Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4386 The fun begins

The world suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.

The moment of youthfulness!

And it was the moment of youthfulness displayed by the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan!

Now he was killed with a knife!

Blood splattered, and the cold broadsword was dark and stained with blood, making the blood look extra red!

Dazzling and physically uncomfortable!

Luo Chen didn't even look at the corpse. Instead, he waved his hand and the dark knife disappeared and was put away by Luo Chen.

But after the silence, there was an explosion of extreme anger and fearlessness of death!

The next moment, another moment of youth broke out!

Also at the same time!

One after another!

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the earth shook!

"They're just a bunch of trash!"

"It's not a pity to die!" Luo Chen said coldly and mockingly.

"Is this all you can do?"

"It only barks like a wild dog?" Luo Chen kept sarcastic.

"Ahhhh!" Someone was furious, and in an instant, youth rose up!

And it's like a chain reaction.

At this moment, many people from the Human Desolate Saint Clan showed off their youth!

"A bunch of rubbish, nothing to be afraid of!" Luo Chen stepped on the still warm corpse, leaning on the throne and supporting his cheek with one hand!

He looks careless, yet domineering!

At this moment Luo Chen is majestic and powerful, but his taunt value is full!

"Even if he blows himself up, he will still be tortured by me!" the leading old man shouted angrily!

He was so angry that his anger almost consumed him!

This time, there are more people around who have entered the moment of youth!

At this moment, many people in the Di Dao clan were afraid.

Because there are more ordinary people here, after so many generations of reproduction, most people of the Imperial Clan have shackles in their bodies.

Only a few people do not have genetic shackles and can release their youth in an instant.

Not to mention there are so many people, just one person blowing himself up, here, in such a small place, I'm afraid everyone will suffer!

Fortunately, Cang Lan is also making preparations at this moment.

Instant Youth is not a panacea, because it requires a certain amount of time to prepare. Sometimes, the other party may not be able to give you time to prepare!

But now Cang Lan feels that it is okay to prepare secretly.

And in fact, once you use Setsuna Youth, it is equivalent to committing suicide.

In fact, many people will be entangled and hesitant.

After all, life is definitely better than death!

However, at this moment, I had to show off my youth.

After all, the people of the Human Desolate Saint Clan are all displaying their youthful beauty at this moment.

It’s already over a thousand!

Cang Lan gritted her teeth, fearing that she might not survive today.

I can only risk my life to accompany my ancestor!

However, just as he was about to mobilize his breath, a soft force stopped him.

It was the ancestor again, blocking him again.

He really didn't understand, what on earth was the ancestor doing?

What plans does the ancestor have?

But at this moment, he was extremely anxious!

Still increasing!

Out of the 800,000-strong army, 4,000 people were actually challenged by Luo Chen and used Momo Youth! ..

It's dangerous here.

If someone blows himself up, there will be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

I'm afraid only a few people will get out alive!

However, Luo Chen continued to provoke!

"Only the incompetent will fight tooth and nail!"

"The real strong ones always control the situation and play with your lives in the midst of applause!" Luo Chen stretched out his hand and looked at the back and palm of his hand.

At this moment, someone seemed to be completely out of control.

At this moment, those young people were heading towards Luo Chen.

They surrounded him from left to right!

However, Luo Chen still didn't move, it didn't matter.

Someone will protect him!

This place is already very scary. Five thousand young and beautiful people make the void here distort, and the extreme sense of oppression and danger is uncomfortable.

It's just like ordinary people being exposed to five thousand nuclear bombs that can explode. It's too dangerous!

And it’s really generous.

If five thousand self-destruct together, let alone this border universe.

Even the Renhuang Saint Clan next door and Zhentian Pass next door will be affected!

Destroy everything!

But Luo Chen still looked disdainful, indifferent and didn't care!

Because, the next moment, high in the sky, at the moment when the five thousand young people surrounded them, the ultimate roar broke out in the sky!

"What are you going to do?"


"Is it possible to commit the following crime?"

"If you don't stop, this is the ancestor of the Imperial Clan!" Dang Hu roared impatiently.

How could he not know the situation here?

Five thousand moments of youth are really on the line.

As soon as this roar came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Especially the old man in the lead was a little confused at this moment!

This person is actually the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan?

What kind of joke is this?

However, the next moment, the killer came with murderous intent.

Then everyone around him, including Zi Ji, all gathered around Luo Chen to protect Luo Chen.

Including the guard himself!

"What are you going to do?"

"Ancestor, it's dangerous here. Let's leave first and leave the rest to the senior guard." Zi Ji was being clever!

"Get lost!" Luo Chen said directly and coldly.

Let Zi Ji's face freeze!

The situation now became embarrassing.

In other words, at this moment, no one can get off the stage.

"Elder Hu, this person is to be killed."

"Shut up!" Dang Hu shouted loudly, if the other party hadn't already entered the moment of youth.

At this moment, he wished he could just go up and slap the other person in the face.

You've already fucking said that the other party is the ancestor of the Imperial Clan, and you're still mentioning this?

Isn’t it troublesome enough?

Going to the territory of the Imperial Clan to kill people, and also killing their ancestors, this is already a big deal!

What are you talking about now, who did the ancestor kill?

Luo Chen didn't even look at the elder Hu.

He just lowered his head and looked at his white palm, then spread his fingers and looked at the back of his hand.

"Elder Hu, your people are so vicious, they actually want to kill me!" Luo Chen's tone was cold and his voice was solemn.

Just such a sentence made Dang Hu shocked all over.

He knew that nothing could be done about this matter today.

In other words, this is a game.

But the situation is stronger than the people, so is the situation more important?

"Ancestor, calm down!" Dang Hu bowed to Luo Chen with his fists raised.

In fact, by doing this, he was giving a signal!

Give the Desert Saint Clan a signal!

This signal is that I am clenching my fists, bending down, and surrendering.

Hurry up, or you'll die later!

But at this moment, not to mention that many people can't understand, even if they understand, Luo Chen's taunting, sarcastic, and arrogant arrogance just now!

Who can be subdued?

Who can swallow this breath?

With Luo Chen's attitude, who wouldn't want to kill him?

They were already red-eyed at this moment.

If the guards hadn't stopped them, they would have killed them even if they had self-destructed!

Therefore, this signal was given in vain!

Luo Chen looked at his palms, and the fun began!

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