Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4461 Still not aware of it

Luo Chen asked again about the situation at the Eternal Court of Humanity and the situation at the Endless Abyss.

"I heard that the fifth prince of the Eternal Court has gone to the Endless Abyss."

"And the Eternal Court sent some people to follow him, and a prince went to chase him."

"There are also some people from the Immortal Lineage and Tianren Dao Palace who have also moved." Pu Yi informed Luo Chen of the information.

Luo Chen nodded, and then looked at Gu Xing in front of him.

Things are really getting more interesting and exciting.

Lan Hai, the golden human race, was holding the golden armrest at the moment, and the armrest was bent out of shape.

Because he should listen to his commanding officer,

If it had been a lion fighting a rabbit from the beginning, it wouldn't have worried him now.

At this moment, the messenger of the Golden Human Race went to ask for help, and he went with a very high-level token.

At this moment, his eyes were cold, but when he looked at his captain, he felt a little embarrassed.

This matter can't be blamed on Dang Hu, because Dang Hu just kept reminding him.

And she reminded him over and over again.

"Let the elders see the joke."

"However, the situation here is indeed strange. If our 100 million troops were thrown into the sea, they would be like mud cows drowning in the sea without any reaction!" Lan Hai obviously still did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

At this time, he was holding on to the golden handrail, his eyes focused on the ancient star, and he still had expectations for the ancient star.

"But don't worry, I won't make another mistake this time, and I will definitely take action."

"If there is a battle, the Golden Human Race will not be afraid of the Imperial Clan!" Lan Hai said.

They have this confidence. They are very capable and have recovered extremely well.

Secondly, they have good relations with the Immortal lineage, and as long as the Imperial Dao family goes to war with them.

Then it will inevitably be attacked by the Immortal Lineage and the Heavenly Man Dao Palace!

When the time comes for three against one, the Imperial Clan will be defeated miserably.

Therefore, as long as the Imperial Clan is smart, they will not dare to fight!

Nowadays, the Imperial Dao Clan is only targeting the Human Desolation Saint Clan, and judging from the current situation and what the leader said, it can be inferred that the Imperial Dao Clan is targeting the Human Desolation Saint Clan.

He only dares to target in secret, this is just a secret fight!

The Imperial Clan still didn’t dare to come out in the open.

"Let's go and meet the ancestor of the Imperial Clan. I underestimated this person before!"

"I didn't expect that this person would actually have such means and be able to trap our 100 million troops inside!" Lan Hai still trusted his commander and never doubted it.

And Dang Hu nodded at this moment, feeling no guilt in his heart.

It's strange that sometimes, after people deceive others, many people think that the deceiver must feel guilty.

But in fact, it is not the case at all. The deceiver will only find an excuse to rationalize the deception.

At this moment, from the bottom of his heart, the leader does not feel any guilt. He has already found many reasons.

For example, if you want to blame the ancestors of the Imperial Clan for being too cunning, this was all the fault of the ancestors of the Imperial Clan.

Or maybe you, Lan Hai, are stupid and deserve to be deceived!

Or, the Golden Human Race and the Human Desolate Saint Clan are originally in an alliance, and it is only natural that the Golden Human Race come to rescue the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

In short, the leader himself does not have any responsibility. If he must have any responsibility, he will die at the worst.

So it was natural and normal for Hu to be the leader. He nodded and followed Lan Hai to meet Luo Chen.

"The elder of the Golden Human Clan, Lan Hai, has met the ancestor of the Imperial Dao Clan!" Lan Hai said.

But he was not polite, not even a salute.

The reason is very simple. Several ancient emperors from the Imperial Clan tried to enter the front line.

But he was forced back by a decree from the top creature.

Then the Golden Human Race sent an ancient emperor to sit here. ..

Since then, the prestige of the Imperial Clan has dropped to its lowest point.

Since then, neither the Human Desolate Saint Clan nor the Golden Human Clan have respected or looked up to the Imperial Clan.

This is also the reason why the Human Desolate Saint Clan has become more and more unscrupulous and aggressive over the years.

Now it can be seen from the attitude of the Golden Human Race Lan Hai that it is not just the Human Desolate Saint Race that is arrogant and domineering towards the Imperial Dao Race.

This is especially true for the Golden Human Clan. An elder dares not to be polite when meeting the ancestor of the Imperial Dao Clan.

But Luo Chen was not angry. Prestige was gained through fighting, not anger.

How proud you are now, how desperate you will be later.

But Pu Yi on the side was a little unhappy.

"Elder Lan Hai, when you see my ancestor, shouldn't you bend down and salute?" Pu Er was a little unhappy.

"Lan is proud and proud, looking at Haihan, the ancestor of the Wangdi Dao clan!" Lan Hai had a proud smile on his face, not afraid of anything at all.

So what if he is the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan?

"What a tough guy, no gifts, just tea!" Luo Chen was very easy-going and didn't care.

And Lan Hai actually sat down below in a swaggering manner, and also pulled the guard by the way.

Because the guard still cupped his fists and saluted.

If Lan Hai doesn't respect him, he won't dare!

"However, Lan has to admire the ancestor's methods, which are so extraordinary that they are simply unheard of!" Lan Hai came, more like provoking.

Obviously, he really thought that everything here was Luo Chen's trick, as Dang Hu said.

Luo Chen said with a smile on his face like a kind old man.

"What method?" Luo Chen asked.

When Hu's heart clicked, it was this smile.

He was also deceived by Luo Chen at that time.

"Hahaha, ancestor!" Lan Hai was chatting and laughing, and he had the momentum to give advice to the country.

He was actually still a little high-spirited at the moment.

Because he has the confidence, after all, the elite army of the Golden Human Race is coming, and they are going to take action.

Luo Chen wouldn't show anything at this juncture.

Once the elite army of the Golden Human Race attacks, it means that this place will truly become the second battlefield!

At this moment, the biggest contributor was sitting in front of Luo Chen.

With Luo Chen's mentality, not only would he not feel any discomfort in his heart, but he would also be very tolerant of Lan Hai's current attitude.

Because this is my own plan!

Lan Hai acted like you and I both understand, so why bother pretending?

"Ancestor really thinks he has a chance to win?" Lan Hai added.

"Don't you know that our Golden Human Clan is different from the Human Desolate Saint Clan?" Lan Hai said again.

He came to demonstrate the strength of the Golden Human Race, and even more to suppress the Imperial Race.

In the eyes of other members of the Imperial Clan, this is just a clown.

Although the captain did not understand the situation and acted as a clown for a while, he was not as arrogant and rampant as Lan Hai.

Cang Lan and others shook their heads secretly.

"Pfft, hahahaha!" Xuanyu on the side couldn't help laughing.

As a result, Luo Chen glared at him and immediately stopped talking.

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