Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4687 The gate of hell appears

Before releasing the beast from the cage, you must prepare chains for it!

Guixu's revenge has never been so gentle and calm!

This is the pride of Guixu!

At this moment, an old man, or an extremely terrifying aura, began to spread behind Zhentian Pass.

It was a special aura, and his aura was not weaker than anyone else.

Not even weaker than the empress!

He took a step forward, and the entire Zhentian Pass trembled violently!

He took a step forward, and the aura of death, the aura of death, receded like a tide.

Too powerful!

The entire Zhentian Pass trembled!

He walked over step by step, and all the people of the Emperor Dao clan were stunned at this moment and turned back.

But at this moment, his aura that looked down on the ages made it impossible for people to look directly at him. He was no longer a living person, but just a spirit, but the aura he released was so strong that it was unbearable.

Gu Huangyuanhuang looked over first, but soon, he could only see endless light, infinite light!

In later generations, there is a legend about near-death experience.

It is said that anyone who has experienced near-death experience has seen a beam of light, or endless light!

No one can know what that light is.

And at this moment, even Gu Huangyuanhuang saw only a beam of light, no, or light came.

It was like a huge sun came, unable to look directly at it, illuminating everything!

But that light was not hot, without any heat.

That light was very strange, and where the light was, the breath of death faded away layer by layer at this moment.

"What is this?" Gu Huangyuanhuang was shocked again, not only him, but all the people on Zhentian Pass were shocked.

"A person!" Only Xuanyu stood there, watching all this.

Xuanyu could see, saw Zhou Qi.

"Is this a person?" Many people were shocked and unbelievable.

Because what came before their eyes was endless light.

How could there be someone here?

But this is the fact.

Xuanyu saw Zhou Qi, and Zhou Qi also saw her.

Then Zhou Qi looked at Xuanyu meaningfully.

Then Zhou Qi walked to the front of the crowd and looked at the breath of death in the vast universe.

His majestic body pressed there. At this moment, Zhentian Pass was forcibly repaired, and at this moment, a powerful breath and a terrifying brilliance burst out.

"Guixu, Zhou Qi, let me ask, which undead dares to fight with this emperor?" Zhou Qi stood there proudly.

He was wearing black armor, and I don't know when a big knife appeared in his hand.

The big knife was extremely sharp and had great power!

With his words, terrifying figures appeared on the ancient star.

There was a woman with long hair like a waterfall, she crawled out and twisted her body.

There were also skulls with only one head left, and the corpses of ancient emperors rushed out from the ancient star at this moment.

It was too terrifying, the real great terror was coming, and darkness was coming.

The gloomy wind was incomparable, and the breath of death seemed to be provoked.

There were too many, and not just like the Qilin Knight, but also those who seemed to be more powerful, all came out.

If a fight really breaks out, with only these things now, if the top creatures don't take action.

The Emperor Dao Clan will definitely be destroyed!

Hundreds of thousands of terrifying things, all of which are at the level of the Ancient Emperor, are all stimulated.

This is really too scary.

In comparison, the battle between the Empress and the Great Elder is considered small.

This battle alone is enough to explain everything.

But Zhou Qi's eyes were not afraid at all, and there was also extreme excitement in his eyes.

Is Guixu powerful?

Absolutely terrifying, after all, this is a legendary force, and it is also very mysterious.

And as the first general under the throne of the Human Emperor of the Guixu lineage, how strong is he?

I don't know, at least this is a secret.

Because those who fought with him back then are all dead!

Those who are good at fighting have no glorious achievements!

Just like Zhou Qi, no one knows his record.

Because he belongs to the mysterious Guixu lineage.

And at this moment, he is dead, and he only has his spirit left. Logically speaking, his combat power should be weaker.

So, when those terrifying things appeared on the ancient star, the people of the Emperor Dao clan panicked.

Who knew that there were so many terrible and terrifying things on the ancient star?

And they couldn't hear Zhou Qi's words, so they didn't understand what was going on?

They could only see that there seemed to be a terrifying breath in the light.

That breath was too strong, so strong that it was indescribable.

This breath seemed to be confronting those terrifying things at this moment!

And in the light, Zhou Qi looked at the more than 100,000 dead spirits and smiled.

He stretched and moved his shoulders.

Then he clenched the knife in his hand!

Then he raised the sword in his hand and said.

"Remind you all!"

"In the gate of hell, this emperor is invincible!"

Wherever the long sword in Zhou Qi's hand went, there was a bang.

The breath of death was cut at this moment.

The extreme power and tyranny made his breath stronger.

And what's more exaggerated is that he took a deep breath.

He breathed in death, the breath of death.

As he inhaled, his strength seemed to increase a little bit in an instant.

He is a being who can absorb and utilize the breath of death.

This is very scary.

You know, you can only do this unless you are on the death side.

Like the Qilin Knight, or the Empress Corpse, etc.

But these things will lose their will.

They have no control over their actions, only a little influence at best.

But Zhou Qi was different. He did it directly. He had his own complete will and was able to absorb death energy.

Clang, clang, clang!

Zhentian Pass, or to be precise, the Gate of Hell was closed, and the Nine Levels Pass made a huge sound at this moment.

Waves of dark power were activated with Zhou Qi's arrival.

Then, the breath of death instantly poured into the gate of hell.

At this time, the aura of death behind the gate of hell is getting stronger and stronger, but this makes the gate of hell even more terrifying.

Zhentian Pass began to change, and it no longer looked like the real material world.

At this moment, Zhou Qi replaced Luo Chen as the formation eye.

This also means that he will stay and guard here forever.

Because death never ends!

And his responsibilities and tasks will not end.

As the breath of death is absorbed by Zhou Qi, Zhentian Pass becomes more and more gloomy, colder, dilapidated, and filled with the ancient atmosphere of decay.

Zhentian Pass instantly swallowed the power of death like a whale swallowing the sea.

Zhou Qi picked up the knife in his hand and looked at the corpse of an ancient emperor rushing towards him.

He swung the knife suddenly! Everyone could only see that in the darkness and extreme terror, the corpse of the ancient emperor rushed over, and then the dazzling light suddenly shot out!

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