Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4251 Death moving forward


Chapter 4251 Advance Death

Poof, bright red blood flew across the dark universe. When the hot blood came into contact with the cold universe, the blood solidified in an instant.

He is still dead, death is fair, he is a slave, his life is miserable, he is forced to become cannon fodder!

But in the face of death, perhaps one day, his master will also die. No one can be an exception, and no one can escape this disaster.

No matter what big shot you are in charge of the world, you can make many people work hard for you with just one sentence. You use the best items and live in the most luxurious palace.

Or are you miserable and helpless all your life, living like a dog? If you encounter any injustice in the world, the listener will cry and feel pity. However, death has no emotions, and death is still so fair.

Wherever the sword was directed, blood spattered and heads flew up, but there was a smile on the slave's face.

Because isn't this a relief?

His humiliating life, a life that he couldn't face, a life that he couldn't escape, finally ended.

He has no genetic shackles, and the slaves are well protected. All major departments in the Human Emperor's Ministry attach great importance to slaves.

Moreover, slaves can only marry slaves, they are of low blood. Even if a woman gets the favor of her master and becomes pregnant with a child, both the child and the woman will be executed!

Therefore, except for suicide or homicide, a slave will not die under normal circumstances, and not dying also means an eternal slave career. His children and everything will be deprived of him, and he will have no freedom.

No one cares about this matter except Guixu Renhuang.

The slave's smiling head flew towards the Qilin Knight. In the dark universe, what he saw with his last vague consciousness and thoughts were the beautiful rotating nebulae.

It’s so beautiful, more beautiful than his life. If there is still a chance, no, I don’t want that chance. No if, he doesn’t want to be a human being, he doesn’t want to be a slave anymore, so be it, rest in peace...

The Qilin Knight was surrounded by corpses with short heads, and the heads of the corpses all flew towards the Qilin Knight.

But the corpses were strange. They were all kneeling in front of him with their butts sticking out.

Because some of them were slaves, and slaves had no clothes, some of the bodies were naked.

At this moment, these corpses are gathered together, as if they are worshiping, praying, or performing some kind of ritual.

The corpses moved, the corpses without heads. Although these corpses were covered with their own blood, they stood up one by one in strange postures at this moment.

His hanging hands were dangling, their steps staggered, they were fogging, dancing in the void beside the Qilin Knight.

This scene looks very uncomfortable, making people feel creepy and uncomfortable.

In the dark universe, hundreds of corpses were twisting and shaking their bodies strangely at this moment. The corpses surrounded the Qilin Knight, looking like they were celebrating.

The unicorn under the Qilin Knight's crotch is still walking at a leisurely pace, stepping on the starry sky.

At this moment, another 10,000 slaves were pushed out from the waiting army.

But Gu Huanghe knew it, but still didn't understand it!

"Continue!" The ancient emperor's expression was gloomy and solemn. At this moment, he was doubting the Qilin Knight. Maybe he belonged to the Ghost Department?

Otherwise, how could the aura be so eerie and terrifying, and why would the corpse still dance after killing someone?

But in the Ghost Department, it’s right that there is no Ancient Emperor.

A war in the sky is building, shaking the entire universe and surrounding galaxies in all directions!

The powerful light pillars and light curtains were activated, which was the power within the body of a human race master and the human race army.

"Continue to infuse, hurry up!" A pioneer officer carried a chess piece on his back and instantly cut through the nodes of the formation.

Ten thousand slaves, brave and unafraid of death, rushed away. However, at the moment they rushed away, heads flew up one after another before they even got close.

When the long sword passes by, the head takes off. This is death. Perhaps allowing the Qilin Knight to use a sword is the greatest respect for these slaves, because the Qilin Knight also uses a sword to fight against the ancient emperor!

Tens of thousands of heads were lost like this. Among the dead people, no one cared about the names of each of them, just like a weed.

Who cares about a weed?

Of course, there are people who care, and that is one of the Supremes.

"Trash!" The Supreme shouted loudly. In fact, he was suppressed by the ancient emperor's aura, and there was nothing he could do.

This ancient emperor is very smart and cautious. He is willing to take action when the situation is unclear, and he must be tested!

"Warriors of the tribe, the time has come when the tribe needs you!"

"Whoever can take the head of this enemy, who is qualified to become the successor of the tribe, will inherit the tribe in order. There are hundreds of thousands of young beauties in the tribe, you can choose at will!"

"Everyone in the tribe must respect you respectfully, and your descendants will also enjoy the honor of Zhigao!" The Supreme suddenly said.

He is obviously not stupid. The one in front is the Ancient Emperor. The most he can do if he goes up is to die. He is also from the Feng Department, and his surname is Shuo!

"For the men of the Feng Department, if the Lei Department doesn't dare to attack, we will go. If the Lei Department does not dare to fight, we will fight!" At this moment, there was a young man in the Feng Department who seemed to have been beaten to death!


The breath of a person at the pinnacle of humanity burst out. In an instant, he stepped into the crown path and became a false king. He had gray hair and blood all over his body, rising like steam!

He rushed over, and during the impact, the universe was torn apart, and the terrible force shook the surrounding planets and exploded instantly, not to mention the Kirin Knight, who was as small as dust and could not be counted as dust?

Such a power that shakes the entire star field is enough to destroy everything.

However, poof!

Still a knife!

He didn't stop the Qilin from taking a single step under the Qilin Knight's crotch, not even a tiny bit!


"Wind Hands!"

"Gangfeng kills!"

"Fengbu men are not afraid of death!" At this moment, one after another false kings came one after another, and their unparalleled power was terrifying!

This time, no one chose to self-destruct. Even if a hundred thousand moments of youth self-destructed together, it could destroy the king, the universe, and even the universe next door in an instant!

However, it is absolutely impossible to kill an ancient emperor!

Therefore, no one stupidly blew himself up to kill the ancient emperor!

But at this moment, even if there are more than a dozen false kings, with a peak attack and a combined attack, they are still one by one!

With one strike of the knife, a person was chopped down.

Just like when the slaves were killed, they were still stabbed one by one. The heads flew up and blood was splashed in the void.

The Qilin Knight was still not stopped, and even became more terrifying.

It’s as if the realm is just a fictitious description for him!

This was finally discovered by the ancient emperor, who seemed to have seen some clues.

"Invest more troops, I want to see how far he can kill?" the ancient emperor pondered.

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