Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4826: Shallow Provocation

The Golden Ancient Star rushing to Ghost Gate will naturally cause a lot of noise!

Although this has been strictly confidential, this news, for some reason, still leaked out.

After all, the Golden Ancient Star is now on the territory of the Imperial Dao Clan, moving from the rear, which is the route Zhou Qi took before!

This news soon spread to the Immortal Clan, and Dao Yun, one of the two yin and yang on the top of the mountain, sat quietly on the top of the mountain, quietly listening to the report of the Immortal Clan.

"Then it's time for you to withdraw your people!" Dao Yun said at this moment.

It is indeed necessary to withdraw people, otherwise they will be wrapped in dumplings.

"It has been arranged, but now there is a little accident." The person from the Immortal Clan also said in a deep voice at this moment!

"What accident?" Dao Yun actually didn't know what happened.

They knew that the Golden Ancient Star was already moving, and they also knew the movements of other people in the Imperial Dao Clan.

But they didn't know about the strange army of the Eternal Human Court yet!

"Can't get in touch with him!"

"At this moment, the man looked at Dao Yun meaningfully!

"Can't get in touch with him?" Dao Yun was also very surprised when he heard it.

But the man from the Immortal Clan didn't say much, but looked at him quietly.

"Are you doubting me?" Dao Yun had already reacted.

"Our army went in, but now we can't get in touch with him. You said that you had transferred all the troops to buy time for us."

"Now we can't get in touch with him!" The man from the Immortal Clan spoke again.

"This is impossible. I have arranged it very well. There will never be any accidents!" Dao Yun was confused at this moment.

"I will contact the person in person! "Dao Yun said.

Soon, he raised his hand, and a Bagua mirror emerged from the void!

He had to be cautious. If there was a problem with the army of the Immortal Clan, then he would be the biggest problem!

Because everything should have been arranged.

If he encountered this situation, would he doubt the other party?

Of course!

After all, in addition to surrender, there are also undercovers in this world!

If this matter is not handled well, he may lose the trust of the Immortal Clan.

And the Immortal Clan will seriously suspect him, whether he deliberately surrendered and then set up a trap!

The Bagua mirror emerged quickly, and a series of shocking lights appeared in front of him, and the Bagua mirror began to rotate.

At the same time, the light gathered was flashing.

As this Bagua mirror rotated, somewhere in the Emperor Dao clan, someone A Bagua mirror also appeared in front of the disciple!

The Bagua mirror was flashing at this moment, as if it was about to be connected!

The light was bright, and then the picture appeared all of a sudden.

Dao Yun had already seen the other party, that was a young Taoist with a handsome face.

This disciple had red lips and white teeth, and looked very spiritual.

This was not Dao Yun's disciple. He would not incite or pollute his disciples.

After all, that would be too obvious.

And this little Taoist was his own insider.

Of course, although the little Taoist looked young, he had a very high status and could access things that ordinary people could not access.

At this moment, the little Taoist also looked at Dao Yun. Of course, he could only vaguely see a figure.

He clasped his fists and bowed to Dao Yun.

"Is there any unusual movement in the Emperor Dao clan?"

"Yes!" The little Taoist said sincerely.

"Where is the army of the Immortal Clan?" Dao Yun asked.

"It has been surrounded!" The little Taoist said softly.

"Surrounded? "Dao Yun frowned.

"Where did the people come from to surround the army of the Immortal Clan?" Dao Yun frowned instantly when he heard the news.

"Didn't you invite them?" The little Taoist priest asked.

As soon as these words came out, the top of the mountain instantly became quiet.

Dao Yun's eyes flashed with cold light, and he looked at the little Taoist priest!

"The people I invited?" Dao Yun's eyes flashed with cold light.

And the people of the Immortal Clan on the side had no expression on their faces and said nothing.

"Now the army is surrounded?"

"Thanks to your brilliant plan! "The young Taoist priest continued to speak.

The next moment, bang!

The Bagua mirror exploded instantly, and the Bagua mirror in front of the young Taoist priest was also broken instantly.

On the top of the Immortal Clan Mountain, Dao Yun was sitting there, he was thinking!

The man from the Immortal Clan remained silent and said nothing!

On the other side, the young Taoist priest looked at the broken Bagua mirror, and then looked around.

The surroundings were already full of people, but they were not people he was familiar with, but Kong Ling stood there proudly!

The young Taoist priest's parents, relatives and friends are all on him now!

If the Emperor Dao Clan really wants to investigate, they can still Find out some clues.

This list was provided to Kong Ling by someone on purpose!

Moreover, the ancestor has already ordered that anyone who asks about the situation of the Emperor Dao Clan should speak with one voice.

That is, the Emperor Dao Clan Liang Yi has invited reinforcements!

There are two Liang Yi in the Emperor Dao Clan. Even now, no one in the Emperor Dao Clan knows which Liang Yi betrayed the Emperor Dao Clan.

However, whoever contacts you, tell him that you arranged it!

Even the little Taoist priest doesn't know which of the Liang Yi on the opposite side is. He only knows that it is a high-level member of the Emperor Dao Clan, and he has never seen his true face!

At this moment, Kong Ling looked at the little Taoist priest, but he still couldn't tell which of the two yin and yang just now!

However, he had followed the old ancestor's request. Once he contacted, he said that he was invited by the other party!

This was an order given by Luo Chen!

All suspicious people have been controlled and unified.

Kong Ling frowned. Although this method of sowing discord was good, it was very superficial!

And this news was also passed to Luo Chen by Pu Yi as the contact person at the first time.

Luo Chen was commanding the battle and retreating at this moment!

Pu Yi wanted to speak, but couldn't find a chance!

But this matter was obviously very important, and he had to forcibly interrupt Luo Chen!

"Old Ancestor, as you expected, someone contacted those traitors and asked about the situation of the Emperor Dao Clan!"

"According to what you said, whoever contacted, just push it to whoever, saying that it was arranged by the other party!" Pu Yi reported.

"Good, very good!" Luo Chen said.

"But, ancestor, isn't this too superficial, too obvious?" Pu Yi couldn't help but have such a question.

The ancestor is indeed as good as a god. As soon as the ancient golden star moves, someone will come to inquire about the situation.

Because once the ancient golden star moves, the immortal lineage will definitely contact the immortal army to withdraw!

Once they can't contact, they can only inquire and contact through the imperial clan.

This is a step that Luo Chen calculated!

But Luo Chen even took advantage of this step to sow discord!

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