Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4367 Recovery is imminent

There is a problem with Li Luck, but again, if Li Luck is ultimately dedicated to the top creatures.

Then even if there is a problem with luck, it may become no problem.

After all, they are top-notch creatures.

If the problem of Li Lun is solved, it would definitely be a bad thing, even a catastrophic event, to hand over Li Lun to the Desolate Saints on a large scale.

This is why Pu Yi is a little anxious.

After all, Pu Yi felt that the problem of misfortune would definitely be resolved by the top creatures.

In this way, you are really siding with the enemy.

"You go and discuss it with the others first."

"For the time being, the original plan remains unchanged." Luo Chen said.

He felt that he still had some trust in Li Yun.

Because Luo Chen discovered before that Li Yun was really refined.

The key is that it has been refined without any other abnormalities.

If there is any poison or other curse in it, Luo Chen will think that this thing may not have a great background.

But now, apart from the traces of being refined, there is nothing else strange about Li Yun.

That is to say, the loss of luck is strictly normal.

It was a normal fate, but the Imperial Clan secretly and deliberately gave it to the Desolate Saint Clan.

Is this the Imperial Dao clan stupid?

Still careless?

No, absolutely not.

Often the things that seem least harmful are the most harmful.

Therefore, Luo Chen still wanted to proceed as planned.

Pu Yi was impatient and didn't want to stop for a moment.

Because Luo Chen's speculation is too big, maybe the Human Desolation Saint Clan will not only revive a top-level creature, but also a new top-level creature will appear.

On the other side, the people from the Huangsheng Clan arranged by them were transporting a large number of fruits away.

those fruits

They look very ordinary, some are like coconuts, some are the size of walnuts, and they don't look mature.

But regardless of whether they are ripe or not, at this moment, they are picked in large quantities and then transported away.

There is also a lot of luck.

These fruits eventually traveled across the starry sky, crossed the endless universe, and came to a deserted place on the edge of the universe.

At the edge of the universe, it's extremely dark, and there don't even seem to be many stars.

In the empty frontier of the universe, after traveling through endless darkness, a huge continent finally emerged here!

This continent is hunched over by a wild giant turtle.

This giant turtle is extremely huge, bigger than ordinary planets.

At this moment, it is carrying a huge continent, which is square in shape.

And above the continent, there is a blue sky, which is as round as a dome.

Here, it is a truly round sky.

At the same time, a small sun hung high in the sky and moved slowly.

The sky is round and the sun and stars revolve around this world.

The aura of the giant turtle is extremely terrifying. It looks like an ancient emperor-level monster. There is a huge scar on one eye, making it look even more ferocious and terrifying.

On the mainland, the rosy clouds are flying, and the majestic and majestic mountains stand on the mainland. Some are vast and majestic, continuous, and some are like sharp swords reaching the sky and soaring into the sky.

At the same time, there is a rushing river like a giant dragon.

The atmosphere here is filled with the ultimate strong and primitive atmosphere.

In the mountain forest, there is a giant beast roaring, emitting a terrible bloody gas, shaking the mountains.

But suddenly groups of people flew up from the sky.

Those people all have fierce and terrifying auras, and most of them have no foundation.

Because of the shackles.

At this moment, the people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan who came through the depths of the universe all stopped one by one.

Even they didn't dare to approach this continent where the giant turtle hunched over easily!

Everyone on the continent has a powerful aura, like the supreme holy body of the human race.

Their bodies are tall and mighty, with naturally bulging muscles and full of power. It seems that everyone has endless power in their body, and they look more like wild and ferocious beasts.

They are too oppressive.

They are also members of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, but they are the elites of the Human Desolate Saint Clan!

At this moment, a young man headed by him took a step forward, and the deep space seemed to move!

At this moment, all the people from the Desolate Saint Clan who were sending fruits and good luck bowed their heads respectfully.

"Why are so many people sent here this time?" the leader, a young-looking man, asked.

In fact, he is frighteningly old, and his voice is full of vicissitudes of life.

"This time the higher-ups have figured out a way, and there will be a massive amount of luck and fruit delivered in the future."

"Have you checked it? Is there any problem?" the man continued to ask.

"There's absolutely no problem, it's been checked."

Soon, the leading man asked people to put away the bad luck and fruits.

Then he took everyone back to the mainland.

After the man left, the other men who stayed deep in the starry sky all showed envious looks.

The conditions for entering this continent are extremely strict, and non-geniuses cannot enter.

This is not only an honor, but also a symbol of status and status.

In the continent, there are top talents cultivated by the human desert saint clan with all their efforts.

This is the foundation and confidence for the Human Desolate Saint Clan to recover!

On the mainland, the man who had just met the man responsible for accepting the departure was...

Zi now returned to the mainland with Li Yun.

In the entire vast continent, there is a huge palace, and in front of the palace is a huge altar!

There are already some fruits and some luck placed on the altar.

A large number of good luck and fruits are placed on the altar, and the altar blooms with light.

Soon, these fruits and bad luck began to move into the palace.

In other words, it was absorbed and gone.

There, there is a terrifying power being absorbed and refined.

The power was completely absorbed and refined.

There are no other problems with Li Lun. There is no curse or poison, so it is absorbed directly.

The moment the powerful attraction dissipated, the aura had been restrained and hidden with all its strength.

But it still makes the giant beasts in the mountains of the mainland feel panic and fear.

It was an aura that was more terrifying than the sky. Perhaps a thought or a look could make these king-like giant beasts die directly.

And the so-called elites of the Human Desolate Saint Clan all knelt down and worshiped on the ground, trembling constantly.

But their eyes were very excited, because judging from the aura, it was almost done, as long as they sent a few more huge Li Yun.

Then the creatures inside can be completely completed!

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot into the sky!


That leaked trace of aura turned directly into a pillar of light, which was very terrifying and shot directly into the sky.

A powerful aura rushed up instantly, tearing the universe apart, and seemed to be spreading.

But at this moment, suddenly, twelve ancient kings appeared around the continent!

Their auras are equally powerful, and they are as powerful as breaking the universe.

At this moment, twelve ancient kings jointly blocked that aura!

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