Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4241 Laying out the World


Long Yi was right to worry. If Luo Chen diverted trouble to the east at this time, or used any means to change the situation of the war, he would be contaminated by the supreme cause and effect.

But Luo Chen also spoke at this moment.

"Sit back and wait for the rabbit. If the rabbit hits him and dies, what's the cause and effect?" Luo Chen said.

These words made Long Yi and everyone else think deeply.

Luo Chen compared the army of the Human Emperor to rabbits and the danger here to big trees!

If the big tree doesn't move, and the rabbit bumps into it right here, and is killed, then should the big tree be blamed?

Because the big tree was here, the rabbit hit it and died!

Is this cause and effect established?

Obviously not true!

The cause and effect is that the rabbit died because it hit a big tree.

Not because the big tree is here, so the rabbit died!

There is a difference here.

"You?" Long Yi became even more surprised after he figured it out.

He really didn't think that he could take advantage of it like this!

But I have to say that Luo Chen's idea is right.

A cold light suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's eyes, and he looked at the huge battlefield again.

"If I hadn't moved, I would have only caused the big troubles in the First Era, and it doesn't count as the cause. The other party wanted to kill me, and I resisted. This was a smooth process." Luo Chen said softly.

"Then there are more and more things here. Eventually, if the army of the Human Emperor's Ministry bumps into them."

"Then what does all this have to do with me?" Luo Chen asked.

This plan is vicious, but also good.

Part of Luo Chen's plan was due to the fact that the Eternal Human Court itself intended to start a war.

But it has to be said that at least judging from the results, Luo Chen's plan was successful in the first step.

That is, the First Era is now in civil strife. In this way, the pressure of the Fifth Era will be much easier.

If there was no civil strife in the First Era and everyone was united, then the First Era would now be heading towards the Fifth Era.

Luo Chen may be busy resisting the First Era at this time.

Today's civil strife cannot be quelled in a short period of time, but a battle between the Human Emperor's Ministry and the Eternal Human Court will burn the entire First Era.

However, Luo Chen also estimated that the Eternal Human Court and the Queen's Old Ministry alone, that is, these people in the Endless Abyss, may not be able to defeat the forces dominated by the Human Emperor's Ministry, the Immortal Lineage, and the Heavenly Human Dao Palace.

At least this will be the case for now, so in the end, after the victory of the Immortal Lineage in the Heavenly Humanity Palace.

Then we may still continue to attack the Fifth Era.

Therefore, Luo Chen feels that he must recruit more helpers for the Eternal Human Court. In other words, for Luo Chen now, he is consuming the forces of the First Age Immortal Lineage!

When Luo Chen came into contact with those huge coffins, he was not only thinking about solving the puzzle, but also thinking about unlocking the seal!

Unlock the seals of those things, let them become another force, and then consume the power of the immortal lineage.

Therefore, at this moment Luo Chen is not only testing and studying the underworld, but also wants to let the underworld consume the seal of the Five Elements Department.

Of course, this underworld is also very scary. If this underworld is led out to a big ship, even if it is not led to a big ship, it will remain here.

Once the army of the Human Sovereign Ministry attacks and hits them head-on, the result will be very exciting.

This is Luo Chen's idea of ​​influencing the battle situation.

Luo Chen did this with the fifth era as his starting point.

At this moment, the Qilin Knight attacked again, and the terrifying aura swept in all directions.

But this time, the soul flags shook the void, emitting a shocking light, illuminating the darkness, even lighting up the gray moon in the sky.

This is the Eighteen Soul Banner of the Ghost Division. It is also considered as the treasure at the bottom of the box of the Ghost Division. When the Ancient Emperor Shang Ya attacked the Ghost Division, it was too sudden.

Moreover, the Ancient Emperor Shangya would not give the Ghost Department any time to prepare this unparalleled soul flag.

The soul flag contains endless power, which is extremely terrifying and ripples out. It is said that there was once a trace of the power of opening the sky that was harvested by the ghost tribe, and then the ghost tribe consumed eighteen ghost kings and sacrificed themselves to develop these ten Eight soul flags.

It takes a long time for the eighteen soul flags to be revived. They had not been able to take them out during the battle with the Ancient Emperor's Sword before, but now they are taking them out at this moment.

Even Luo Chen was very surprised. After taking another look at the soul flag, it was obvious that the Ghost Department had many good things.

Whether it's a bronze mask or this soul flag.

The eighteen soul flags burst into immeasurable light and were able to suppress the gray moon and dispel the energy of death.

As soon as the soul flag appeared, the second Qilin Knight came through the air. The invincible sword began to stagnate at this moment, as if it and the Qilin were trapped in a quagmire.

The soul flags sounded fiercely in the void.

"Is it blocked?" The prince asked curiously as he talked.

His whole head looks very lifelike, like a simulated real person.

"No!" The ghost king in red said.

"These eighteen soul flags are extremely powerful. Theoretically, they can temporarily seal eighteen ancient emperor-level creatures!" the red-clothed ghost king explained.

"However, this soul flag requires constant extraction of power, and now we don't have much power to provide!" the ghost king in red said.

"You probably want us to provide power?" Long Yi asked.

The ghost king in red was silent. It was not easy for her to cross the line and speak out about this kind of thing.

"How many things do you have in here?" Long Yi asked.

He obviously understood what Luo Chen meant. According to Luo Chen's plan, or Luo Chen's plan was feasible.

Luo Chen himself can avoid the huge cause and effect!

Who brought the army of the Human Emperor here?

Of course it's not Luo Chen, and it can't be Luo Chen!

Both Long Yi and the people from the Eternal Court of Human Beings can do it!

Look at how Long Yi and the people from the Eternal Human Court cooperated!

Now there is a pass, and two unicorn knights have appeared.

In other words, this is a Qilin Knight in itself, just a Qilin Knight in a different timeline.

One is from now and the other is from 100 million years ago.

The Qilin Knight is unparalleled in combat power and extremely terrifying. In addition, the undead pulling the coffin is also very terrifying.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is the pass.

But these forces alone are not enough.

These forces are not enough to fight against the army of the Human Emperor.

Moreover, among the army of the Human Emperor, there are not only many masters, but also many capable and even strange people. Each of these strange people is born with different talents and abilities.

Some are born with the ability to pick up the sun and the moon, some are born with the ability to change the laws and regulations of the Tao, some are able to recreate armies, and can even make dying creatures reappear on a large scale. What's more, they can briefly reverse the flow of time and go back in time!

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