Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4253 The curse from the past


Whoever blocks this cause and effect will die!

He provokes death again and again, and Yi is protecting Luo Chen again.

Therefore, the ancient emperor who was outside the formation at the moment had his arm bleeding, and a drop of blood fell down his hand.

After just one confrontation, his right hand was injured.

The Qilin Knight is still very stable, like a vast mountain that cannot be climbed over or looked up at, with the rungs in front.

The ancient emperor shook off the blood in his hands, but there was still invincible confidence and expression in his eyes.

As long as the opponent is a creature at the Ancient Emperor level, he will be invincible and he can kill him!

Because he was once famous all over the world and was worthy of being an ancient emperor!

Ancient Emperor, make a decision!

This is definitely a man of extraordinary talent and extraordinary talent. He has unparalleled fighting power and is proud of the world. He shined brilliantly in the battle with Guixu back then!

At this moment, Ancient Emperor Li Ming's blood was boiling, and azure blue light swept across the entire universe!

At this moment, the universe trembled, and everyone in the army couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene, feeling horror and terror.

They were surprised by the power of the ancient emperor, the stature that shocked him. Once he showed his true strength, the ancient emperor was really terrifying. At least it definitely surpassed the level and power of the king!

The Ancient Emperor is destined to bloom with immeasurable rays of light at this moment. Every strand of his hair has the power to tear the heavens apart, shatter the avenues, and make the universe boil!

The entire universe is shrouded in his ultimate blue blood, and his infinite light illuminates everything. He is more dazzling and brighter than any blue supergiant star.

His light dispels the darkness and illuminates the entire universe. His light also makes people dare not look directly at it. Looking at such a terrifying scene, any living being will feel fear and fear!

At this moment, even Gu Huangyuan and Gu Huang Wen Wuge, who were confronting each other in another place, were stunned.

"It seems that you have sent experts to make our people act real!" Yuan said coldly.

"If this really happens, the entire universe will be destroyed in an instant, and the gains outweigh the losses!" Wen Wuge waved his hand, and the army behind him retreated instantly, not wanting to be involved in this kind of battle between ancient emperors.

"The Tiangang Earth Evil Formation has been constructed. The entire universe is not afraid of such a battle. Let me remind you that your opponent is Gu Huang Li Ming!" Gu Huang Yuan said proudly.

"It's actually him?" Wen Wuge frowned.

Ancient Emperor Li Ming, this name once resounded throughout the First Era. If it hadn't been for the Guixu War, this person might have had the opportunity to step into that supreme position.

Unexpectedly, the war in the First Era this time actually shocked such people.

Wen Wuge also looked solemn. He had never fought against an ancient emperor like Li Ming, but he was indeed very famous.

At this moment, in the blue light, a person stepped out. He seemed to have completed the second transformation.

His whole body looked a little golden, a little golden, but it was emitting a blue light.

This is the blood of the golden human race in the body.

The Golden Human Race is very scary and has a powerful bloodline. It is definitely one of the most powerful bloodlines in the First Era. This is a bloodline that can even temporarily compete with genetic shackles!

This is really powerful, after all, the genetic shackles can be resisted.

However, if they had not participated in the Battle of Guixu, the Golden Human Race would be famous now, and their fame might even surpass that of the Human Emperor!

But it's a pity that the Golden Human Race and the Human Desolate Saint Race were the ones who were beaten the hardest by Guixu in that battle.

The Golden Human Race and the Human Desolate Saint Race acted as the main force, but they were beaten to a pulp by Guixu!

And the ancient emperor Li Ming obviously has something to do with the golden human race, otherwise there would be no such golden blood. The golden blood is burning and healing him!

This is the special thing about the blood of the golden human race. It can instantly clear away negative injuries and restore the body to its best condition.

How could he be like this if it weren't for the curse that was planted in his body and tortured him all the time?

The curse of the Guixu lineage, the curse that even the golden blood of the Golden Human Race cannot extinguish!

The terrifying aura of the ancient emperor's decree was overwhelming, like the world was opening, like power was being born, and it was like the ultimate destruction.

As soon as he took action, the entire universe shook, as if it were like rags, and the entire universe was completely different.

At this moment, countless stars are heading towards the edge of the universe!

But the universe is tangible and unbounded, and eventually these stars will circle back, just like a person walking in one direction on the earth will always return to the starting point.

However, at this moment, all the planets and galaxies in the entire universe, whether they are stars or planets, or any stars, cannot withstand the aftermath of this attack by the ancient emperor!


The surroundings were cleared in an instant. If the army had not been helped by Wang to block the aftermath, the army would have been blown away, and even the weak ones would have been killed.

Because there were a few weak ones who were so close, even if the king helped to block the momentum, they still vomited blood instantly and had their internal organs shattered by the powerful aura!

Shuo Wo Niu, who was hiding in the king's protective circle, covered his ears at the moment, crouched behind a shield, and shivered.

He didn't expect that an ancient emperor could be so terrifying. This was the most terrifying creature he had come into contact with so far.

Such a terrifying and vast force is just the aftermath. The force that actively attacks the Qilin Knight is the real main force!

The Qilin Knight drew his sword, and the sword fell!


The two forces seemed to tear everything apart completely at this moment.

The Qilin Knight seems to be vaporizing, and his body seems to be turning into particles, ready to dissipate at any time!

Ancient Emperor Li Ming did not notice or notice that there was a black rune between his eyebrows at this moment.

I don't know when that rune appeared, and it seemed to be related to the curse in his body.

He remembered the battle in Guixu. Before he killed the woman, the woman screamed wildly and planted a curse on him!

The woman is protecting a child.

"You could have survived!" Gu Huangli Ming said coldly.

"One day, you will also block the knife for others, and you will die miserably, miserably. Now, this curse that festers your soul will torture you day and night!"

"There's so much nonsense!" Gu Huangli decided to end the woman's life with a single blow of his sword!

At this moment, the reason why Guhuang Liming thought of this scene and these words was because he saw it. He saw the Qilin Knight in front of him who was struck by his powerful power!

The Qilin Knight changed and turned into that woman, looking at him with a cold smile!

His eyes were in a trance!

It shouldn't be like this. The person he was fighting was obviously the Qilin Knight. Why did the dead woman's face appear?

"You would have been dead a long time ago. You would have been killed by me!"

"You dare to mess with my mind even if you are delusional?" "You will protect others from disasters and block the unstoppable knife of death!" The twisted face said with infinite resentment.

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