Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4805 Terrorist Attack

The defenders of the Emperor Dao Clan reacted quickly, with golden light all over the sky, the avenue gushing, the magic circle apocalypse, and the fighting spirit broke out instantly!

However, the 100 billion troops also came prepared and dispersed instantly, and the 100,000 people in front rushed in instantly!

Boom, boom, boom!

The whole universe was boiling, and there were powerful fluctuations everywhere in an instant.

This was too unexpected.

It actually exploded in an instant!

The self-explosion of 100,000 dead soldiers, coupled with careful planning, was like a surprise attack!

The army of the Emperor Dao Clan had never thought of this. The successive explosions destroyed the stars, and the entire universe was instantly set off a storm.

And those planets with people inhabited at this moment were instantly in trouble!

100,000 self-explosions broke out at the same time, even the ancient emperor might not be able to escape unscathed!

The planets were vaporized in an instant, some turned into dust, and some turned directly into gas!

Although those planets with people are far away, their atmospheres were blown away in an instant, and they were instantly exposed to cosmic rays. The sky was no longer bright, but dark. The sun was shattered, and the light from the explosion flashed.

Standing on the planet, it looked very spectacular. A strong wind came, the earth was torn apart, and the vegetation flew into the sky in an instant. Many people were also swept into the sky, and the sky was spinning!

The atmosphere was gone in an instant, and the habitable environment instantly turned into purgatory.

Looking from a high altitude, the whole planet began to crack.

At the same time, in the distance, the huge sun suddenly burst out with strong light!

The people of the Emperor Dao clan will not self-destruct. After all, if it is not good, it will affect too many people.

But now, they don’t have to self-destruct, but the enemy will destroy everything!

This kind of casualties cannot be calculated by numbers, because on a planet, there are billions of people at least, and tens of billions at most.

There are even tens of billions!

But this is just people, there are also vegetation and animals!

Moreover, this is destroying the foundation. If all the people are killed, they can still live on the planet in the future!

But if the planet is gone, it is really gone. It may take a long, long time for the universe to have a balanced planet for people to survive again.

This is very long, usually billions of years.

And this was destroyed in an instant.

There are more than one planets suitable for human habitation, but at this moment, they were attacked and killed instantly.

There are many masters on the planet, but they were affected and had no time to react. They were seriously injured or died directly.

This is the power of self-explosion!

It is extremely terrifying and extremely uncomfortable.

And this is just the beginning.

The Emperor Dao clan has an army of 10 billion people, and many of them did not even understand what was going on or who it was.

A flash of light took their lives.

Some masters reacted quickly, formed a formation in an instant, and built a defense in an instant.

But it was not the self-explosion of one person, but 100,000!

Ten thousand instants of beauty, it was really terrifying, most of the universe was like a plowing and sweeping holes, instantly becoming riddled with holes and tattered.

It was too terrible, just one move, the army of the Emperor Dao clan almost suffered a blow like annihilation!

But the light had not yet dissipated, and the army of the Undead Clan protected by the mountains had already taken action again!

They were not affected, those planet-like mountains had magical powers that could protect them, and their defense was extremely strong!

They took action, raised their hands, and hundreds of billions of long-range attacks all fell, with a huge momentum, not much more powerful than the self-explosion!

In an instant, the remaining army of the Emperor Dao clan who had not died or had good luck was attacked again.

The Undead Clan was not a big tribe in the early era!

It was not until the Undead Heavenly King took over that everything changed.

He was a legendary figure. If it were not for his low profile and the excessive light of the Human Emperor, which covered him, I am afraid that his legend would be spread throughout the first era.

This is definitely the first rising star in the history of the ages. If we really compare them, even Futian and Chen cannot compare with him.

Because from the results, he is still alive, and the Human Emperor is dead!

If he really wins, he will probably surpass the Human Emperor!

And after he took over the Immortal Clan, the Immortal Clan's strength is terrifyingly powerful.

Now these vassal tribes are so terrible, they are ruthless and crushing, and instantly killed the army of the 10 billion Emperor Dao Clan!

It's not that the Emperor Dao Clan's army is too weak. First, they attacked by surprise, and second, the Emperor Dao Clan's army fought at home!

The 10 billion army didn't dare to self-destruct at will, after all, it would destroy the world and hurt innocent people.

But the army of the Immortal Clan dared!

They didn't care and destroyed it at will!

Therefore, the result of the instant battle was shocking and unexpected!

The 10 billion army was gone just like that!

First it was bombed, and then it was focused by the 100 billion army!

That place instantly became a vacuum area, without even a speck of dust, only particles!

It was as if there had never been anyone there, not to mention the army of the Emperor Dao Clan!

And the life on the life planet, especially the human race, also disappeared instantly. They didn't even know what happened, they just disappeared!

In a sense, the war of the human race is more terrifying than the attack of death!

Because death is gentler.

And the war of the human race is cruel, cold, cold-blooded, and ruthless!

What is innocent or not innocent?

Only death!

Some lucky people still survived on some life planets, after all, they were far away from the explosion area.

However, what greeted them was not the hope of life, but the despair of death.

Because on the first mountain, hundreds of billions of troops dispersed.

They were going to slaughter, so they rushed over and searched in a carpet-style manner.

They killed anyone they saw, and raised their butcher knives.

Whether they were masters or ordinary people, they would only be killed!

The means were extremely iron-blooded, and there was no explanation, only killing!

The entire universe was crippled and the life planets had disappeared.

No one was left alive!

This was the army of the immortal lineage, as fast as thunder, and the fighting power was crazy!

Moreover, the next moment, another million people walked out, with the awareness of death in their eyes, and the glory in their eyes!

They died, but they were glorious!

Their hair had already turned white, and they were ready to self-destruct at any time!

The army of the immortal lineage was ready to march into the next universe.

They were ready, using space jumps, and one huge mountain after another, at this moment, exuded surging endless power.



The mountain disappeared in this universe. They have already gone to the next universe!

As for the Emperor Dao Clan, they only got the news at this time. Everything happened too fast, too quickly!

The main force of the Emperor Dao Clan’s army is gathering!

The army of the Immortal Clan is attacking. The Emperor Dao Clan is in danger!

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