Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4836: Heavenly Master Appears

Luo Chen's calculations were correct. Sure enough, after Luo Chen and his team evacuated, Daoxuan Realm still passed the news back to the Death Universe, even though they were besieged.

Then, the news was passed on to the Immortal Clan after several changes of hands, and then the Immortal Clan quickly took action.

Because now it seems to be in trouble!

In fact, the Immortal Clan used the attack on the Emperor Dao Clan to either destroy the Emperor Dao Clan or force the Emperor Dao Clan to speed up the acquisition of the Golden Ancient Star.

Then the Golden Ancient Star quickly merged with the Zhentian Pass.

According to the plan, Daoxuan Realm had also completed the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, resulting in a rapid outbreak of death.

Then the outbreak of death, coupled with the robbing of the unified Zhentian Pass, the Emperor Dao Clan will be directly destroyed by death!

Next, because the Emperor Dao Clan released death, the First Era attacked them. In this way, the destruction of the Emperor Dao Clan was their own fault, and even the Immortal Clan and the Tianren Dao Palace could gain people's hearts!

However, this plan or strategy now has many problems.

The army of the Immortal Clan was besieged and did not achieve the initial strategic goal, and may even face destruction.

The Golden Ancient Star was also put on hold at this moment, and did not accelerate the unification!

At this moment, Dao Yun, one of the two yin and yang on the Immortal Mountain Range, also received the news.

"Evacuated the Death Universe?" Dao Yun was very confused and surprised.

It was just a matter of time, why did they suddenly evacuate?

"I will immediately order the Emperor Dao Clan to go all out and transport the ancient star." Dao Yun frowned.

This matter is of great importance and involves too many key points.

He must let the Emperor Dao Clan complete this matter!

So, he immediately took out a compass-like thing and then made it run quickly.

Then, he began to give orders!

The Emperor Dao Clan escorted the Golden Ancient Star to Zhentian Pass with all their strength!

He is the two yin and yang of the Emperor Dao Clan, and he does not feel that he has been exposed.

So, at this moment he is full of confidence and there should be no mistakes!

The order has been issued, and then it depends on the execution of Siji and other people in the Emperor Dao Clan.

And Siji did receive this order!

"Just ignore this order. Just now, the two Liangyi have ordered to deal with the army of the Immortal Clan first!"

Siji certainly knew that there was something wrong with the first order, but Siji was still willing to obey the first order!

Siji ignored the second order directly.

At this moment, they were attacking the army of the Immortal Clan.

There were people from the Eternal Human Court raiding the formation to prevent the Immortal Clan from self-destructing on a large scale.

This time, it was the turn of the Immortal Clan to suffer and feel desperate!

The army's attack was extremely tragic, or in other words, it was invincible.

Because they had seen how the people of the Emperor Dao Clan were bullied and slaughtered before.

All the people in the main army of the Emperor Dao Clan held their breath. After all, the Immortal Clan slaughtered all the way, and there were many relatives of the army among them!

So the main army was really angry this time, and Siji didn't need to boost the morale of the army.

The army of the Emperor Dao Clan was completely furious!

In the vast void, the three universes were connected, and it was all battlefields!

In the battlefield, thunder roared and shook the sky, and then a huge thunder unicorn came madly, flashing with monstrous lightning, crossing the universe in all directions, and pressuring the universe inside and outside!

The unicorn rushed and directly crashed into many people of the immortal lineage.


That was a main force soldier of the Emperor Dao Clan. He held a seal in his hand, like an eternal god emperor. He used the thunder method and thunder divination to the extreme.

He had long hair and wore a wide Taoist robe. He looked like an invincible heavenly master who came from the sky to subdue demons and suppress the world!

The universe was full of thunder, overthrowing powerful people of the immortal lineage.

And the next moment, another heavenly master appeared. He held a talisman in his hand, transformed into endless flames, stepped on eighty-one fire dragons, waved talismans, and burned with flames!

At the same time, there was a Heavenly Master coming from the west, with a strong wind blowing and the wind blade cutting everything!

It can be said that they were completely killing madly, killing madly everywhere, blood and corpses flying, and the sound of killing everywhere!

The main army of the Emperor Dao clan is absolutely powerful and fearless.

The four poles are only the highest in the army, which does not mean that they are the strongest.

Because the main army is really powerful, the Heavenly Master!

They usually don't care about worldly affairs, and they won't take action easily.

That's why they let the four poles with higher status go.

But their Dao Hunyuan, Dao Tiancheng, and the appearance of the Heavenly Masters show that the Emperor Dao clan is really angry this time!

The killing continues!

The world always has a misunderstanding about people who practice Taoism!

That is to think that people who practice Taoism should have clear rules and regulations like Buddhism, or have rules and regulations like other religions!

But in fact it is not!

People who practice Taoism are free and easy, unconventional, and often pay attention to the mind to be clear!

Confucianism will teach you to pick up!

Buddhism will teach you to let go!

Only Taoism will teach you to take it down!

This is the person who practices Taoism. The world has misunderstood them too deeply.

And at this moment, the Emperor Dao clan showed the pure Taoism!

If you dare to attack them, you must kill them all, otherwise, this will become their inner demon and ruin their foundation of Taoism!

So, for the Emperor Dao Clan, there is no other choice but to kill them all!

Kill them all!

When these Heavenly Masters made a move, the universe trembled, and the four poles were all horrified.

After all, they rarely saw Heavenly Masters personally take action. These Heavenly Masters usually looked kind and gentle.

They would even preach and preach, and they would not get angry.

However, only the four poles knew that these people were the most ruthless, the darkest, and the real pillars of the Emperor Dao Clan.

Their combat power was exaggerated and explosive, and no one knew where the limit of these Heavenly Masters was!

Not only were their individual combat capabilities strong, they could also set up killing arrays!

Nanji Tiangong had seen that during the war, the Heavenly Master set up a world-class killing array, and directly killed ten ancient emperors in one breath!

And there was a purple-robed Heavenly Master inside, and Nanji Tiangong saw with his own eyes that he held down an ancient emperor with one hand, and was incredibly brave!

With such a group of Heavenly Masters taking action personally, you can imagine how cruel the battlefield is!

"Is this my master?" At this moment, a warrior of the Emperor Dao Clan was shocked, looking at a Heavenly Master who raised his hand in the distance and killed 100,000 enemies with a mysterious light!

That was his master, who was kind and seemed to have no power on weekdays, but this time he took action and completely overturned his imagination!

At this moment, Dao Yun, who was one of the two yin and yang, was still waiting, waiting for the Emperor Dao Clan to take action!

However, he did not wait for a long time!

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