Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4828: Go with the Flow

Dao Xuanjing's sudden rage and madness also frightened the people of Tianren Dao Palace!

If it was someone else, they might not be afraid, after all, it was just talk at most!

But that was Dao Xuanjing, a completely perverted and dark lunatic!

Since he said it, there is no doubt that he can do it!

Under this pressure, the people of Tianren Dao Palace began to launch a more fierce attack.

Their attacks were planned, or surrounded, or dispersed, or defeated one by one, or used a large formation!

This sudden attack made others feel huge pressure in an instant.

At this moment, the ancient emperor Qiansheng was also trying his best to save people and command.

"Move quickly, time is running out!" Luo Chen looked at the gate of hell, and the power of death and the army of death gathered more and more.

And the most terrifying thing is that the endless red light of the ancient star of death actually began to tear apart the world change performed by Dao Xuanjing at this moment.

Many places are like mottled walls, revealing the real scene inside!

The breath on the ancient star of death is becoming more and more powerful.

Fortunately, the first group of rescued people have rushed to the ghost gate and are climbing up to the ghost gate.

They are very surprised, because in the end, it was the ancestor of the Emperor Dao family who saved them.

This is incredible!

However, this is a fact, and in order to survive, they have nothing to say!

Many people are still more sensible, and they went to Luo Chen to bow in the air.

Although the people of the Emperor Dao family did not have a good face, they still arranged for these people to leave first.

"Leave immediately, the ultimate war is about to break out here, and the danger is at any time. Don't fantasize about assassinating my ancestor!" At this moment, the people of the Emperor Dao family warned.

Pu Yi also looked at the others at this moment. He had guessed what the ancestor was going to do.

This made him admire Luo Chen again. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is really like a torrent of water!

Because the ancestor was still following the trend!

This is really not something that ordinary people can do!

As the first wave of people left, two more waves of people were sent.

At this time, the Ghost Gate trembled violently, and in the huge void behind him, there was a little golden light shining endlessly, and an ancient and oppressive breath came!

At this moment, in front of the Ghost Gate, the army of death suddenly moved forward as a whole!

At the same time, on the huge ancient star of death, at this moment, with a bang, a second red light column that reached the sky rushed out!

The huge red light column rose into the sky, like a sword against the sky, and it cut through the entire sky and earth, letting the original color of the universe shine in!

The golden ancient star has come and approached the Ghost Gate!

And death obviously does not allow this to happen.

At this moment, even if Zhou Qi swept across the eight directions alone, suppressed death, and fought against the empress alone!

However, there are still fish that slipped through the net!

And these fish that slipped through the net, the Emperor Dao clan, may not be able to stop them!

"What's going on?" Ancient Emperor Qiansheng also noticed it.

He is the Ancient Emperor, so he can't be as confused as others. He saw some things, but he was not sure!

"That pass is the key to resisting death, but it is not complete enough. The gold of the golden race must be integrated with it!"

"Only in this way can it be used to suppress death and resist death!" Luo Chen said.

"Death will definitely stop it!"

"What?" Although Ancient Emperor Qiansheng had roughly guessed it, he was still a little shocked when Luo Chen said it!

Because he thought more and thought one step further.

What he saw was that the Tianren Dao Palace was feeding death.

So what is the Tianren Dao Palace going to do?

There is no need to think about it!

In fact, the Tianren Dao Palace and the Immortal Clan did intend to feed death more fiercely.

Otherwise, they would have sent people to suppress it long ago.

The fact that the Renhuang Saint Clan and the Golden Human Clan have been allowed to sacrifice has already explained everything.

And at this moment, the army of death is ready to move.

At the same time, because of the siege of the Ghost Gate by the army of death, it is naturally more difficult to save people.

This is also what Luo Chen said that time is running out.

"Hurry up and move quickly." Luo Chen commanded again.

The people who came to kill Luo Chen were originally extremely vicious people. At this moment, although they were very fast, they were still very desperate.

Because the people of the Tianren Dao Palace could not kill them in a short time at this moment.

But at this moment, the holy arts of the Tianren Dao Palace were used to besiege them.

One after another holy arts kept falling, and it would take a lot of time for them to break through, and there was no time to escape.

"It's useless." Daoxuanjing laughed at this moment.

"You can see that the critical point is about to come. If enough people die, the power of death will be stronger."

"By then, you can't do anything!" Daoxuanjing laughed, revealing an extremely arrogant attitude.

"It's a bit too late!" Guhuang Qiansheng also spoke at this moment.

"Can we draw troops from the Emperor Dao Clan to help?" Ancient Emperor Qiansheng asked. In fact, he was too embarrassed to say this.

What did they come here for in the first place?

They came to kill their ancestors, and now they want them to send troops to rescue them!

"No, the Emperor Dao Clan was attacked, and the Immortal Clan is attacking the Emperor Dao Clan." Luo Chen said bluntly.

This was deliberately said to Ancient Emperor Qiansheng.

"What?" Ancient Emperor Qiansheng was shocked, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true.

If there is a big move here, there will definitely be a big move on the other side!

In fact, it stands to reason that the stronger the power of death, the easier it is to block the fusion of Ghost Gate and Golden Ancient Star!

This is somewhat contrary to the true intentions of Tianren Dao Palace and the Immortal Clan.

But Daoxuan Realm still does this, there is only one answer.

That is, Daoxuan Realm is not clear about the intentions of Tianren Dao Palace.

Daoxuan Realm itself is also kept in the dark.

His purpose is to give people a false impression!

The more Daoxuan Realm blocks and creates obstacles, the more it can cover up the true purpose of Tianren Dao Palace!

Therefore, Daoxuan Realm is so crazy!

And Luo Chen actually has his own plan!

Luo Chen himself will not be used so easily.

But at the moment, saving people is urgent!

This made Luo Chen frown a little.

"How many people can you save?"

"It's just a farce, and you still saved them?"

"Do you have enough people?" Daoxuanjing laughed!

"All must die, all must die!" Daoxuanjing became more and more crazy!

However, at this moment, shadowy people began to appear in the direction of Ghost Gate!

Auras that were different from the forces present instantly attacked at this moment!

Those were auras of majestic atmosphere and monstrous demonic energy! Different steps were taken in the two huge circular vortexes that opened!

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