Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4405 So crazy

Everyone in the Imperial Clan was horrified.

Because when the ancestor takes action, he uses thunderous means.

I heard before that the ancestor had dealt with King Zhenguan, which made the people of the Imperial Dao clan think that the ancestor was very powerful, but that should be the end of it.

As a result, Luo Chen counter-hunted at the border, and then killed three remnant kings.

Everyone thinks this is already the peak.

As a result, Luo Chen forced to death the 800,000-strong army of the Human Desolation Saint Clan.

Everyone thinks that this should be the pinnacle.

Because otherwise, how else can we achieve it?


Now, the ancestor actually slaughtered the city.

The Imperial Clan was once again shocked. After all, when had they ever been so tough over the years?

This ancestor seems to be completely different from the Imperial Clan. Many people even think that this ancestor is really from the Imperial Clan?

Are the people of the Imperial Clan so tough?

Especially those who joined or were born later, their concepts have been completely subverted at this moment.

"So our Imperial clan can be so tough?"

"I always thought that our Imperial clan was so weak and forbearing!"

News of the massacre spread crazily among the Imperial Clan.

On the other side, on the big star on the border, the news was also spreading rapidly.

Especially the nearest city will receive this news soon.

On the other side, Ming Ye was indifferent and guarded Luo Chen.

He liked and admired this ancestor very much, even more than his master!

Because his master has always advocated benevolence, righteousness, and peace, but people like Ming Ye obviously don't want peace.

And Elder Pu Yi once again struck cruelly. The people in the army who besieged him were all broken into pieces with one finger, leaving only the bones on their bodies.

There were also many people from the Desolate Saint Clan who broke out. There were elites among them, and their combat power was definitely not weak, and they were terrifying.

Under the burst of aura, each one was so strong that they even connected the aura into one piece.

Luo Chen looked at these people. If these people weren't at a very low level, they would really have extraordinary abilities.

Strictly speaking, the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan are not weak in combat effectiveness.

The reason why it looks weak is because the person you encountered at the beginning was Luo Chen, or now Pu Yi!

Needless to say about Luo Chen, any race now encountering Luo Chen would probably appear a little weak and unable to shine in front of Luo Chen.

And Pu Yi needless to say, his realm is too high, his combat power is extremely strong, and he has unparalleled strength.

But the remaining human auras of the Human Desolation Saint Clan are connected together, and they are going to fight Pu Yi to the death.

It's just a pity that even though they are extremely brave, there is a huge gap in realm, coupled with Pu Yi's powerful strength.


Those few people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan are still bound to die.

And the Supreme One who just swore that his hair was disheveled at the moment was livid with anger.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"You will die, and you will die miserably!"

"We, the Human Desolate Saint Clan, will definitely crush your Imperial Clan!"

"You lowly low-class people!" the Supreme scolded.

He was furious and still had a strong sense of arrogance.

"Don't let him die, I want to live!" Luo Chen said.

Ming Ye moved, Luo Chen's words fell to the ground, and Ming Ye took action.


One blow covered three million miles, and a huge ravine was pulled out of the entire earth. It possesses the power of heaven and has a fighting power that dominates the world.

Ming Ye covered it with one blow and was the best in the world. Even the Supreme One was vulnerable to a single blow in front of the real king!

The difference is huge.

Ming Ye is a real king, with his own world and protecting many clansmen!

It was just one blow, no matter how angry the supreme being was, and his breath was like a rainbow, it was of no avail.

The supreme being was beaten with blood all over his body, his breath was leaking out, and he couldn't control it at all.

This scene was too terrifying, as if there was immeasurable power. The real king took action, and with just one blow, the suppressed Supreme was shattered.

He was forcibly detained and thrown in front of Luo Chen.

"The Human Desolation Saint Clan is going to flatten the Imperial Clan?" Luo Chen asked coldly and proudly.

"You just wait to die!" The Supreme Being was in a panic at the moment.

"You, the Imperial Clan, dare to take action against our Human Desolate Saint Clan?"

"Pu Yi, is this the courage you have given them over the years?" Luo Chen asked.

This Supreme Being did not tell lies. He was extremely certain and confident in his words.


Because this confidence is really given by the Imperial Dao clan.

The forbearance of the Imperial Clan made the Desolate Saint Clan forget what they were like.

It also made their judgment of the strength of the Imperial Clan completely wrong.

In their eyes, the Imperial Clan are sheep without claws and fangs, docile and harmless!

Pu Yi lowered his head, unable to answer Luo Chen's words.

But Luo Chen didn't care that much.

"Next, the city!" Luo Chen said.

The guard's expression suddenly changed.


"Move quickly."

"Kill them all before they react." Luo Chen said directly in front of his commander.

The people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan will definitely react eventually.

He will definitely recognize Luo Chen.

When the time comes, the other party will definitely not rush forward so stupidly to die.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how many people you can kill before the Human Desolation Saint Clan reacts.

Pu Yi also understands this.

Luo Chen is not attacking in a large scale, nor is there a large army pressing down on the border.

Then this is not a war.

If I had to pursue it, it would be personal grudges and personal battles.

Elder Pu Yi is a smart man. He has already thought about it. When the time comes, he will say it is his personal grudge.

If the ancestor keeps protecting him, this matter will be easily solved.

Now, how many can be killed?

When he was in a hurry, he wanted to stop Luo Chen.

But he had no reason.

Strictly speaking, the key is that the people of the Holy Clan are unreasonable.

Because as soon as Luo Chen appeared, the Human Desolation Saint Clan didn't say a word or asked a question, and they came up to kill people.

Dang Hu felt that the Human Desolate Saint Clan had been fed into an arrogant, proud, and crazy race.

Because, by now, even now, the city has been slaughtered.


not a single one!

Even the Supreme One didn't ask Luo Chen and the others, who are you?

How arrogant and contemptuous is this?

How crazy is this?

The Human Desolation Saint Clan should have groveled, recuperated in secret, and lived a low-key life.

After all, the Human Desolation Saint Clan was the one who was crippled, not the Imperial Dao Clan.

But now it's the opposite. The Imperial Dao clan keeps a low profile and is dormant.

The people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan have become crazy, proud, and even arrogant to the point where they don’t even ask a question now?

"You are so brave, you will be stepped on." The supreme being was still crazy.

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