Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4264 Yi’s Luck


Not only was this voice not weak, but it was full of energy, and it didn't look like it was about to be rescued at all!

At least it didn't sound like he needed help.

But before Luo Chen and the prince could react, the man had already crawled in with his head stuck out.

There is a smile on his face at the moment, looking a bit honest and a bit silly.

His clothes were in tatters, but they still shone with brilliance!

The prince looked at this slightly rich and fat man curiously.

And because Luo Chen looked cold, the man quickly spoke.

"One of our own, one of our own, hehe!"

"I just want to live, live!" he added, then stopped and climbed in, now half outside and half inside the huge cave.

And this person is none other than Shuo Wo Niu!

"Your armor?" The prince frowned.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you. My armor can protect you from the heavy rain!" Shuo Woniu smiled again.

"Your armor is not as good-looking as mine!" The prince rolled his eyes.

But he also saw that there was something good about the soft armor on Shuo Wo Niu!

The heavy rain outside was so heavy, and we had just seen several corpses, including the quasi-king's.

But Shuo Woniu, a seemingly ordinary person, actually survived?

Although this soft armor is in tatters, the power contained in it is still endless. It feels like even if it is thrown into the flood and soaked for three days and three nights, nothing will happen!

The soft armor on Shuo Wo Niu's body does have a good origin. It was inherited from the Human Emperor's Ministry. It is said that it was the software of a certain ancient emperor.

This is a thing of the ancient emperor, and it can naturally protect the safety of Shuo Wo Niu!

"Acrimon, do you still have the longevity lock?" The prince suddenly rushed in front of Shuo Woniu.

There was a string of inconspicuous longevity locks hanging around Shuo Woniu's neck, but the prince noticed it at a glance.

This thing is a good thing. The moment he pulled off the longevity lock, a force penetrated his whole body, making him shiver in comfort.

Then he felt that after holding the longevity lock, the breath of his whole body was different, and all bad things were avoided!

"If you like it, I'll give it to you!" Shuo Woniu smiled.

His father had taught him that in this situation, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't kill anyone and it's just about making money, just give it to him!

As long as life is still there, wealth is all external things!

And it doesn’t matter if the other party takes it!

Give more as a gift!

Send it until the other party is embarrassed!

"How about, what do you think of this bracelet?" Shuo Woniu took the initiative to hand out a jade bracelet!

This time, the prince was dumbfounded by this operation.

Could it be that I met a fool?

"It seems to be more powerful than my Qiankun Circle?" The prince took the jade bracelet!

"Over there, big brother, you"

"Pah!" Shuo Wo Niu was hit on the head!

Shuo Wo Niu was in pain and burst into tears.

"Don't scream, you can't bear it!" The prince played with the bracelet and looked at Shuo Woniu.

"Come in, I am your big brother!" The prince stretched out his hand.

After all, this silly fool shouldn't be much of a threat.

Some people here are popular because they are not threatening at all.

Luo Chen looked at the mural.

Three people just appeared in the mural.

Sure enough, there were three of us now!

But the mural at this moment always focuses on three people.

Luo Chen thought again at this moment, is this mural really predicting the future?

"Brother, I don't think I've seen you before!" Shuo Woniu said.

Luo Chen and the others don't look like members of the Human Emperor's Ministry, otherwise he wouldn't be unimpressed!

"Are you from the Human Emperor's Department?" the prince asked.

"Yes, my father Shuo Yue!" Shuo Woniu moved out of his father's house. This was what his father had repeatedly told him.

When you meet someone, sometimes if you move out of your father, the other person will treat him well for the sake of his father!



The prince directly punched Shuo Wo Niu's chubby face!

My eyes immediately became dark circles!

"Are you going to fight me as your father?"

"I am the prince, are you?" the prince said proudly.

"No, no, I just"

"Tell me, why are you here?" the prince asked.

People like Shuo Woniu are definitely not here to fight.

"I, I accidentally fell it, wasn't it because someone broke through the level? Then I found out, so I notified everyone to catch the person who broke through the level!" Shuo Woniu said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the prince hit Shuo Woniu's other eye with another fist!

A pair of panda eyes just formed!

"Open your eyes and take a look!" The prince glared at Shuo Woniu.

Shuo Woniu said with a cry.

"I've opened it wide!" At this moment, his eyes were swollen to a slit, why couldn't he open them wider!

"You see clearly, it was your eldest brother who broke through, but you tipped off the news?" The prince said with his hands in his waist.

"If you don't catch me, I will bury you alive on the ground and expose your head. Do you know what urine smells like?" The prince put his hands on his hips!

Shuo Wo Niu shook his head.

"After you informed people, why didn't you chase them in?" Luo Chen asked.

"When we met that knight, we all thought it was the knight who broke through the barrier, and then we started fighting with that knight."

"The ancient emperor and that knight were fighting, and the universe collapsed, and we fell in." Shuo Woniu said aggrievedly.

"Hahahaha, you and the Qilin Knight are fighting like this?" The prince suddenly became happy.

"It seems that you are a lucky star. Sorry, the flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple. Come on, let me rub it for you!" the prince said.

But he was just testing Shuo Wo Niu just now.

But he found that this Shuo Wo Niu was really ordinary.

Just an ordinary little fat guy!

"Since you came in, have you been fighting Qilin Knights?" The prince was serious this time.

Shuowoniu nodded.

"Yi, this is really surprising." Luo Chen looked at Shuo Woniu.

Strictly speaking, it was Shuo Wo Niu who was blocking Qilin Knight.

After all, the critical point was caused by Shuo Wo Niu.

And now, by some strange combination of circumstances, Shuo Wo Niu has been sent here, and the mural even predicted it at the beginning.

It was really a bit of a mistake to send them here, because many of the Imperial Army's troops had already died in the heavy rain.

Only Shuo Wo Niu, the most vulnerable person to death, survived!

And it was delivered to Luo Chen.

This step-by-step coincidence is indeed staggering!

This is the so-called luck, or aura!

This kind of thing is a bit novel even for Luo Chen, because along the way, he rarely relies on these, he relies on himself, and tries his best to keep good cards for himself!

For the first time, I have this feeling of being so lucky that no matter what, I can't die, and the situation will all go in my favor!

But the surprises don’t stop there! "Don't worry, my father will definitely bring someone in to rescue us!" Shuo Woniu was very confident!

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