Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4267 Big Brawl

On the other side, all the murals looked at the golden ancient characters in Luo Chen's hand.

The golden ancient characters look very special, and there seems to be a very special aura flowing through them.

That is the breath of wind, and it is also the flow of wind.

However, this wind did not seem to be able to complete the creation of the world, but it also attracted the attention of all the creatures in the murals.

The prince also looked at this scene and felt his scalp numb and his whole body felt uncomfortable.

The creatures in the mural seem to be alive, staring at the golden ancient characters at the moment, and the creatures in the mural can also change and move.

Among the murals, there is clearly a place, which is a vast and majestic mountain. The mountain sinks to the earth, suppressing the vast earth, and it is like a celestial blade inserted into the earth, pointing to the starry sky, trying to break through the sky.

On the vast mountain, there is even red mist flowing and rising from some huge canyons. It looks very full of fairy energy, but also very strange.

And among the vast mountains, there is a terrifying creature, which is currently looking into the distance.

Although the true face of the creature cannot be seen clearly, everyone can feel the scorching gaze, which is extremely sharp, cold and disdainful of everything.

This creature is very extraordinary. It is not like ordinary creatures. It seems to be far more terrifying than normal creatures. At this moment, the gaze from afar seems to be piercing the mural.

Feeling the gaze and pressure, the prince felt a chill in his heart.

It was a good thing that he didn't have any cold hairs, otherwise his cold hairs would have stood on end at this moment.

However, even so, the situation is still shocking.

"Dad, why don't you put them away first? I feel like they are coming out!" the prince said.

The painting is constantly churning, as if it is rolling, and the creatures seem to be rushing out of the mural and entering the real world.

This scene is really scary and weird.

Luo Chen's eyes fell and he was silent. He was thinking about it. Now all this seems to be somewhat obvious.

There are definitely terrifying forces and creatures in the dry universe.

These terrifying creatures and powers seem to be in the murals?

"Maybe we are also among the murals!" Luo Chen suddenly said.

"Huh?" The prince was shocked. This idea was too bold and unreasonable.

"If we are all in the murals, this explains why these murals and creatures are peeking at us." Luo Chen said.

The creatures in the mural changed one after another, and they all seemed to be snooping and peeping.

But if you change the perspective, in a mural at this moment, there are three people, a ball of fire, and a golden ancient character appears in the hand of one of them.

This mural seems to be foretelling the future, implying something.

Doesn't this seem reasonable?

Then powerful creatures and terrifying creatures came to observe and explore the murals, wanting to know the future development.

This makes more sense.

Luo Chen saw them as murals, but they saw Luo Chen as nothing more than a mural?

But this idea was really shocking. The prince was shocked again and was speechless for a long time.

At this moment, these creatures were snooping, but Luo Chen still didn't put away the golden ancient characters. He even had some bold and crazy plans!

"Dad, is the army of the Eternal Human Court also in the real Maple World?" the prince deduced.

"I don't know, but this in itself is very strange!" Luo Chen said.

There was actually another important reason why the Emperor agreed to Luo Chen coming alone to look for the army of the Eternal Human Court in the Kuji Universe.

That means this itself is unreasonable!

The army of the Eternal Human Court fell into the dry universe, although this seemed to be a plan of the Human Emperor's Ministry.

But there is an ancient emperor among the eternal human army. The ancient emperor personally leads the army and falls into the withered universe?

Is this reasonable?

Definitely unreasonable.

Unless there is an insider or an insider!

That is to say, someone in the Eternal Garden deliberately guided everyone to fall into the dry universe.

This can explain why the army of the Eternal Human Court made such a stupid mistake.

The Emperor and Luo Chen suspected this from the beginning, but they did not speak out about it, but had a tacit understanding and consensus to verify it.

If there is a mole within the Eternal Court of Humanity, it will be meaningless to send more armies into the Quiet Universe to rescue them.

Therefore, the emperor agreed to Luo Chen's entry because Luo Chen could come to verify the matter.

However, Luo Chen now feels that this mole may not be from the Human Sovereign Ministry.

Guiding the army of the Eternal Human Court into the Silent Universe seems to have another agenda!

A person suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's mind at this moment!


The emperor of the eternal human court!

Only the emperor of the Eternal Human Court takes action, or in other words, only the emperor's order and the emperor's will can make the army of the eternal human court fall into the withered universe like this.

So, the emperor, why do you want the army of the Eternal Human Court to enter the dry universe?

Thinking of this, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile.

This is really interesting. The Emperor of the Eternal Human Court must be doing something.

Futian, the Queen, and the Emperor all do their own things and have their own calculations and plans.

Think about it!

Luo Chen shook his head again at this moment. He might have been plotted by the emperor.

In other words, the emperor was not planning on him at the beginning, but the fifth prince.

There were already clues. After all, Luo Chen suspected that the coffin in the fifth prince's body had something to do with the emperor.

And then because the coffin can get the golden ancient characters.

So it means that the golden ancient characters were deliberately created by the Emperor, or that it was intentional!

This means that every step taken now seems to be part of the emperor's calculations.

In other words, the ultimate goal is for Luo Chen, the fifth prince's body, to bring gold to the lonely universe. ..

Now that it's here, something will inevitably be triggered.

Every step is planned.

Fortunately, Luo Chen is not in the camp of these people. The chaos in the First Era will lead to chaos. The more chaos there is, the more opportunities there will be for the Fifth Era to recuperate and survive.

So it didn't matter to Luo Chen whether these plans were easily withdrawn or Luo Chen was also used.

Luo Chen even felt that the situation in the First Era was really complicated.

No wonder, according to the long history, the First Age collapsed.

There are various complex forces fighting openly and secretly, and the various causal relationships are also extremely complicated.

It would be strange if this didn’t collapse!

"This is more like a big fight between the major forces in the First Era!" Luo Chen said.

"Dad, it seems like we are here again?" The prince looked outside at this moment.

In the sky, there was already a huge noise at this moment.

And between heaven and earth, in the Eternal Court of Human Beings, Zun Ancestor felt helpless and lonely, but there was also a glint in his eyes!

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows at this moment, planning to do something crazy!

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