Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4628 Awakening of murderous intent

The battlefield became quiet in an instant, including the big battlefield on the Human Desert Saint Clan side!

Because this surging power is so domineering, extremely domineering and terrifying.

It's hard to imagine that this is the power contained in Luo Chen's small body, the power that Luo Chen exerts.

After all, it is a huge ravine that is three million light-years wide and tens of billions of light-years long.

In comparison, it is like an atom directly blowing up the entire earth. If the atom is too abstract, it is a piece of paper that slices open the entire solar system.

Can a piece of paper contain such ferocious power?

It's obviously impossible.

However, now this impossible scene has appeared.

Also, another king was killed instantly with one blow, and King Qing was killed.

He was directly bombarded into dust!

And such a terrifying blow came from a state of struggle to cross the eighth level!

This is absolutely not in line with the laws of heaven and Tao.

This is chaos, chaos, and a force that should not appear.

As if Tianpu was stimulated, it began to roll ferociously and violently impact.

But at this moment, Heavenly Punishment still failed to break through Luo Chen's blockade.

"This?" The Divine Mother was also shocked.

"The Imperial Clan, the Ancestor!" The Human Desolation Saint Clan also noticed, and he even began to weigh whether he should hunt Luo Chen himself.

After all, Luo Chen's potential shown now is too great, and his power is too terrifying and crazy.

The Red King broke into a cold sweat!

The pupils of Youhuang and Kongdi also shrank suddenly, and their pupils even vibrated!

"This is?"

"What is this?" Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang was also shocked. This power was too terrifying and powerful to be imagined.

This definitely shouldn't be a blow that should be struck at the eighth level of Zhengdu.

At this moment, the golden light was brilliant, and the huge figure appeared again.

It cuts through the sky of the universe, and in the cold and dark universe, the body on its body

Its huge scales sparkle with a moving color like metallic texture.


That huge body gives people a very shocking sense of oppression, making it difficult to look directly at it.

The huge figure could finally be seen in full view.

It lingered beside Luo Chen, surrounded Luo Chen, or in other words, protected Luo Chen with its body.

At the same time, its huge head looked coldly at the Red King and others in front!

The cold and huge pupils, a pair of vertical pupils, make people feel cold, fierce, and arrogant, looking down at the people coldly!

Even the king is like an insignificant ant in front of it!

The huge horn on the head is as complex and towering as coral, but extremely sharp, like a sharp sword that cuts through the sky, shining with black light!

The breath coming out of the nostrils turned pale gold, like two golden pillars!

The terrifying sense of oppression is coming!

Imperial Dragon Qi!

No, to be precise, it is the advanced version of Imperial Dragon Qi!

Because before, Luo Chen had been peeping and learning about the terrifying lethality of the Dragon Emperor's Armor Bracers.

After all, that is the Dragon Emperor, the top creature among the Dragon Clan!

Absolute overlord and absolute terror, he was one of the top creatures in the first era!

And such a creature has unrivaled attack power, ranking first in an era!

This is the ultimate means, the ultimate power.

"The aura of the Dragon Emperor?"

"But what about this?" Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang was shocked.

"Has he met the Dragon Emperor before?"

"No, it shouldn't be. Ancestor still hides this skill?"

"Then what does he mean when he says it's finally done?"

Don’t talk about the ancient emperor Yuanhuang at this moment.

Scarlet King, Kong Emperor and Youhuang didn’t understand.

Luo Chen, what on earth is going on?

Then, Emperor Kong suddenly thought of an impossible possibility!

"What moves are you learning and developing now?" Emperor Kong said loudly, his voice shaking the world, trying to cover up the tremor and shock in his voice!

"That's not really true. It's just that I once had some skills, but now I have seen the attack methods of the Dragon Emperor's Armor Bracers, and then I have thoroughly understood them and combined them!"

"It's a trivial skill, nothing worth mentioning!" Luo Chen said proudly.


In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, the pupils of the ancient emperor Yuanhuang and others suddenly shrank.

Learned it from the Dragon Emperor's Armor Bracers?

Even the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan couldn't help but take a look at the Dragon Emperor Armor Bracers suspended in the deep space of the universe!

is it possible?

The Red King was sweating drop by drop.

is it possible?

You can understand this by looking at the wrist guards of the Dragon Emperor's armor!

Not to mention that this is actually a bit unrealistic.

Even if it is realistic and feasible, they are all kings, so they naturally know the difficulties involved.

Luo Chen needs to use the Dragon Emperor's armor's wrist guards to infer the Dragon Emperor's armor, and then use the Dragon Emperor's armor to infer the Dragon Emperor himself!

The difficulty here is like asking a primary school student to deduce and calculate the atomic bomb.

Of course, this elementary school student just watched a simulation of an atomic bomb explosion on the TV.

And now it really comes true?

The world must be crazy!

If you follow this, the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan in front of you is really full of talents throughout the ages!

This is the conclusion and shock they came to based on their knowledge and perspective!

In fact, Luo

Chen doesn't think he has much talent.

He has deduced it, but he already knows the Imperial Dragon Qi itself. He just needs to complete the derivation and fusion of the Dragon Emperor's Qi!

And such talent is nothing compared to Qiu Shui.

That’s when your true talent is fully realized!

However, Luo Chen compared Qiu Shui.

The Emperor of the Sky was comparing the talented people they knew in the First Era.

That's why the Red King sweats constantly.

In addition to being shocked, Kong Emperor and You Huang also began to have a bad premonition in their hearts.

This is too terrifying, and it really makes people feel that this emperor's ancestor is the ultimate villain.

It looks weak, but in fact, it is terrifyingly powerful.

On-site derivation, on-site fighting, fusion study of techniques!

Is this something a human can do?

No wonder Heaven's Punishment insists on killing Luo Chen, he is an anomaly.

The existence of such aliens is simply catastrophic and devastating to others.

As for the people of the Imperial Clan, the shock they received was so great that they breathed rapidly and their pupils trembled!

"Ancestor, him?"

"Is this the ancestor's talent?"

"Looking at the Imperial Clan, who's talent can be compared with that of our ancestor?" Many people couldn't help but ask this question!

The ultimate admiration and fanatical gazes were all directed towards Luo Chen. Their gazes were extremely fiery, as if they were looking at their own true god!

And Luo Chen stood proudly in the void, with the huge emperor's dragon energy beside him!

The power is as powerful as the sky, the attack power is terrifying, and one move can determine the outcome!

Fierce and invincible, even in front of the king, Luo Chen still has an invincible and charming demeanor.

And at this moment, Luo Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he stared at Kong Emperor!

The killing begins!

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