The moment when a trace of top-notch aura spread, the reckoning also began.

That is, all those who had been knelt down by Sheng Wumian were dying violently at this moment.

Even the people in the Heavenly Human Dao Palace died violently at this moment.

And as these people died, Sheng Wumian's aura became stronger and stronger.

Even though he was beaten away by the empress, he still stood up.

He was tired of bowing his head, tired of cowering.

Today, even if he died, he would not give in!

He still rushed away and rushed towards the empress.

But a merciless palm fell, and he flew sideways again, and his flesh and bones were even separated in some places.

This is unbelievable, because he has clearly broken through the shackles, clearly has broken the shackles.

But he is still no match for the Empress, and there is still a huge gap between him and her.

Moreover, he didn't understand why the empress wanted to save the ancestor of the Emperor Dao clan?

The empress made it clear that she was saving the ancestor of the Emperor Dao clan, and everyone could see this.

But no one knows why.

Whether it is the Divine Mother who can calculate everything, Ming Ye and others who are disciples of the Imperial Clan, or the ancient emperor Yuan Huang.

The ancient emperor Yuan Huang also had questions and asked Ming Ye.

It stands to reason that these two people are not in the same era, and there will be no intersection between them.

However, the empress actually took the initiative to stop the attack and murder of the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

This is really surprising.

Only Luo Chen knows this answer.

The cause and effect relationship here is too complicated, especially the queen's clone disrupted too many causes and effects, it's extremely crazy!

When women are crazy, they are really crazier than men.

Sheng Wumian didn't know why, but at this moment he stood up again. The flesh on half of his body was in tatters. There were white bones in some places and broken meat hanging in some places.

But he was still extremely ruthless, with ruthlessness and unwillingness in his eyes.

He will continue!

"Don't continue!"

"Don't continue!" Our Lady of Heavenly Beings cried out sadly.

She could no longer remain calm at this moment.

She was struggling, the entire eternal pure land was shaking, and she was planning to break free.

But at this moment, the Eternal Pure Land was firmly controlled by Luo Chen, and it was difficult to get rid of Luo Chen.

Although the Eternal Pure Land is powerful, it also requires human control.

The control of the Divine Mother over the Eternal Pure Land is at its weakest at this moment.

Because she was seriously injured, very seriously.

At this moment, it would be difficult for her to get rid of Luo Chen's blockade of the Eternal Pure Land.

"If you stop me, I will kill you!" At this moment, the Virgin Mother of Heaven said frantically and violently.

"If I don't stop you, don't you also have to kill me?"

"If you don't accept it, you can come out and fight me to the death!" Luo Chen said coldly.

"Or, you can just watch him die in front of you." Luo Chen said.

Even though the friendship between the Divine Mother and the Holy Mother is worthy of sympathy, the Divine Mother and the Holy Mother are enemies.

There is no need to sympathize with the enemy, because this kind of sympathy will cost one's life.

Luo Chen is not a soft-hearted person!

The Holy Mother of Heaven roared angrily at this moment, and she glanced at the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan again.

Then, a decisive look appeared in her eyes.

She wanted to rush out, kill Luo Chen first, and then help the great elder of the Renhuang Saint Clan!

After making the decision, her eyes were no longer entangled, and she instantly became ruthless and decisive.

The next moment, a ray of light penetrated the sky and earth, hitting Luo Chen directly.

She reached Luo Chen's back in an instant, and at the same time, her white and slender palms contained the supreme holy light and another secret technique of the Palace of Heaven and Humanity.

Holy light is ineffective against Luo Chen, but using the holy light as a guise to perform other secret techniques should be effective.

At this moment, she raised her hand and struck out. Logically speaking, at this moment, Luo Chen should have been able to pick it up.

But the next moment, Luo Chen prepared the first surprise for her!

This palm hit Luo Chen firmly on the back. Not only did Luo Chen fly away, but he was also knocked into the crowd. There were at least five million people surrounding Luo Chen here, and they entered in an instant. encircled.

Then the secret technique covered by the holy light exploded, and Luo Chen's whole body also exploded.

Also involved were the five million people, and at least two million people were killed in an instant.

That secret technique is terrible.

But the Divine Mother was stunned because the reconciliation went so smoothly.

"Kibe's Lidai Taojiang?"

"How could you?" Our Lady of Heavenly Man reacted instantly.

At the same time, on her back, Luo Chen's figure gradually changed from transparent to real, and one hand had touched the back of the Virgin Mother of Heaven.

There is no clothes on the back, and the skin is smooth, delicate, and warm.

But there is a layer of holy light protection.

However, the next moment, this palm hit the back of the Divine Mother, and Luo Chen disappeared instantly.

"Not good!" The Divine Mother was suddenly startled.

The next moment, there was a bang!

That's self-destruction!

King's self-destruction!

When the king self-destructed before, half of his power disappeared, and the Divine Mother was still confused!

Now, here comes the answer!

Stored by Luo Chen.

If Wang's self-explosion was half as powerful under normal circumstances, the Divine Mother would not have to worry, but at this moment she was seriously injured.

And she couldn't escape, because at this moment, the space around her was imprisoned and became a completely sealed space.

The Great Compassionate Hand, the Heaven and Earth Cage, the Solid as a Rock, the Nine-Layered Holy Realm, the Armored World, and all kinds of magic to seal the space, were all thrown out by Luo Chen as if they were prepared in advance.

In the confined space, the power of Wang's self-explosion is difficult to release instantly and will rebound!


The explosion still happened and exploded instantly.

Crack, crack!

This place finally exploded into a very terrifying scene!

In the terrifying explosion, the Holy Mother of Heaven and Man's body protection holy light finally exploded.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of Heaven and Man turned her head suddenly and looked at Luo Chen who was farther away.

"You are still a little short of killing me. Even if you use all your means, you can't kill me, and you will die!"

"You overlooked something!" Luo Chen said calmly.

"My goal has never been to kill you."

"Where is your eternal pure land?" Luo Chen asked.

This sentence shocked the Holy Mother of Heaven and Man.

The eternal pure land that was just there has disappeared into the void of the universe.

At the moment of the explosion, Luo Chen raised his hand, and a grain of Wahuang dust instantly expanded to the size of a planet, and then cracked, like a huge mouth opened, and swallowed the entire Eternal Pure Land in one gulp.

"Your goal is the Eternal Pure Land?" The Holy Mother of Heaven was stunned for a moment.

"I only realized it now, I can only say that you are too stupid." A trace of murderous intent flashed in Luo Chen's eyes!

"And you are wrong in one thing, that is, I can't kill you!"

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