Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4324 Ancestor Beauty Pageant


Dark clouds cover the sky, but for people of the imperial lineage, no one will disperse the dark clouds and change the weather.

This is because they have an unconventional rule.

The imperial line pays attention to the great road, and the great road is natural.

Things like weather are part of the natural Dao. At the same time, for people of the Imperial Dao lineage, weather is also a manifestation and a state of Dao!

So for the people of the Imperial Clan, they will not change the weather.

This is why Xuanyu wants to bask in the sun and would rather run out than bother with his own head.

But at this moment, Luo Chen took action.

As soon as he raised his hand, a powerful force directly blew away the dark clouds in the sky.

This behavior is very surprising, and it also makes people feel that something is wrong.

Many people from the Imperial Clan looked in this direction.

Xuanyu was stunned.

But when the people of the Imperial Dao clan saw that it was Luo Chen's side, which was the ancestor's forbidden area, they were relieved and pretended that nothing had happened.

Everyone did everything they needed to do.

If this were to happen to other people, or to normal times, it would definitely be a big deal.

But on Luo Chen's side, no one dared to speak or discuss.

Even the matter of Luo Chen's awakening should have been discussed long ago.

But no one talked about it.

That’s the ancestor!

Who dares to gossip?

Xuanyu was stunned. Perhaps among the entire Imperial Clan, the only ones who could be so unruly were Luo Chen and the top creatures of the Imperial Clan.

However, top creatures usually don't make any move, and Luo Chen is the only one who doesn't follow the rules.

The sun was shining, it was very warm, the sky was blue, and it was very clean and refreshing.

Luo Chen thought for a while, looked at the clean sky, and spoke directly.

"Tell me to go down and clean the sky where I live from now on. I don't want to see a single cloud!"

"Find someone to blow away the clouds with a fan every day, and find someone to clean the sky for me!" Luo Chen issued the first order belonging to the ancestor!

Xuanyu hesitated for a moment, because this was contrary to the rules of the imperial line.

Ancestor took the lead in breaking the rules?

But think about it, they are the ancestors, so maybe they set the rules.

Xuanyu went down to issue this order.

Xuanyu felt that no one would be willing to come and stare at the sky with a fan, fan the clouds, and clean the sky, right?

But Xuanyu had just issued this order.

"Master Xuan, let me go."

"Master Xuan, let me do it. I have good arm strength. Looking at the entire imperial lineage, no one knows how to fan better than me!"

"Xuanzhu, I have a banana fan!"

"Xuanzhu, I have a thunderous fire fan!"

"Xuanzhu, take a look at me. I used to be responsible for sweeping the floor, and I must be good at cleaning the sky!" Almost like a roar, people surrounded him at once, with tens of thousands of nearby disciples scrambling for it.

This is extremely exaggerated, and Xuanyu has not promulgated it elsewhere.

We just need to announce it near here first, otherwise there will be more people fighting for it!

Xuanyu knew that going to the forbidden area was beneficial, but cleaning the sky was not a good job. As for robbing it?

"Xuanzhu, I don't want to see the ancestor, I just like to clean the sky!"

"Master Xuan, look at me!"

Finally, Xuanyu selected two male disciples to fan Yunduo.

Of course, this area is very large, so they can't see Luo Chen.

Then Xuanyu selected a hundred beautiful disciples to clean the sky.

"No dirt or dust!"

"You guys work hard." Xuanyu said.

The reason why I chose the good-looking one was because Xuanyu almost lost his job because of his good looks.

So she wanted to give good-looking people a chance.

If his ancestor took a fancy to him, he would be able to achieve great success!

Why shouldn't good-looking people deserve a good job and a good future?

She, Xuanyu, had to do this and get this bad breath just because of her good looks today!

Originally, Luo Chen's intention was to just find a few random people.

When it's empty, just shake your sleeves and robe.

As a result, Xuanyu immediately took this matter seriously.

"Remember to dress up nicely, I can only help you get here, the rest is up to you!" Xuanyu warned.

So the one hundred beauties cleaning the sky are no longer cleaning the sky, they have become hundreds of flowers blooming and competing for beauty!

So rumors sometimes spread randomly because of this kind of thing.

The news spread like wildfire that the ancestors were conducting beauty pageants in the name of cleaning the sky.

What Luo Chen didn't know at this moment was that Luo Chen was still observing the saplings in the colorful sacred soil.

At this moment, the buds have broken through the colorful sacred soil, which is a kind of vitality.

In fact, the vitality of plants is truly strong and powerful. When they are very weak, they have the ability to break through the soil and darkness and welcome the light.

And any towering tree will eventually grow from a bud the size of your thumb!

At this moment, the five-colored sacred soil emerges from the buds, not very quickly, and it is difficult to detect the change with the naked eye.

But within one hour, the sprouts had completely stretched out of the colorful sacred soil.

And at this time, the red glow was even more intense, flowing out like a stream.

The sky is extremely clean and blue, and the sun falls, spreading its brilliance like a golden cassock draped over the buds.

The buds are becoming more and more extraordinary, and they bring endless emerald green color.

Luo Chen stared at the buds and never looked away.

An amazing scene happened. The bud was actually composed of two unshaped leaves joined together.

But now the buds slowly opened. The moment the buds opened, there was actually a mini figure sitting cross-legged on it.

The little man actually began to absorb the sunlight at this moment, and the red glow was flowing down from his body.

The villain is very mini, smaller than a grain of rice.

The facial features and limbs are blurry, but it can be seen that this is a humanoid creature!

This made Luo Chen more and more confused. Sometimes this fruit was very evil, and sometimes it was so sacred.

There are actually villains now?

Then Luo Chen turned back and looked at Xuanyu who had an innocent look on his face!

Xuanyu’s identity?

"Ancestor, aren't you?"

On the other side, in a universe far, far away, this place is dilapidated, as if it was destroyed by a war, and it has not yet recovered.

In this broken universe, there is a planet, or half a planet, which is not very accurate, because one-third of the huge planet is missing.

And there are many cracks on the planet, as if they are about to break apart at any time.

But on the outside of the planet, there was brilliant golden light, and there were circles of golden rings that tightly surrounded the planet, preventing it from breaking.

At this moment on the planet, in a dilapidated palace, a man stood in the main hall, reporting to a group of people as tall as a mountain.

Those creatures are like statues, giving people a very terrifying sense of oppression, but their aura is very strong!

"The ancestor of the Imperial Clan has awakened, and just now he chose a beautiful woman."

"Our saint should be beautiful enough, right?" Someone said indifferently.

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