Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4249: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

The army and the ancient emperor of the Human Emperor Department who were currently confronting the ancient emperor Wen Wuge also received the news.

At this moment, they also looked at Wen Wuge.

"Are you going to attack the east and attack the west?" At this moment, an ancient emperor said harshly. He had no good impression of these traitors.

"Wen Wuge, are you also playing this trick?" At this moment, the ancient emperor said coldly, his aura was strong, and there was always an inexhaustible vitality in his body.

Ancient Emperor, Yuan!

His eyes were cold and cold murderous intent came out of his mouth.

"Yuan, why do you need to help Zhou to do evil?" The ancient emperor also said when Wen Wuge, it was obvious that the two people knew each other.

"What's wrong with the Immortal Lineage, the Heavenly Human Dao Palace, and even the current Human Emperor Department?"

"The old emperor created genetic shackles, shouldn't he die?"

"The Guixu Human Emperor stood idly by and ignored him. Shouldn't he die?"

"Of the three great human emperors, only the one who is alive today is worthy of the title of human emperor. He is the true emperor for the human race. Human beings are born noble, and human beings are born extraordinary!"

"What's wrong with you?" Yuan shouted angrily.

He is furious now, especially towards the people of the Eternal Family!

"The Queen and her subordinate Long Yi, they rebelled. I understand, because they wanted revenge. They did take advantage of them back then, but you, as human beings, have what right to rebel?" Yuan shouted angrily!

Compared to Yuan's rage, Wen Wuge shrugged and seemed not to care at all.

"I understand what you are saying. I, and even the emperor of the Eternal Court of Humanity, did not support the old emperor in letting the genetic shackles spread." Wen Wuge said.

Their opposition does not mean that they support the old emperor’s methods and methods.

"We just want to leave some way out for future generations and descendants!" Wen Wuge sighed lightly.

"Isn't this the same?" Yuan said coldly.

"This is different!"

"Since you know that the Queen and others are not rebelling to support the genetic shackles, but rebelling because they want revenge, they are now trapping the King of Heavenly Beings and killing the King of Heavenly Beings!"

"Then you also know that the Queen's lineage is also opposed to genetic shackles!"

"Why are they rebelling?"

"Then you should see it, but you can't see the crying and wailing of all the people in the world!"

"I can't see that the Fourth Human Emperor of the Dignified Human Emperor Department can't even speak a single word of reason!"

"How terrible is this?"

"We didn't support Futian at first, because he might have the same idea as the old emperor, and want to lock people up with chains!"

"But it wasn't until the moment he died that us old guys figured out that Futian was supporting the Old Man Emperor, not the Old Man Emperor's methods!"

"That's why, when the Old Emperor died, no one avenged him, and when the Guixu Emperor died in the end, no one stood up and said anything!"

"But if Futian dies, the entire First Era will be in chaos!"

"The former is because everyone wants to live!"

"The latter is also because everyone wants to live!"

"Live with dignity, live with backbone, and live with freedom!" The ancient emperor glared at Wu Ge when he heard that his hair was flying.

The former is alive physically, and the latter is alive mentally!

"Aren't you just another kind of shackles?"

"How can you, as a human being, crouch on the earth with ants?"

"How can we, as humans, share the same skin as beasts?"

"How can we be unreasonable and unreasonable as a human being?"

"You are born as a human being, how can you not do human things or speak human words?"

The ancient emperor Wen Wuge kept asking questions, which made the chill in Yuan's eyes and pupils become stronger and stronger!

"I only know that the reason why we can survive is because of the living Emperor, the Immortal King, and the Taoist Master of Heaven!"

"Otherwise, we would have disappeared like dust between heaven and earth!"

"This is peace and long-term stability. I will never allow anyone to trample on him, not even my former friend, you, Wen Wuge!"

"I sent you to stop me, and I knew that in this war, one of you or I would eventually fall!" Wen Wuge sighed.

"But do you know what the Immortal King and the others plan to do?"

"What are they planning?" Wen Wuge sighed softly.

"that's not important!"

"You and I are both people who have survived on the battlefield. We should understand that one general's success can lead to thousands of deaths!"

"Sacrifice is necessary!" Yuan said coldly.

"So, after I came, I didn't plan to say anything. You have the determination in your heart, and I also have the faith in mine!" Wen Wuge stood there proudly.

"We have already sent a large army to encircle and suppress the people you sent, but we didn't know that an ancient emperor was about to fall from the Eternal Court. How does it feel?" Yuan said in a deep voice.

No one dares to fight because they cannot be surrounded.

But now, according to what they want, the ancient emperor who attacked the formation has been surrounded and unable to fly.

Wen Wuge was also stunned by these words.

He immediately sent the message back.

Yuan even smiled when he saw Wen Wuge's message coming back.

"Why, do you get nervous sometimes?"

Wen Wuge ignored Yuan. He had already sent a message back to ask. Did the emperor really send an ancient emperor to escort the fifth prince?

This situation is not impossible. After all, the Emperor is a human being, and the Emperor has feelings and righteousness, but in this case, he will really have to sacrifice.

And Wen Wuge had already seen something strange happening here, and he was ready to save people at any time.

"There is already a heavenly refining formation over there!"

"If you go, you won't be able to save anyone, but one of you may die!" Yuan muttered.

But soon, Wen Wuge received the news.


The emperor did not send the ancient emperor.

So where did this ancient emperor come from?

At this moment, Wen Wuge was also confused.

The forces on the other side?

But now he is clearly on the map. Even if he wants to help, he will be blocked by Yuan in front of him.

So Wen Wuge sighed and let the matter over there be forgotten.

On the other side, this time, a creature of the Ancient Emperor level was discovered. The Human Emperor Ministry really dispatched an Ancient Emperor, and a large formation was blocking it!

As for the so-called forty-nine ancient emperors of the Human Emperor Department? BIqupai.

The forty-nine ancient emperors are not here, but went to the headquarters of the Eternal Human Court!

The terrifying auras of the forty-nine statues have completely surrounded the entire universe, and the universe is shaking.

At this moment, in this universe, there seems to be everyone in the eternal human family, and here, there is an old man, so peaceful that it seems inappropriate to say that he is sitting there.

Because his lower body seemed to have merged with the universe and the galaxy, and he no longer had any legs.

The forty-nine ancient emperors of the Human Emperor Department all have extremely fierce auras and fierce murderous intentions. The universe seems to collapse at any time in front of them.

Obviously, the Ministry of Human Rights has already had a plan to deal with everything!

This time, the ones taking action were not the Immortal Lineage and the Heavenly Humanity Palace, but the Human Sovereign Ministry!

The war is about to break out!

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