Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4304 Enlightenment in the world of mortals

Miao Yi went back and sat under the big tree. She looked at Luo Chen and felt endless bitterness in her heart.

Her heart was never very calm and peaceful.

"Remember what you liked to play with when you were a child?" Luo Chen said with a smile.

"Remember!" Luo Chen waved his hand. It was a small windmill made by Luo Chen.

"You used to take out the windmill and you could play and laugh all day long!"

"Then when you grow up, just like now, the windmill is still the same windmill, but you are no longer the happy you."

"It's all just experience, let go of your ego!"

"If you can't let it go, just go find it." Luo Chen said.

Miaoyi stood up, tears falling, she said goodbye to Luo Chen, and then went to look for the man impatiently.

This is the first throb of a girl's heart, destined to be young, even bitter and unforgettable.

Miaoyi climbed over the mountains and ridges, and slept in the open air.

She felt that as long as she spoke, she felt that as long as she worked hard, she could keep that man and let him go with him.

This is youth, a persistence. For this youth in your heart, you can abandon everything!

Luo Chen believed that Miao Yi at this time could even abandon him and the Imperial Clan, and pursue the throbbing in his heart.

This is youth, Luo Chen understands.

This is also part of life.

Luo Chen didn't teach these two people much practice.

Luo Chen always felt that in order to practice cultivation, one must first cultivate the mind and have a foundation.

In life, the first step is to learn how to behave. This is fundamental.

Only when you learn how to be a good person can you achieve twice the result with half the effort in cultivation, avoid taking the wrong path, and have a smooth journey.

These two people are now learning how to be a human being, and how can a human being not make mistakes?

How can one learn without making mistakes?

What's more, Miaoyi's previous childhood was not good. She needs to be healed, so it will take a long time for her to deal with emotional attachment.

Luo Chen was completely at ease at this level.

Mengnan was very special to Luo Chen, and in the ordinary world, Luo Chen would also accept others.

This is not because Luo Chen has no feelings, nor is it because Luo Chen is heartbroken.

But Luo Chen understood a truth very early.

In the mortal world, when you find someone to accompany you, the purpose is to help you, save you, and make you live a good life by relying on that person.

Whether it's spiritual or material, or anything else.

Then this is already the wrong path.

People come alone and will eventually leave alone.

First of all, we must learn to save ourselves and learn to become a complete person.

Whether you are happy or not, happy or not, you cannot rely on or rely on others. When a person has the ability to make himself happy and happy.

You no longer need others to help you be happy.

But at this time, it doesn’t matter whether it’s there or not, it’s actually pretty much the same, I won’t force it, I’ll be happy with it when it comes, and be at peace with it when I leave!

This is the truth, but the truth cannot be told to others. It must be understood and experienced by oneself.

This is Miaoyi’s spiritual practice.

Miao Yi traveled across the mountains to search for the man for a year, and finally found the man in one place.

The man has now changed his female companion.

"Actually, if you don't worry about it, we can still travel around the world together like before!" The man invited.

"I'm sorry, my fault!" Miao Yi didn't compromise. Maybe if she compromised, she could go back to the time when she thought she was happy.

But she didn't compromise because she suddenly thought of some of Luo Chen's words.

Miaoyi did not try to change men or modify them.

Sometimes in life, you will be stupid. Luo Chen once said, don't put mud on the wall, don't carve out rotten wood!

It’s not the mud and rotten wood that’s the problem, it’s you!

At this moment, Miao Yi endured the regret and inner conflict, and then left.

Perhaps this was an unforgettable lesson. Along the way, she kept silently reciting the mantra Luo Chen sent.

It’s all about experience!

When you don't know how to love, you will know what love is!

At this moment, Miao Yiyi had a deeper experience of Taoism, what is inaction and what is nature!

At this moment she understood even more.

At this moment, she really felt it.

Instead of sitting there and listening to Luo Chen talk about Tao once, it is better to experience it yourself.

The various tastes are far more real and rich than what you hear.

On the other side, Wu Ya lives on the streets, his health is getting worse and worse, and he begs for a living.

The wind was biting, and he sat on the cold ground on the street, with the snow covering his knees.

He was still shivering. He could have been more dignified and squatted in the mountains and forests, but wild beasts were infested there. Now that something happened to his body, he would only become a meal for the wild beasts.

No one cares, he is just a poor and pathetic beggar.

This is ironic. Before, he was happy with his grudges, walking in the world, and was highly respected and praised by others.

He liked that feeling very much, because among the Imperial Clan, he was just an ordinary person, not outstanding, so when he came to the mortal world, he attracted much attention, which made people very intoxicated and addicted.

He even had some little followers, and he showed off his power and was extremely happy.

He imagined that if he brought a large group of followers to Luo Chen in the future, would Luo Chen praise him?

Will you be happy for him?

But now, his illusions shattered, he lives on the streets like a dog.

Someone left a piece of leftover rice, which he would never eat before, and sneered at it.

But at this moment, he grabbed the leftover rice with his frozen hands and stuffed it into his mouth, while tears fell down.

His pride, arrogance, and pretentiousness, everything was shattered at this moment!

At this moment, he humbled himself into the dust, but at this moment, he understood the reverence for life.

He understood that life can be noble or humble.

But there may be no so-called distinction between high and low in life. Life is life.

Leftovers can keep him alive for a day, and so can good food.

The only difference in all this is the heart.

To truly step into the Tao, one must see through human nature and the human heart, understand it, and throw away all so-called opposition, so-called comparison, good and bad.

Wuya huddled in the corner, silently reciting Luo Chen's words over and over again.

It’s all just experience.

This too shall pass.

Luo Chen sat in the yard, looking at the sky and the flowing water.

He was not in a hurry, because everything here was also an experience for him.

But at this moment, the lives of Wu Ya and Miao Yi finally began to flow.

These two people were the two people with the worst talents and qualifications among the people Luo Chen taught. They couldn't be understood by just talking like the fifth prince and Dao San.

They must experience it themselves before they can achieve their own world!


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