The golden war spear twisted, and Luo Chen also looked at the Nameless King curiously.

Luo Chen had already mastered this move before.

However, I didn't expect that there was actually a person hiding in the Human Desert Saint Clan who had touched this way.

However, it is impossible to tell whether this is caused by the original holy power or the nameless king himself.

At this moment, the unknown king wants to forcefully change the war spear and change the nature of the war spear.

You can see it’s tough!

Because the war spear suddenly turned into a flower the next moment, and then suddenly returned to the war spear.

At this moment, the war spear was swaying left and right, and even the ancient emperor Jin Hong seemed to be disintegrated at this moment.

However, Luo Chen knew that it was easy to change the form of objects, but it was actually very difficult to change living beings.

Because life seems to have some special power that has been protecting life.

What's more, at this moment, I want to influence a special life like the Ancient Emperor!


Suddenly, a huge golden disk appeared behind the ancient emperor Jin Hong. There were many inscriptions carved or engraved on the disk.

"You have beaten this thing out, you are proud enough!" Ancient Emperor Jin Hong said still coldly.

He continued to move forward, and there seemed to be thousands of waves coming towards him in front of him.

But there was no point, because those waves were now forced back again.

And whether it's a flower or a golden spear, in his hands, they are invincible and irresistible!

Boom, his invincible power was demonstrated again, and he walked away step by step, very calm and calm.

Instead, the mountains behind the Nameless King were trembling at this moment.

At this moment, the Dao pattern engraved on the golden disc behind Ancient Emperor Jin Hong was completely obliterated.

"The ancient emperor will have a heaven and earth engraved disk. This engraved disk contains the ancient emperor's vitality. The more carvings there are, the deeper the relationship between the ancient emperor and heaven and earth will be, and the stronger the power will be." Ming Ye said at this moment.

He was telling Cang Lan and others.

After all, Cang Lan and others were not very familiar with the ancient emperor.

Cang Lan and others were surprised. They thought that the ancient emperor lived longer and was more powerful than ordinary kings.

As a result, I discovered now that this was not the case at all. It turned out that the path of the Ancient Emperor was not that simple.

And the Nameless King, who tried his best, only dimmed and faded a little of the inscription on the dial.

Unable to shake!

The ancient emperor Jin Hong still looked unconcerned. His eyes were firm and unhurried, even though he was carrying the Heaven and Earth Dial on his back, even if his war spear sometimes turned into a flower.

He still moved forward bravely, and then took one step forward. Finally, the Nameless King was inevitable.

The thick golden war spear fell and pressed towards the Nameless King. It was very terrifying!


The Nameless King raised his hand, and the original holy power in his body was gushing. At the same time, when the ancient emperor Jin Hong dropped the golden war spear, the golden war spear suddenly turned into a flower again.

However, even so, the nameless king's body still shook violently, even with the blessing of the original holy power, even if the golden war spear turned into a flower.

However, he still almost couldn't bear it.

The gap between him and the ancient emperor is so huge that it makes people despair.

He took a step back at this moment, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

And the ancient emperor Jin Hong took a step forward, it didn't matter whether he was holding a flower or a golden war spear.

He just raised his hand and smashed it down hard.

If this blow is carried out, no matter what it is, it will cause unimaginable damage and powerful force!

The Nameless King didn't dare to hide, because as long as he dodged, Ancient Emperor Jin Hong's attack would fall on those two ancient stars!

The Nameless King roared angrily at this moment, and his hair flew. He had indeed reached his limit!

The original holy power, the burning vitality, was still defeated by the ancient emperor Jin Hong!

This is hard to understand!

How powerful was the ancient emperor?

However, the ancient emperor Jin Hong's next blow fell again!


The Nameless King trembled, and he took a step back again. His legs were almost unsteady, and the holy light all over his body almost made him invisible to everyone.


"King, let's go!"

"King!" On those two ancient stars, some people from the Human Desolate Saint Clan finally cried.

Blood spilled from the corners of the Nameless King's mouth, and his hair was disheveled.

This scene can be seen because the golden ocean is deliberately projected.

Otherwise, if you look at it normally, you can only see that the Nameless King is covered in light.

At this moment, the Nameless King is very difficult to prepare for the third attack!


This time, the attack still fell, still a flower, not a golden war spear.

But the Nameless King made a loud sound, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

He was at the end of his rope.

He was unwilling in his heart and his willpower was extremely strong, but his physical body could no longer support it.

The powerful power penetrated the body at this moment. Facing the ancient emperor, he was really powerless!

Ancient Emperor Jin Hong had no expression on his face, raised his hand high, and then dropped it!

Poof, flesh and blood flying everywhere!

The nameless king's flesh and blood was shattered by the shock, and then he flew out.

His flesh and blood still carries endless holy light, as if a powerful force is surrounding his flesh and blood.


However, his flesh and blood finally separated from his body!

"Bang!" It was another cold and merciless blow, which shattered a lot of his flesh and blood.

His insides were shattered, but his body persisted.

Looking at it now, he was already a bloody man, and he looked very scary, with his body covered in blood and flesh.

He tried his best!

But the result was unsatisfactory. He tried hard to block the ancient emperor's attack.

But even if the Qilin Knight can chase and kill the Ancient Emperor, you think the Ancient Emperor is weak!

Strictly speaking, the Ancient Emperor is the ceiling and end of life or creatures.

After all, top-level creatures are not something ordinary creatures can achieve.

Therefore, the power of the ancient emperor is really powerful!

Unparalleled power always runs through everything!


Another blow fell, and bones were exposed in many places on the Nameless King's body.

But he still didn't back down, he was still at the front!

His own vision was blurred.

He seemed to see that person, the person who once held his hand and led him everywhere.

That person seemed to be waving to him again.

"Let go, you're too tired!"

"It's time to end!" the man said in his ear.

"No, if I fall, the creatures behind me will die!" The Nameless King murmured.

He stood there, continuing to prepare, waiting for the next attack!

Waiting for the ancient emperor Jinhong

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