a living being.

But as soon as it appears, or to be inaccurately said, as soon as it is born, it is the undead, it is the undead!

At least no one has seen such undead and undead spirits, including Luo Chen.

So Luo Chen is not sure whether this Qilin Knight was born a dead spirit?

At this moment, the Qilin Knight's aura overwhelmed everything, sweeping everything.

This kind of aura overturned everything. The red-clothed ghost king had rushed in again at this moment. She rushed towards Luo Chen under the huge aura pressure.

"Why don't you leave?"

"You can't die here!" The ghost king in red said anxiously.

"You are smart!" Luo Chen glanced at the red ghost king, and then said again.

"Help me block this breath." Luo Chen said.

All the aura on the fifth prince's body exploded, and all the energy was accumulated.

But it was still not enough, and it still caused bleeding in many places.

There is also a prerequisite for this, that is, it is the result of being protected by a flaming humanoid creature.

Without the protection of the flame creatures, the Qilin Knight might have destroyed the fifth prince's body with just his breath.

After all, this body has not even reached the quasi-king level, and is still in the category of Tianzun.

Therefore, the terror of the ancient emperor is evident!

Of course, this was also because Luo Chen was too close, almost under the pressure of being in the first echelon.

The ghost king in red was very surprised. She didn't understand what Luo Chen wanted to do?

Ever since Luo Chen took the initiative to challenge the pass, and now the adventurers are still here, what exactly is Luo Chen going to do?

But Luo Chen didn't care about the blood on his body at all. Luo Chen's eyes were always serious and he looked at the pass expectantly.

No living person has ever seen what death is like?

Or that no living person has ever seen what death itself is?

At this moment, Luo Chen's eyes were bright. He wanted to see, he wanted to see death, he wanted to understand death, he wanted to explore death!

Of course, this kind of exploration is not to die, but to explore with a living body.

There seemed to be drums ringing in the pass, rhythmic, and there was also black smoke.

And at this moment, the ghost king in red also understood. The scalp-numbing drum sound and the terrifying black smoke also made the ghost king in red understand.


Luo Chen is waiting for death itself!

"Are you waiting for death?" The ghost king in red was surprised and his whole body was shocked.

Onibu understands death, but this understanding is limited to the understanding of the laws of death.

Rather than understanding death itself, because even ghosts, as long as they are living creatures, it is impossible to meet death itself!

And what happens after the creature dies?

Is it possible to see death itself?

Of course not!

Already undead, already dead.

How can we see death itself?

"That mask has something to do with death!" Luo Chen said suddenly, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes!

"What?" The ghost king in red was shocked.

Masks are actually related to death?

They had mastered the mask for so long that they didn't even notice it was related to death.

Death here is no longer a phenomenon or a state.

It's the same as a kind of power or a specific spirit.

It’s like destiny!

At this moment, Taishan's Tuoba expression suddenly darkened.

"This kid is so smart!"

However, Luo Chen's eyes remained clear at this moment, and he wanted to find out more about death.

The dark power came, almost drowning everything. At this moment, the Qilin Knight was obviously enough to sweep everything.

Darkness became his background behind him, and the entire bright flame forbidden area was actually eroded by darkness at this moment.

Darkness is behind the Qilin Knight, and the Qilin Knight is coming across the horizon, its terrifying pressure is boundless, like light and darkness tearing apart the world.

"This can't be stopped at all!" The ghost king in red felt his scalp numb.

Luo Chen seemed to be risking his life just to explore something.

But Luo Chen explores all this not only to solve the mystery, but also to keep - Mengnan! Nothing can cut off cause and effect more than death itself!

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