Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4356 The abacus jingles

Luo Chen's voice sounded!

"This Nine Fires Li Yun may not be prepared for the Imperial Clan."

"The Nine Fires Li Yun were originally prepared for people from the Desolate Saint Clan."

"Following this line of thinking, if you think about it, everything can be explained!"

"There are many people from the Huangsheng Clan infiltrating the Imperial Clan, including why not deal with King Zhenguan?"

"Of course, there are other reasons for King Zhenguan's incident."

"But this is definitely the most important reason!" Luo Chen said.

Pu Yi didn't dare to think about it, but Cang Wu figured it out immediately.

Indeed, what if the Nine Fires' Destiny here was originally prepared for the Human Desolate Saint Clan?

Then everything about this thing seems so reasonable.

The Imperial Dao clan knew clearly, but turned a blind eye, and even suppressed their own disciples, preventing them from collecting the Nine Fires' Destiny.

"This is one of them!" Luo Chen said.

"The second is that Li Yun has been refined!"

"There is obviously something wrong with this luck, it is not a natural thing!"

"The Imperial Dao clan values ​​nature and nature, so why should they absorb and refine man-made things when they have nothing to do?"

"But the Imperial Clan has to rob it, because if they don't rob or fight, any fool will know that there must be something wrong with this Li Luck!"

"So the Imperial Clan wants to rob, but it's not really a rob." Luo Chen said.

When Luo Chen said this, Pu Yi was also stunned. It seemed like this was really the case.

If that's the case, the matter of Nine Fires' Destiny is not that simple!

"The Imperial Clan clearly has the advantage, how could they allow the Human Desolation Saint Clan to suck blood?"

"How can you tolerate the Imperial Clan being infiltrated by the Human Desolate Saint Clan?"

"Unless it's intentional, deliberate!" Luo Chen said.

"Do you understand now?" Luo Chen asked.

"I don't understand!" Xuanyu said.


I didn’t ask you! "Luo Chen looked at Cang Wu and Pu Yi.

Pu Er and Cang Wu nodded.

"I killed Zhenguan, and my identity directly messed up the whole plan." Luo Chen said again.

Luo Chen has removed the town gate. What if the Renhuang Saint Clan still comes to collect Li Yun as before, and the Imperial Dao Clan does the same thing as before and doesn't care?

So what would the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan think?

This is a trap!

Therefore, Luo Chen ruined his original plan, and now he has to reattach his broken leg!

But Luo Chen plans to speed up the process.

Because Luo Chen is also very curious, what on earth is the Imperial Dao clan doing?

Let the Desolate Saint Clan keep getting the Nine Fires and Luck.

This luck has been refined.

"Ancestor, how do you know that Li Yun has been refined?" Cang Wu asked.

"You don't know?" Luo Chen waved his hand, and a piece of luck appeared in Luo Chen's hand like a ribbon.

A few shook their heads, unable to understand why.

Luo Chen looked at a few people, then thought about it, and then suddenly left his body.

When Luo Chen's soul left the body, Luo Chen discovered that Li Yun, who had been refined, suddenly changed.

Completely changed, completely changed.

It has become very natural, and there is no trace of any refining process at all.

Emperor Wa's dusty body!

Luo Chen was able to discover that it was indeed because of Wa Huangchen's body!

No wonder the Renhuang Saint Clan didn't doubt it, this has nothing to do with realm.

"Ancestor is an ancestor, you don't have enough moral knowledge to realize that it's normal!" Xuanyu continued.

"Ancestor, if you are sure that it is the Imperial Dao clan's intention, I will not object."

Pu Yi cupped his fists and said.

The other party is an ancestor and has good reasons.

And indeed, the Imperial Clan seems to be planning something.

"No, you have to object!" Luo Chen said.

"Ah?" Pu Yi said in surprise.

"This kind of thing must be opposed. No one objects, but something is wrong." Luo Chen said.

"Pass it on, I was deceived by Zi Ji and wanted to give the entire Nine Fires Liyun to the Renhuang Saint Clan."

"Millions of people came to see me and were punished and killed by me!"

"It's up to you to arrange this matter."

"The true and the false are involved." Luo Chen said.

"Now?" Pu Yi asked.

"No, the other party hasn't bitten the bait yet!" Luo Chen said.

He had to wait for the people from the Renhuang Saint Clan to come and start biting the bait.

Luo Chen found a perfect excuse for Zi Ji to send Zi Ji away!

That was Zi Ji who went to the front to meet the people from the Renhuang Saint Clan!

This also gave Zi Ji an opportunity to come into contact with people from the Renhuang Saint Clan.

It will not make Zi Ji suspect what Luo Chen is planning with Pu Yi at the moment.

This plan should actually have been implemented for a long time.

The reason why Luo Chen was suspicious was not just because he found clues about Li Yun and other things.

But from King Zhenguan!

Since King Zhenguan is so unreasonable and goes against the interests of the Imperial Clan, why does King Zhenguan still exist?

It is reasonable as long as it exists, even if it seems unreasonable, it is just an appearance.

If it was really unreasonable, it would have been eliminated long ago and would not exist at all!

Therefore, following this idea, Luo Chen could easily find the clues.

However, Luo Chen only found out after clearing the town gate.

If Luo Chen had been discovered from the beginning, he would not have cleaned up the town.


After all, he took care of Zhenguan, so he had to replace Zhenguan!

One of the functions of Zhen Guan is to dispel the concerns of the people of the Human Desolate Saint Clan about the Nine Fires' Destiny.

Think about it, a person who hates the Imperial Clan, a person who is treated unfairly by the Imperial Clan, a person who wants to completely crush the Imperial Clan into ashes.

Is there any reason not to believe him?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Zhenguan here is more trustworthy than a person from the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

King Zhenguan not only dispelled the concerns of the people of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, but also made the people of the Desolate Saint Clan think that all this is actually in the hands of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

It’s the people from the Human Desolate Saint Clan who control all of this!

But Luo Chen has now removed the town gate.

Luo Chen himself is an ancestor.

This plan was obviously ruined by Luo Chen at once.

That's why Luo Chen started to remedy it as soon as he reacted!

Letting go of Qianqiong is only the first step, telling Pu Yi and the others to cooperate is the second step!

Now there is a third and fourth step to take.

But Luo Chen himself was also curious, why did the Imperial Dao Clan transport the Nine Fires to the Desolate Saint Clan?

And what’s going on with King Zhenguan?

Luo Chen felt that King Zhenguan was not just about the Nine Fires' fate.

The King of Zhenguan is like a stable nail that holds the entire chessboard in place.

Once it is pulled out, the trouble will be big.

Now Luo Chen just accidentally pulled it out.

Fortunately, Luo Chen reacted quickly enough.

At this moment, Zi Ji stood there, very worried and worried!

How can she completely gain Luo Chen's trust and favor?

Do you really have to steal the treasure of the Human Desolate Saint Clan to gain Luo Chen's trust?

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