Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4578 Senior Sister’s Thoughts

Dripping with blood, floating in the universe, mixed with glistening flesh!

With just one blow, all one million troops were killed!

The Golden Heaven Pillar was loosened, and it was covered with flesh and blood, making the Golden Heaven Pillar look like the Pillar of Shura!

There was even a brief silence on the battlefield, and everyone looked in Luo Chen's direction in disbelief.

The huge Dharma of Heaven and Earth, golden and majestic, holding a golden pillar, stood proudly in the vast and empty universe.

An aura of looking down at all living beings, overlooking the world, and overwhelming the mountains and rivers naturally exudes.

"Is this the true face of the ancestor?" Xuanyu's face was full of shock, he raised his head and exclaimed!

On the side, Taichu, Mingye, and even the armies of the Imperial Clan raised their heads in disbelief, looking at the huge dharma of heaven and earth, and the extremely indifferent Luo Chen on the throne.

This was so shocking that it was unbelievable. It was just one blow, extremely domineering, and simple and crude!

This blow created an invincible aura, and also created Luo Chen's eternal scornful aura!

This is the tyranny and arrogance of the Immortal Lord in the previous life, and also the aloofness of the Immortal Lord in the previous life!

Absolute power, absolute control, looking at all living beings, overlooking the common people!

Even the ancient emperor was shocked and looked at Luo Chen with a touch of respect.

This respect no longer comes from Luo Chen's identity as the ancestor of the Imperial Clan.

More of it comes from Luo Chen himself. This is a kind of recognition and respect from the strong to the strong.

If someone were to hit such a blow, it would be amazing.

After all, one strike could kill millions of people!

And that million-strong army is by no means just some miscellaneous soldiers, it is truly an elite division!

Therefore, if a king hits such a blow, it would be considered amazing.

However, Luo Chen is not a king, let alone a king. He is a person who can reach the eighth level and cannot even reach the ninth level!

This is like a mortal killing an immortal!

And at this moment, the ancestor who was sitting on the throne, dragging his cheek with his fist, did it!

He didn't get up or leave the throne!

He just killed a million troops with just one blow.

There is even a king on the other side, and an army of millions led by a king!

He killed him in front of the king.

At this moment, Wang seemed to have become a decoration.

This combat power is obviously beyond the standard and exceeds the standards that everyone knows!

Previously, an army of millions provoked Luo Chen and mocked him.

Now, everything is quiet, the world is quiet.

Provoking and mocking Luo Chenfa, at this moment, the bones were incomplete and all turned into minced meat!

At this moment, Luo Chen didn't even speak or make any move.

But that majesty, that unparalleled aura, automatically formed in everyone's eyes!

King Xuan was in disbelief at first because he really didn't react!

The million-strong army did not react and was destroyed in one blow. As the king of the Ana tribe, he did not react either?

Then, he became extremely furious, and the blood all over his body was boiling. His extreme anger made his whole body filled with anger almost instantly! ..

He was the king, and someone killed all his people, his warriors, in front of him!

How can we not be angry?

Extreme anger was brewing in his chest, and you could even see that his chest was glowing!

Boom, boom, boom!

You can even hear the heartbeat of King Xuan, beating like a war drum, strong and powerful, as if the forbidden power of the human body has been unlocked.

His anger is like a volcano about to erupt, it is already gathering momentum!

The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was a little surprised, but then he figured it out.

After all, he is the ancestor of the Imperial Clan. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so it is impossible for him to live without two brushes.

Capturing the other party alive was because he was a little embarrassed and underestimated the other party.

However, it is difficult to capture the opponent alive, but it should not be difficult to kill the opponent.

Now is the best opportunity, because at this moment the ancestor of the Imperial Clan is isolated and helpless!

He knew the consequences of killing Luo Chen, and everyone was an old fox.

If the Imperial Clan wants to start a war, they need an excuse, and killing the ancestor of the Imperial Clan is the perfect excuse.

All the great elders of the Desolate Saint Clan understand these people, they all understand!

Even this itself is a borrowed knife killing by the Imperial Clan!

However, he can still kill, he is not afraid or worried!

So what if the Imperial Clan goes to war?

As long as the big plan can come true, who would dare to do anything wrong with the unparalleled power of these two top creatures?

Therefore, at this time, he still will not stop it, and will even increase his troops!

After all, this opportunity is once in a lifetime!

King Xuan's long hair was flying, and he looked at the blurred flesh and blood around him, and saw that those who were talking and laughing just now turned into flesh in an instant.

"Damn it, ten thousand times or one million times are not enough to make me vent my anger!" King Xuan said harshly.

And he stepped on the universe step by step, showing his endless power. The anger that burned in his chest finally turned into a big sun, and finally rose up to the top of his head!

The raging sun above your head has the power to deceive the sky, your feet step on the world, and your body has unparalleled courage!

At this moment, King Xuan came with anger, and his powerful momentum shattered everything!

"It's really despicable. Our ancestors are just fighting to cross the eighth level!" Surprisingly, it was not Xuanyu who spoke this time, but a female disciple from the Imperial Clan's former army.

This female disciple has a heroic face and looks very beautiful, but it is a kind of heroic beauty.

At this moment, she was clenching her fists. The attack from her ancestor just now, coupled with the gesture of sitting on the throne, really made her feel excited.

But now when she saw a king taking action against her ancestor, she couldn't control the indignation in her heart and spoke out!

"Senior sister is right, these people are really shameless. A million troops besieged the ancestor, and now the king has personally taken action!" Someone immediately agreed!

And as a result, as if it was contagious, the disciples of the Imperial Clan became even more angry!

They were so angry that some even used unparalleled magic to transfer everything here.

"What are you doing?"

"Where are our Imperial Clan members?"

"Our ancestor was just besieged by a million-strong army, and now we are locked in by Wang Qi Ji. We can't fight out. Where are the masters of the Imperial Clan?"

"Where are the four great gods of the Imperial Clan?" Some people directly chose to be rebellious and scolded them out!

This is so infuriating. They can't rush to kill them, and none of the masters of the Imperial Dao clan come. Are they going to just watch the ancestor die?

At this moment, the senior sister's eyes were filled with incomparable resentment!

However, King Xuan has come in force. With his unparalleled power, he overturned a corner of the world and suppressed it with powerful force!

This time, Luo Chen didn't continue to support Da Da. After all, what he just said about getting him up was referring to the army!

And this king, he wanted to beat him to death with his own hands!

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