Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4422 Overconfidence

"What's wrong?" Luo Chen looked at Cang Lan.

"Them?" Cang Lan reminded.

"Just watch it carefully." Luo Chen sat there, calm and even a little expectant.

Actually the key point.

Going down, for most people, is suicide and death!

It's that simple!

But the Human Desolate Saint Clan still mistakenly thinks that Luo Chen is here

Therefore, Luo Chen is certainly very confident.

At the same time, Luo Chen also hopes to use the hands of people from the Renhuang Saint Clan to explore the depths of the Death Battlefield.

After all, later on, they also had a death battlefield on the Five Elements Department side!

Also fight with death!

And looking at such a powerful and unparalleled self-confidence, the people of the Desolate Saint Clan should wipe away the decadence and decadence from before!

There are so many people, so many masters, and what is especially gratifying to the leader is that this time there are many young people from the Huangsheng Clan!

These younger generations were originally the hope and the future of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

Now, there are actually quite a few of them here, wanting to hone themselves and hone themselves here.

At this moment, Dang Hu couldn't help but stand up, and then bowed to Luo Chen with clasped fists.

"Go." Luo Chen agreed.

What are you going to do?

Naturally, he started patrolling and visiting these people from the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

At least say hello and express condolences!

"Old blind man, you're here too!" As soon as the captain stepped forward, he saw his former playmate.

"I heard that you are in trouble, that old immortal is a bit difficult to deal with!"

"Shh!" The captain quickly raised his finger to cover his mouth.

"It's so far away, can the old immortal's ears not hear it?" the old blind man said.

"You shouldn't be able to hear it, but be careful, we can't quarrel with each other yet!" the guard said.

The so-called immortal is naturally the ancestor Luo Chen.

The old blind man was Danghu's playmate who grew up together. He lost one eye.

But he is very powerful because he is someone who has experienced the Guixu War and survived.

This is a true veteran and warrior.

The eye he lost was lost in the Guixu War.

Seeing him coming, the captain was naturally more relieved.

It can even be said that the hanging heart was immediately put down.

Veterans are here, what scene have you not seen before?

What situation have you never encountered?

With rich experience, we can deal with all dangers.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the guard went to the young man's side again.

There were many young people standing there, all of them lively and full of energy.

Although each of them looks a little childish, their eyes are firm and full of confidence.

"Okay, okay, okay, they are our clan's hope and future king!"

"Become an uncle!" One of the young men said. His body was glowing, and it looked like he was covered with a layer of holy glory. He looked very extraordinary.

This is a peerless genius from their Human Desolate Saint Clan, and he is actually here now. Although he is hidden among the crowd, he is still very outstanding!

"Why are you here too?"

"Your father is actually willing to let you out?" Danghu asked in surprise.

This is truly an unparalleled genius. His future is limitless. He definitely has royal qualifications and is enough to challenge the ancient emperor!

As long as he is given time to grow, he will definitely become the Ancient Emperor one day.

"My father said that you can't become a hothouse flower, you need to come out and accept the baptism of war!" The young man said proudly at this moment.

In fact, he was very confident and even wore a life-saving sacred weapon.

It is said that this is an unparalleled holy weapon that Wan Bing Daomen personally obtained, and it is comparable to Wang Bing!

With the blessing of the holy weapon and his talent, even if he encounters danger, he should be able to escape unscathed!

"Okay, not bad, you are indeed a genius!" The leader praised, smiling brightly!

Then, he saw many young people.

They are all here for this event.

There are many young people coming, which actually shows one thing.

That is that they misjudged the situation at the moment and did not think it was too dangerous.

In fact, this responsibility mainly lies with the guard.

After all, the commander is sitting at the front!

But the general is actually not good at fighting, or in other words, commanding combat!

But his opponent, Luo Chen, was different.

Luo Chen is not only good at individual battles, but also at large-scale group wars. He has extremely outstanding abilities and extraordinary skills in strategy and military affairs!

In addition, there are really not a few battles that Luo Chen has participated in and directed.

Therefore, at least in terms of command and customized strategies, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

War and battlefield command and coordination really require extraordinary wisdom, strategy, accurate vision, etc.

When Hu is not good at this, he only sticks to the original idea of ​​you punch me and I will take your move!

Therefore, he did not make an accurate assessment and analysis of the situation, nor did he pass the information back to the top management of the Human Desolate Saint Clan!

This resulted in a complete misjudgment of the form.

Luo Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

Luo Chen thought it would be good to kill some warriors from the Human Desolation Saint Clan and then add some kings.

But the Human Desolation Saint Clan actually started giving away gifts randomly, and they were still giving away young people.

This is going in the direction of genocide.

It seems that the influence of luck on the Human Desolate Saint Clan is really too great.

Ordinary people cannot see the dragon.

But Luo Chen saw that the dragon of luck was shrinking.

Bound by huge iron chains.

The jet-black dragon behind Luo Chen was also taking the opportunity to absorb the fate dragon of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

The small black dragon behind Luo Chen now grew from the size of chopsticks to the thickness of an arm.

It is already more than three meters long!

And the fate of the Human Desolate Saint Clan has been weakening!

Of course, the culprit is not the little black dragon behind Luo Chen, but the chain!

However, no matter what, the people of the Human Desolation Saint Clan are about to stage a death drama!

Luo Chen's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"Zi Ji, you'd better think about how to comfort your subordinates later." Luo Chen suddenly said.

Zi Ji looked confused.

"I'm afraid that your commander-in-chief won't be able to survive later!" Luo Chen said with a hint of treachery typical of old age.

It was as if Luo Chen was an extremely evil ancestor at this moment.

Zi Ji smiled and nodded on the surface, but actually she didn't care on the inside.

How many people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan came this time?

Ten million people!

If these millions of people are sprinkled down, won't this planet be broken down into tiny particles of dust?

No matter how powerful you, the ancestor of the Imperial Clan, are, you will be taught a harsh lesson and humiliated today!

So Zi Ji is not worried at all!

At this moment, I feel full of confidence and strength!

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