Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4269 The pressure of heaven and earth

"Who?" Luo Chen and the prince asked.

But the flame creature opened its mouth, but its vague mouth could not make any sound at the moment.

Even if it raises its hand, it seems unable to describe or write it out.

That name was like a taboo, unable to be spoken or presented in any way.

At this moment, Luo Chen and the Crown Prince finally understood that there were some things that the flame creature was not unwilling to say, but rather that it had no way of saying them. .

"Is there a restriction?" Luo Chen looked at the flame creature, and Huo Yan gave up and said that the person was here.

Just sighing leisurely.

The surrounding earth is still unstable, and although the flames are boiling, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and it does not truly stabilize the earth.

On the contrary, at this time, the creatures in the mural were really about to come out, and the terrifying aura was shaking.

They all have an absolute dedication to the golden ancient characters. It seems that at this moment, they can give up everything for the golden ancient characters.

A series of terrifying auras flickered, and Luo Chen looked around. At this moment, he had put away the golden ancient characters.

After putting away the golden ancient characters, everything around him seemed to calm down in an instant. The terrible thing was that the breath was gone, and the creatures in the murals seemed to have calmed down.

But Luo Chen knew that this was only temporary, and at this moment, an attack from nowhere appeared again in the world.

It was a unicorn made of thunder and lightning. It was not the unicorn of the Qilin Knight, but it was as terrifying as the unicorn under the Qilin Knight.

The unicorn flashed with thunder and lightning, its hooves bloomed with endless sparks, and the exploding lightning seemed to penetrate the void.


The void exploded, and before Luo Chen and the others could retreat, lightning had already arrived.

And as lightning arrived in front of Luo Chen, huge hooves and terrifying power struck.

Luo Chen raised his hand and smashed it down with a simple and heavy force. Five marks shone on the fingertips of Luo Chen's palm, blooming with infinite light.


The two collided together, and the lightning unicorn struck again.

"Is this the method of the creature in the mural mountain?" Luo Chen didn't raise a question.

Because at this moment Luo Chen noticed that the creature in the mountain of murals seemed to be watching with his arms folded.

This creature is indeed extraordinary. Luo Chen noticed that this creature was unusual early on.

Now the opponent was actually able to use the murals to use extraordinary means to attack and kill Luo Chen with a thunder and lightning unicorn.

Such methods are indeed incredible and difficult to understand.

The thunder and lightning unicorn was full of lightning and sparks. It was very scary. Even Luo Chen's head-on collision with it just now made Luo Chen paralyzed.

This unicorn thunder and lightning is obviously not an ordinary thunder and lightning!

At this moment, Luo Chen frowned slightly. This was the first time Luo Chen encountered such a fierce thunder and lightning.

Moreover, the opponent obviously came for the golden ancient characters, so Luo Chen couldn't use the golden ancient characters to fight.

After all, Luo Chen didn't believe that he had used the other party's methods to create a thunder and lightning unicorn!

The lightning unicorn struck again, and the terrifying power of thunder even penetrated Luo Chen's perception of Yi.

At this moment, although Yi was protecting Luo Chen, he was also struck by the thunder and lightning of the lightning unicorn.

The thunder and lightning unicorn roared at this moment. It was not evil. On the contrary, it was very sacred, pure, and carried the righteousness of heaven.

At this moment, it struck again, and the powerful thunder power caused arcs and power grids to surround Luo Chen!

"There's something wrong with this thing!" The flame creature shouted, reminding Luo Chen.

In fact, Luo Chen had noticed it a long time ago. This thing was too weird. Luo Chen just fought hard with it and shook it away, which made Luo Chen feel something.

A very powerless and fragile feeling!

This is impossible, even a top creature would never give Luo Chen such a feeling.

So if Luo Chen could be given this feeling, then Luo Chen would feel that the person fighting him at this moment was not a simple thunder and lightning unicorn.

But heaven and earth!

Heaven and earth, only heaven and earth can give Luo Chen this feeling, as if it is shaking the world.

Luo Chen's eyes also exploded. He was not afraid that all the worlds would suppress him many times, whether it was the Burial Immortal Star or the Immortal Realm.

But Luo Chen never feared or flinched.

Now here, this thunder and lightning unicorn is obviously the incarnation of heaven and earth, and it will suppress Luo Chen with unparalleled absolute power.

Not only did this make Luo Chen not flinch or fearful, but he became angry!

In Luo Chen's consciousness, he himself will not be suppressed by anyone other than himself, not even heaven and earth!

The thunder and lightning unicorn comes across the sky!

Luo Chen's eyes sparkled with endless glow, and his mental state suddenly seemed to be excited.

"This thing is dangerous!" the flame creature warned, and it guessed that it was not just this thunder and lightning unicorn.

So he wanted to remind Luo Chen.

But at this moment, Luo Chen actually didn't dodge, but stood in front of them, preparing to attack them!

The flame creatures are very worried!

However, the prince looked solemn.

"Dad is going to take action!"

The prince saw it now.

As for Luo Chen, after entering the first era, his strength was limited. The kings of the first era could not be regarded as top combat power, not to mention that Luo Chen had not yet reached the king level!

So Luo Chen seems to have been using his brain, just like a literati, always using wisdom to solve problems and using strategies!


Don't forget, he is Luo Wuji!

What's really great about him is not just his brain, he is also a fighting madman and a fighting genius!

In some cases, it would be fine for Luo Chen not to take action, but when the world suppresses them, it seems like they are going to completely crush them.

Do you really regard Luo Wuji as a kind person?

The thunder and lightning unicorn struck, but before it could reach Luo Chen, Luo Chen's hair was flying, the body of the fifth prince was rumbling, the blood in his body was boiling and surging, and powerful power poured out at this moment, like a surging river. generally!


In the void, the thunder and lightning unicorn has arrived. With its powerful body, endless thunder and lightning strikes at this moment. If it touches it, it will be immediately scorched by the thunder and lightning!

It can even paralyze the opponent instantly!

Moreover, the Kirin thunder and lightning is vast and endless. It is the incarnation of heaven and earth, and it is the endless vast world.

Ask the sky, in this huge world, who can fight with the sky?

However, the next moment, a faster force struck, the ultimate slap, containing the supreme way, thousands of magic techniques and Tao techniques merged together.

The complex is reduced to simplicity, and all the attacks and terrifying power are integrated into this simple and unpretentious slap!

Luo Chen's eyes exploded and he slapped him down.


The ultimate collision is not just the collision between slap and unicorn!

But the collision between heaven and earth and Luo Chen!


The entire dry universe trembled suddenly at this moment, and a bolt of thunder and lightning flew across the sky, cutting through the entire dry universe, as if it was divided into two!

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