Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4245 A lot of doubts

The ancient emperor heard that Wu Ge was invincible and was one of the first people in the Eternal Court to follow the emperor.

Not only does he know many secrets, but he also has great strength, but he still has a trace of fear when mentioning this matter.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with strength, but it is the most troublesome.

"Is there really some kind of curse?" Luo Chen lowered his eyes, obviously thinking too.

A universe actually has such magical power that even the invincible ancient emperor is afraid of it?

"Didn't those people say anything before committing suicide?" Luo Chen asked curiously.

One person commits suicide after two people enter, and ten or a hundred commit suicide after entering. This is obviously a problem.

"They all committed suicide out of nowhere!" The ancient emperor shook his head when he heard that Wu Ge.

This reminded Luo Chen that on Earth, it was rumored that the Pharaoh's tomb had similar abilities.

At that time, an archaeological team ignored the opposition of the locals and forcibly opened a pharaoh's tomb. There was also a curse engraved on the tomb, to the effect that anyone who disturbed the pharaoh's sleep would be swallowed by darkness.

And that pharaoh's tomb is the famous Tutankhamen. In the end, several members of the scientific expedition team did die unnaturally one after another after returning. It was even rumored that there was a pharaoh's coffin on the Titanic. Because of the curse, the Titanic was silent.


Moreover, curses have a lot to do with Wu Zhu. Luo Chen believes that curses exist.

"Maybe there is a curse power in that universe that we don't know and haven't discovered, or maybe there is a more mysterious power there!" the emperor said.

After all, he is the emperor of the Eternal Court of Humanity. He is well-informed and knows many unknown things in the world, so his judgment is still somewhat credible.

Perhaps that is an unknown mysterious power.

"Actually, you can ask the Wu Clan. People from the Wu Clan should know a lot about curses." Luo Chen looked at Long Yi.

Because Long Yi should know and know about the twelve witch ancestors, it would be more appropriate for Long Yi to call the witch ancestors to ask about this matter.

But Long Yi was stumped this time.

"I'm afraid I can't let them come." Long Yi muttered in a low voice.

"Aren't they under your control?"

"He shouldn't be able to control it!" the ancient emperor said when he heard Wu Ge.

"Perhaps the Queen may not even be able to control the Twelve Witch Ancestors!"

"What you see is just their outer appearance!" Long Yi said, revealing a shocking secret.

Are you a king outside of yourself?

This is a bit scary and a bit sensational.

"Outside the body?" Luo Chen felt a little scary when he heard it. The outside of the body is actually the king. Is there such a terrifying creature lurking in the queen's side?

"Speaking of the Endless Abyss, they are the true masters."

"I don't know many of them." Long Yi opened his mouth and said.

Although he worked for the Queen, the Witch Ancestor was not under her control, and the Witch Ancestor Luo Chen had seen before was only in appearance, not in reality.

"Actually, I think the real origin of the curse may be the Xi tribe!" Flame standing on Luo Chen's shoulder spoke.

"That's my first suspicion, but I also think it's a bit unbelievable!" Luo Chen said.

Why the Xi tribe?

The reason is simple, because the curse is like Yi.

Curses often don’t have any laws of cause and effect!

Take the simplest curse to hit a villain!

Prick a little person and get something from the person, such as hair or jewelry.

Then recite the incantation silently, and then use a needle to prick the villain's position, and severe pain will occur in that position of the villain.

Does this comply with the law of cause and effect?


According to the law of cause and effect, the needle did not prick the opponent, but only the villain.

This aspect is very similar to Yi.

The other party is in pain for no reason.

There are many similar curses like this, but at least from the perspective of the law of cause and effect, curses do not exist and are created out of nothing.

This is why Luo Chen immediately suspected Yi, but he can't say everything has to do with Yi or the Xi clan.

So Luo Chen put aside this suspicion first and looked for other possibilities.

But at this moment, the flame creature came forward.

Obviously, the curse may really have something to do with the Xi clan and Yi.

"Xi Clan, Yi?" The Emperor also frowned. His father was deeply involved with the Xi Clan, but he knew very little about the Xi Clan.

Luo Chen was also surprised. At first, this ethnic group was just an inconspicuous ethnic group, the mother tribe of the fifth prince, nothing special.

But the more you get in touch with it, the more unusual and different things become.

The Xi tribe is not only mysterious, but also seems to be involved in many unknown secrets.

"Are you related to this clan again?" The ancient emperor frowned when he heard Wu Ge. It was obvious that he was repelling and fearful of the Xi clan.

"You don't like this clan?" Luo Chen asked.

"It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I don't get close and want to keep a distance. Anyone who has anything to do with the Xi tribe will end up with a bad end!" The ancient emperor sighed when he heard Wu Ge.

"Futian is the best example!" The ancient emperor Wen Wuge said bluntly and did not shy away from the fact that the emperor was here.

The emperor was also speechless, because it was also difficult for him to explain this matter.

"The situation is indeed a bit complicated!" Luo Chen looked at the huge dead universe.

"Is it possible that this universe is the original ancestral land of the Xi tribe?" Luo Chen suddenly said.

"If that's the case, maybe fifth brother, it's really suitable for you to go!" The emperor stood there, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

There seems to be a huge net catching everyone, including himself!

This is a suffocating feeling, an unbelievable feeling that this network is as huge as the heaven and the earth!

It seems that everything is a deliberate but coincidental arrangement!

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Long Yi felt creepy at this moment.

Is Yi from the Xi tribe so terrifying?

"Now you feel Yi's terror, right?" Luo Chen smiled.

If that was the original ancestral land of the Xi clan and the original universe of the Xi clan, then he would go there, or rather where the fifth prince would go.

This is an arranged event!

So who is arranging this arrangement?

At this moment, everything seems to be moving towards an unknown and established track.

"What happened to the Emperor?" Luo Chen asked.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the emperor actually has no intention of taking action, and even remains silent like this. Luo Chen is wondering whether the emperor is still there? Could it be that all the talk about the Emperor was just a signal bomb sent out by the eternal human court, but the actual Emperor is long gone?

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