Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4670 Killing with your own hands

Under the vast sky, under the bright sky, the blue sky is as clear as a wash, unstained by dust!

The huge throne is like an ancient fairy palace, and it also seems like it comes from the future and has evolved to the extreme!

The throne sheds seven-colored fairy light, and it shines brightly. At this moment, Luo Chen's thought is a Dharma, a technique!

At this moment, heaven's punishment can no longer suppress him!

At this moment, the world lost its control over Luo Chen.

Because things have changed here.

Luo Chen took the initiative to enter the battlefield of heavenly punishment, and at this moment, this battlefield will be dominated by him, Luo Wuji!

Sitting high on the throne, Luo Chen's aura soared to the sky, and the black dragon manifested beside him, like a terrifying ancient beast, not only ancient, but also carrying a terrifying fairy aura.

The immortal energy flows freely, seemingly endlessly.

The black dragon's eyes were lit up by the immortal energy, and the golden pupils were shining brightly. At the same time, a fiery red phoenix stood on Luo Chen's shoulder!

Dragon on the left, bird on the right!

At this moment, Luo Chen's body of Emperor Wa's dust, combined with the unparalleled immortal energy, became the Immortal King Linchen.

The fighting power is unparalleled and the mana will be endless!

His eyes were dancing with dazzling light, and his brows were full of invincible scorn!

The palms were white and the fingers were slender. Immortal radiance overflowed and fell downwards, like a shining star. It also fell like a waterfall, hit the ground and spread out.

The true realm of immortality!

This is Luo Chenfa's absolute realm. This ancient star is Luo Chen's prison!

It’s also Luo Chen’s prison!

This side of the world was replaced, and the murderous aura gradually rose.

Thirty million enemies really felt the pressure at this moment!

"Have you ever seen someone crush me?" Luo Chen's voice was cold, aloof and high-pitched, deep and textured!

"The centipede insect is dead but not stiff!" Someone responded. His breath was fully opened, causing endless waves. The void was twisting and it was difficult to bear his extreme power.

In a duel between people from the Fifth Era and those from the First Era, they would actually be at a huge disadvantage.

Especially those who are below the king level, they will be beaten even if they are in the same realm!

It’s not just because of Chen’s oath and curse back then!

More importantly, people of the First Era are naturally powerful, and some even do not need to practice, and their realm and strength will automatically increase as time goes by.

This is a powerful force inherent in the human body.

This is innate, and innate power is always stronger than acquired power.

Of course, this situation will be reversed above the king level.

Moreover, isn’t the magic of immortality powerful?

Look at Xuanyi, look at Qiushui!

After all, people are always making progress and evolving forward.

However, Luo Chen's situation at this moment is still below the king level!

However, that person clenched his fists, his breath bloomed, and he was about to take action!

The moment it's time to launch an offensive against Luo Chen!


A bolt of thunder suddenly fell from high in the sky and hit the man directly!

"Am I afraid?" That man carried the thunder, his powerful body would be immune to all natural forces, and he was still rushing towards Luo Chen!

But his words have just landed!

Wow, boom!

There are charred pieces everywhere, and broken ashes everywhere!

Not only was he chopped to death, he was also chopped into pieces alive and turned into ashes!

The corner of Luo Chen's mouth curved slightly!

The next moment, the faces of the people in this area suddenly changed!



Like the Nine Heavens Galaxy or the Sea of ​​Thunder pouring down, at this moment, countless thunderstorms swept through the place instantly, which was simply outrageous!

The terrible thunder and slurry crashed down, covering the sky and the earth, as if the sky had collapsed!

Countless people were struck alive by lightning in an instant. The power of thunder and lightning was by no means the power of ordinary thunder and lightning. It was even more terrifying than the punishment from heaven!

Even some people were lucky enough to resist and withstand the powerful force of thunder.

As a result, the next moment, the wind blades swept across the sky and chopped up many people in an instant. In the storm, there were body fragments everywhere, and then they were chopped into pieces by the wind blades!

The most bizarre and terrifying thing is that someone began to be poisoned. No, it was more like being cursed than poisoned.

His hands and feet began to rot, and the smell was extremely bad. His strong body seemed to be made of soil. At this moment, it was as if it had encountered water and began to become riddled with holes!

Moreover, the 30 million enemies all felt the suppressive force, felt that a force was suppressing them, putting shackles on them, suppressing their power!


In the void, in the vast sky, at this moment, countless golden-red chains cut through the void, sealing this place.

Luo Chen tilted his head, propped up his chin, and looked down!

"Taste what I felt just now!" Luo Chen said jokingly.

At this moment, no one did not change color, it was so terrifying.

Because Luo Chen had always fought against them under such pressure and suppression.

This is simply unbelievable. After all, even then, Luo Chen still killed a million people while being besieged.

It's incredible.

"Kill!" Luo Chen just spit out one word!

High in the sky, a figure fell to the ground, smashed down, raised his hand and chopped off one person's head, then the second, the third, and the fourth!

"Concentrate fire and kill him!" Someone roared, his combat power soared crazily, and his power surged crazily, but soon, his color changed, because his power was not used enough, and he was suppressed and suppressed.

"I don't believe that you can suppress the power of 30 million people!" Some people don't believe in evil, and their eyes are not only red, but also as ferocious as beasts!

"You can give it a try!" Luo Chen's words remained calm.

He roared and rose up, the breath above his head was like a dragon, rising up, penetrating the sun and moon, and opening the sky with energy!

However, the next moment, he vomited blood, and at the same time, a bloody flying sword penetrated him, leaving a big hole in his chest.

His heart rolled to the ground, still beating, but his eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief!

Killing was so easy, it seemed that at this moment, Luo Chen finally stopped hiding his clumsiness and edge, and revealed his most terrifying fangs.

But the people of the First Era were too cruel. Such tricks not only did not make them panic or fearful, but instead aroused their ferocity, aroused their ruthlessness and passion!


"If he doesn't die, beat him to death again until he can't be revived!"

"As long as you are not top-notch, there is no such thing as immortality!"

"Burning the essence and blood, I will kill you today!"

The 30 million enemies were boiling with excitement, their fighting spirit was completely ignited, and they were angered by Luo Chen's constant provocations and humiliations.

At this moment, their momentum was as red as red, and their momentum even merged into one, instantly piercing Luo Chen's true realm of immortality!

But Luo Chen looked at the huge hole and didn't care at all.

"Yes, that's it. The more passionate you are about fighting, the happier I am!"

Luo Chen suddenly stood up at this moment. His figure became more stalwart and taller. The moment he stood up, the wind and clouds surged, the sky and the earth changed color, and his stalwart figure oppressed everything!

He wants to kill someone with his own hands!

Because killing someone with your own hands is fun enough!

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