Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4291 Development

Luo Chen had already guessed what the emperor wanted to do.

Both men are smart people.

A characteristic of smart people chatting with each other is that each other's thoughts jump very quickly.

Some words often don't need to be pointed out, or said, because the other party has already guessed the other party's intention.

The emperor wants to destroy the Xi clan with his own hands!

Because the Xi tribe was going to perish anyway, so it was better to let the emperor come in person.

The emperor takes matters into his own hands, and his approach may be a little gentler.

Another point is that there may be a glimmer of hope left.

The young emperor stood there without speaking, very quiet, or rather he lowered his head.

Others would not have thought of this and would even think he was crazy.

Even people from the Xi tribe wouldn't understand him.

First, he could not tell everyone in the Xi clan that in the future, they must be destroyed and perish.

Secondly, even if he said it, how many people would believe it?

Third, if you believe it, does that mean you will definitely accept it?

No, no, I won't accept it.

The Xi people have no genetic shackles and will not die naturally!

In other words, today's human race has no genetic shackles and will not die.

In this era, the three human emperors have not yet become human emperors.

In this era, the Xi clan is unprecedentedly powerful, and the Fu clan is also very powerful in this era!

"What is the future?" the young emperor asked after a long time.

"The future is very elusive, and the Xi people do not follow cause and effect, so I have to think that if they are bound to cause and effect, then maybe there will be a chance."

“Today’s cause will be tomorrow’s effect!”

"The consequences of determining the future, the determined future, use what I call fate to bind the Xi clan!" the young emperor said.

Luo Chen frowned slightly.

I have to say that this is the courage of a top-level creature. Even if he is not a top-level creature now, the young emperor is still terrifyingly abnormal.

Because it was necessary to destroy the Xi clan, Luo Chen felt that this was really difficult!

In other words, for the current young emperor, this will be very difficult.

"You shouldn't be able to do this alone."

"So I'm helping, looking for some helpers like me." The young emperor said.

This plan is a bit too scary and wouldn't work normally.

Determine the future, and then use the future to trap the Xi clan.

"Where's Yi, how do you solve it?"

"The Xi clan has Yi on their side, and your plan will collapse at any time!"

"Easy to attack, easy to attack!" The young emperor sat down on the stone, then picked up a branch and started drawing on the ground.

"Easy to attack easy?" Luo Chen frowned.

He didn't know if the plan would work.

But he felt that the Xi clan might indeed lead to the collapse of all other clans.

"In fact, Yi cannot be controlled on a large scale." The young emperor said.

"If everyone knows how to do it, something will happen."

"The great road must come naturally!"

"The reason why today's avenue is chaotic is because everyone is easy to change." The young emperor sighed and said.

"You mainly want to save the Xi tribe, right?"

"Yes!" the young emperor said.

"I'm afraid this infamy and what you have to bear will be a bit heavy." Luo Chen looked at the young emperor.

Sure enough, people who can reach the level of top creatures are not ordinary people, they all have the ambition to encompass the world.

It would be an insult to say that he has the ambition to reach the upper reaches of the sky. Almost all top-level creatures have the will to control the world.

Even before becoming a top creature.

"It's better than everyone having fun!" the young emperor said.

"Let's go, you're here anyway, I'll take you to the transformation!" the young emperor said.

He stood up and wiped the dust off his butt. Now he was not wearing an imperial crown but an imperial robe.

Now he is just a young man, but of course he is no ordinary young man.

The emperor moved forward, and Luo Chen followed. There were many plants in this era that Luo Chen had never seen before.

And they are all very tall.

Moreover, Luo Chen rarely saw a dragonfly. The huge dragonfly's wingspan exceeded two meters.

Tall trees, huge ferns!


As soon as Luo Chen and the Emperor showed their heads, a huge head popped out.

The huge head was as huge as a truck head.

Huge eyes stared at Luo Chen.

That's a huge Tyrannosaurus rex!

"Raised by people from the Xi tribe."

"But there are quite a few at Guixu."

"Guixu?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes, it is said that Emperor Wa created humans there. The Fu clan and the Xi clan both came out of Guixu."

"But there are other people in Guixu, and not everyone is from our Fu and Xi clans."

"Don't the people of the Xi tribe live in Guixu now?" Luo Chen asked.

"No, they don't live in Guixu, that's where the human race originated!"

"It would be too crowded if everyone was there."

"How long?" Luo Chen asked.

"According to your calculation of time in future generations, ours may be more than a billion years old."

"But it's been so long ago that even the people with the best memories in the clan can't remember it, so who knows?" the young emperor said.

Luo Chen thought for a while and finally looked at the sky again.

It was a row of huge pterosaurs soaring in the sky. ..

There is also a huge long-necked dragon swimming below.

The Tyrannosaurus rex just now obviously knew that these two people were not easy to mess with, so he turned around and left.

The young emperor had been walking in no man's land with Luo Chen.

When they reached a place with people, the young emperor raised his hand and Luo Chen's muddy body instantly turned into a speck of dust.

But this did not affect Luo Chen's observation of his surroundings.

The people of the Xi tribe seem to be very busy, and they seem to be studying something anytime and anywhere.

The Bagua bloomed under his feet, and endless light flew up.

The mountains and rivers were changed in the next moment and turned into something else.

This method is indeed terrifying and has the power to change the world.

The young emperor took Luo Chen around and saw many scenes that Luo Chen had never seen before.

Then the Emperor took Luo Chen to answer the question of where he was before.

Luo Chen's body recovered.

"Did you notice just now?" the young emperor asked.

Luo Chen has actually noticed that besides the Xi tribe, there are actually many other human tribes.

Other human races follow cause and effect.

The people of the Xi tribe do not seem to follow the order of cause and effect.

The Xi people are studying and establishing cause and effect, but they themselves do not follow cause and effect.

For example, just now, a person from the Xi tribe fell to the ground inexplicably, and then the void opened up, and he came out as a child.

"What are you going to do?" Luo Chen asked.

"Do you know why you were attacked and killed?" the young emperor asked softly.

"Actually, I guess it has something to do with the origin of heaven and earth." The young emperor looked at Luo Chen.

"That is the origin of heaven and earth, and the Xi clan relies on it to maintain and develop the world!"

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