Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4343 The Law of the Emperor


The big tree is behind King Zhenguan.

In the dark world, the big trees were covered with skulls, each of which might have been a genius of the Imperial Clan.

Now they all reappear in the world, but they have died long ago.

The appearance of the big tree added a bit of terror and weirdness to King Zhenguan.

Obviously he is very unusual, something special.

At this moment, Luo Chen looked at King Zhenguan, and there was indeed something wrong with King Zhenguan.

But Luo Chen was very curious, how did he become the king?

How did such a person become a king?

But even though it was so terrifying, Luo Chen still only had peace and calmness in his eyes.

I don't know when it started, but Luo Chen's fight with Wang has become a common occurrence.

There were too many kings that Luo Chen fought against, making even a creature like the king seem a bit like a bad street.

But this is normal, after all, this is not an era or a period.

This is five epochs!

King Zhenguan looked at Luo Chen with a playful look, he was only a year old.

The big tree trembled and swayed, and the skulls swayed too.

There was a crack in the sky and the earth.

As if it were infinitely large, infinitely far, and infinitely extended, in the gap was a snow-white sword!

Heavenly Sword!

It’s also the way of heaven!

The snow-white sword light fell, which was very shocking.

At this moment, Luo Chen could be absolutely sure that King Zhenguan was not some trickster.

King Zhenguan is actually a real king!

Because only a true king can have such terrifying power!

This is very rare. To say that the king is dead in the street is a combination of several epochs.

However, many people in the First Era were called kings, but they did not necessarily have the fighting power of a king. Many people only reached the first level of the crown, but did not truly master or possess the power of a king.

The King of Zhenguan is different. Not only has his realm reached the first level of Guandao, his Taoism and his strength possess everything of a king.

So Luo Chen was just curious, how did such a person become a king?

However, before Luo Chen could think about it carefully, this terrifying blow fell towards Luo Chen.

The move is a killing move. How can human power compete with the mighty power of heaven and earth?

The mighty power of heaven and earth fell, it was huge, and Luo Chen was as small as an ant.

This is not a magnitude.

This is like a lake. Do you have to compete with the ocean?

What to fight for? What to fight for?

This is the gap between Luo Chen and Wang in terms of realm!

If it were done before, Luo Chen would suffer!

But now, Luo Chen watched the infinite power fall, and the vast and huge heavenly sword fall.

Luo Chen just stretched out a finger, and then slowly pointed at the knife!

This is to show the infinite world in a small way and in a small way!

This is also the way of the emperor!

At this moment, the fingertips of that finger suddenly bloomed with radiant brilliance, like a leaf!

Floating lightly into the sky, towards the majestic, vast, and unsightly Heavenly Sword!

The heavenly sword is vast and infinitely huge. When the sword falls, the world is divided into two.

Luo Chen's finger was as small as a leaf, like an ant, fragile, like an egg hitting a stone.

But at Luo Chen's pointer, the leaf-like light touched the heavenly sword.

The force as big as a leaf did not move at all, but the Heavenly Sword suddenly paused at this moment, and then made a sound.

At this moment, the Heavenly Sword seemed to have encountered the strongest obstacle in the world, unable to advance even an inch, and then it made a harsh roar.

Amidst the roar and everyone's surprised glances, the sword shattered inch by inch at that moment!

One finger of the sky-shattering knife!

In terms of Dharma, Luo Chen is like a banished immortal in the world, wearing a slender and wide robe, not stained by dust, not affected by all phenomena!

Luo Chen is like the only immortal and the only emperor in the world, so transcendent that even the king can do nothing to him!

King Zhenguan's face gradually darkened, and Luo Chen actually blocked it again?

When did it become so difficult to kill a small person fighting to cross the seventh floor?

Cang Wu and others were stunned.

"Do you understand?" Luo Chen said coldly and proudly.

"Using a small way to make a big difference?"

"Use the weak to attack the strong?" Cang Wu and other disciples of the Imperial Clan were shocked.

"No, in the world, I am the only one who is supreme!" Luo Chen said imitatingly.

"I am the Dharma, I am the Tao, I am heaven and earth!"

"I will replace heaven and earth, and everyone in the ten directions will surrender to me!" Luo Chen's words were sonorous and powerful, and every word shocked people's hearts!

"This is the way of the emperor!"

When Luo Chenfa finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Looking around, this world is still this world, but this world is no longer this world.

Because this heaven and earth have been replaced, have been replaced, have been replaced!

The scary thing about the Imperial Dao clan is that they cultivate the Dao of Heaven, but they do not submit to the Dao of Heaven. What they want is to order the heaven and earth with their own will, or to replace the heaven and the earth!

Of course, the Imperial Dao clan has too many branches, not just that.

Everyone looked around and were shocked. At this moment, the surroundings were still nine volcanoes, but they were wrapped in curtains of golden light.

Here, it seems that every move he makes becomes Luo Chen's world. Luo Chen's aura and momentum at this moment are like the master of heaven and earth!

"We've come to this point, let's do something else!" Luo Chen looked at King Zhenguan.

King Zhenguan is very special, very special, Luo Chen plans to try it!

King Zhenguan saw that his Heavenly Sword was not only broken, but Luo Chen even had time to teach others.

This obviously does not take him seriously. This is an insult to the king. He should be killed and destroyed!

The big tree behind King Zhenguan shook, as if he was about to take action.

But Luo Chen was just a thought!


A monstrous Hunyuan iron pillar fell from the sky, fierce and powerful, as terrifying as the sea-fixing needle.

The iron pillar is very huge, coming from the sky, smashing everything with surging force!


"Bang!" King Zhenguan raised his hand and turned into a big hand to shake the big iron pillar of Hunyuan!

The big iron pillar was extremely powerful and terrifying, as if it had infinite power, it struck away, wrestling with the transformed palm of King Zhenguan in the air, and brilliant sparks burst out!

King Zhenguan held it down with one hand, although it was a bit difficult.

But he was still holding her down with one hand.

He doesn't understand why this Hunyuan iron rod is so powerful?

It was as if a whole universe was coming, making it difficult for a king to control it, but he still blocked it.

But he didn't have time to be happy yet, because a hint of ridicule flashed across the corner of Luo Chen's mouth!

If you can block the first one, what about the second one?

call out!

The second large iron pillar of Hunyuan in the sky universe covers the entire sky. It is extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, and roars towards it!

This made King Zhenguan’s face change!

But the sound of woo, woo, woo sounded, as if something was waving in the void, causing huge air sounds.

The sound is getting louder and closer! The third Hunyuan iron pillar is coming!

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