Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4531 Eternal Pure Land

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The reason why Luo Chen looked at Ancient Emperor Jinhong was because Ancient Emperor Jinhong had stayed here the longest and had guarded it the longest.

Luo Chen knew that there was a seal on the ancient star. When he made the formation, it must have been affected, and the already shaky seal may have been broken.

But Luo Chen also woke up at this moment. There may be a seal on this ancient star, and the seal is blocking the things on the ancient star from rushing out.

In other words, the red mist not only prevented the people on the ancient star from leaving, but also sealed other things on the ancient star.

But what happened to the old blind man?

Only the old blind man can leave?

The ancient emperor Yuanhuang quickly understood what Luo Chen meant, but he shook his head, obviously he didn't know either.

This made Luo Chen fall into deep thought.

If there is still a seal here, where is it?

And what will the formation eye be?


But it seems not.

Luo Chen was thinking of the Crown Prince at this moment. If the Crown Prince was here, he would be able to find the formation soon.

Because if there is a seal, Luo Chen will find a way to find it and destroy it.

At this moment, although the Nine Dragons Infinite Fortune Talisman has stopped, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan is already on the way to call for reinforcements.

If it were normal times, the Heavenly Man Dao Palace and the Immortal Lineage would definitely not interfere.

But at this juncture, if the Human Desolation Saint Clan has another top-level creature, they will definitely take action.

After all, one more top creature standing in their camp means more chance of winning!

Therefore, the Heavenly Man Dao Palace secretly took action at this time to interfere with the memories of the three people before.

This is based on the overall situation.

At this moment, in a Tao palace on the side of the Human Desolate Saint Clan in the Tianren Dao Palace, the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was bowing apologetically, listening and waiting quietly.

It was a Virgin, very holy. Some white clothes hung down and enveloped her, making her look extraordinarily radiant and unstained.

She was not in the same time and space as everyone else. She stood there as if she were standing in the past, and at the same time she was standing in a different space.

She stands in a pure land, where the mountains and rivers are eternal, very sacred and clean, and even the soil is full of brilliance!

This is the true eternal pure land, a small world that is very precious. It is said that the queen searched the entire first era but could not find this eternal pure land.

Moreover, people who stand in the eternal pure land are not bound by the constraints and rules of the current world, and this woman is always a person from eight thousand years ago to people today!

In other words, she has deviated from part of the river of time.

And being able to possess the Eternal Pure Land also shows that her status in the Palace of Heaven and Humanity is absolutely transcendent.

This is a big shot in the Palace of Heaven and Humanity, and he is by no means unknown.

"Eternal Pure Land, Dragon Emperor Armor, Falling Sky Bow, Haocang Mysterious Mirror!"

"All the four top warriors who are not weak are assembled?" The woman's voice was ethereal with a hint of mystery, as if the words came from all directions.

"Yes, please ask the Holy Mother to help you." The great elder showed the proper attitude.

"You don't need to treat me like this. You have always been the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan in my heart." Our Lady of Heavenly Man said.

"I can personally take you to the Eternal Pure Land."

"But, I have something to say." The Holy Mother of Heavenly Humanity Palace suddenly said.

"What are you talking about?" the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan asked in confusion.

"Let's talk about this later." The Virgin Mother of Heaven said softly. Her eyes were always clear and very clean. Even if she looked at her, her soul would be purified.

Even the great elder was shocked at this moment.

"It is rumored that the reason why the Heavenly Man Dao Palace has been able to conquer the world for so many years is not only because of the eternal pure land, but also because the Heavenly Man Mother Mother has the eye to purify the world!"

"It's also the legendary eye that cuts off cause and effect. I didn't expect that the rumors turned out to be true!" The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was also a little surprised at this moment.

This is a legend from the First Age.

Everyone in the world is contaminated by karma, and some people are contaminated by karma too much and too much.

Therefore, purification is needed at this time.

What is purified is not the evil breath in the body, but cutting off the cause and effect!

This is very scary. Cause and effect is logic. This is somewhat similar to the Xi tribe, but it seems to be a little different.

However, it is obvious that this Divine Mother must not be underestimated. After all, it involves cause and effect, which is very troublesome.

And she can cut off cause and effect with just one look.

Of course, cause and effect that is too powerful cannot be broken off at a glance.

However, ordinary cause and effect can be broken by just one look at her, which is indeed terrifying.

Therefore, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was very confused and shocked.

"It's just some cause and effect on you!" the Divine Mother said.

"My eyes can see through the future and see many scenes in the future!" Our Lady of Heavenly Beings said again.

"What I just wanted to say is, first, only one wrist guard can be requested for the Dragon Emperor Armor. It is impossible to invite the entire Dragon Emperor Armor."

"However, we can invite the Falling Heavenly Bow and the Haocang Xuan Mirror, but these two things need to be sacrificed." The Holy Mother of Heavenly Man said.

The Falling Heavenly Bow and the Haocang Xuanjing were the two most notorious weapons of the First Era!

For example, the sword in the hand of the prince is an invincible weapon once mastered by some top beings, and it will not be easily revealed to others.

It's like the Burial Dragon Bird is now obtained by the Immortal King.

If you are not a familiar person, you won’t pay attention.

However, the Falling Sky Bow is different from the Haocang Xuanjing.

It can be said that these two things have always been notorious.

The Human Emperor's Arrow is regarded as the representative of the Human Emperor, and also represents the inheritance and inheritance of the Human Emperor to a certain extent.

But in terms of power, the Human Emperor's Arrow may only be able to exert 100% of its power in the hands of the Human Emperor.

This is not the case with the Falling Sky Bow and Haocang Xuan Mirror. These two things, in the hands of anyone, may exert 100% combat power and power.

And in terms of the number of kills, that is, the number of lives killed, these two soldiers are definitely the best soldiers in the First Era.

I don’t know how many people died under these two weapons, and I don’t know how many ethnic groups were wiped out.

As a result, if these two weapons are to be used later, they must be sacrificed by living people, otherwise they cannot be used at all.

This is why Our Lady of Heaven and Earth specifically mentioned sacrifice just now.

If the soldiers were killed to the point of requiring human sacrifice, how far would it be to just fight the soldiers?

"I have prepared people, ready to sacrifice at any time!" The great elder cupped his fists and bowed.

"Then let's talk about one last thing." The Divine Mother said.

"I have already calculated it before." "If you go here, you will die without life!"

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