Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4857: Killing the Extraterritorial Demon

Not many people know about the feud between the Outer Demons and the First Human Emperor. After all, if we really trace the origin of the Outer Demons, they are even earlier than the First Human Emperor and the Old Emperor.

Those are people and things left over from the era of prehistoric civilization.

But everyone here, one by one, has heard their ancestors tell them how cruel the Outer Demons were and how they fought against them since they could remember.

Where the Outer Demons have set foot, the loess turns to sand and no grass grows. Where they have stayed for a long time, the demonic energy is overwhelming, causing constant disasters and extinction of life!

The First Human Emperor fought with the Outer Demons for a long time. No, strictly speaking, the people of the First Era, in the early days of the three Human Emperors including the Old Emperor, fought for a long time before they drove the Outer Demons out and returned peace and security to the world.

Later, the Outer Demons withered and could only live outside the domain.

And the First Era was able to have such peace, which was really the result of many people fighting and bleeding.

And now, the new emperor of the First Human Emperor Division is actually the young demon lord of the extraterritorial demon?

After fighting for so many years and sacrificing so many people?

In the end, the First Human Emperor Division accepted the enemy first?

Is this ridiculous?

No, this is pathetic!

Yue Gui rushed out of the Third Human Emperor Division. Before she came, she thought that Qi Guan and others were just too radical and confused!

As a result, what about now?

This is crazy, this is too disappointing.

In theory, other people really can't control it, but Yue Gui is different. She is a female warrior of the First Human Emperor Division, and she can control it!

At this moment, her murderous intent is targeted, directly targeting Qi Guan and other people in the First Human Emperor Division!

"It's not difficult for me to kill you!" Yue Gui's murderous intent boiled.

"You've been used!" Qi Guan sighed.

Yue Gui was under house arrest in the Third Human Emperor Division. She has not been released for so many years. Now she is suddenly released, just before the coronation of their new emperor. Everyone knows what's going on!

"I know they want me to disrupt the coronation ceremony of the new emperor, but this decision was not made by them, but by me!" Yue Gui said coldly.

"Once you say this, the whole world will attack the emperor department!"

"Is Yue Gui really going to do it?" Qi Guan was not afraid of a fight. Although his realm had fallen, he was facing a genius without shackles, whose realm and combat power were higher than his, but he was still fearless!

This is an internal conflict!

But it is inevitable!

And the news here has actually been passed to Luo Chen.

Many things here are now taken over by Luo Chen, and he is remotely commanding!

Now, they have received orders!

Let her come to me and give her a map.

This is the order given by Luo Chen!

In the tense atmosphere, Yue Gui was almost going to do it.

But at this moment, someone came behind Qi Guan.

Whispered a few words in Qi Guan's ear!

"Did he really say that?" Qi Guan asked.

The whispering person nodded.

"Okay, let him solve this matter." Qi Guan said calmly.

"You want to find the new emperor, he said he is waiting for you at the outer demon, here is the map!" Qi Guan threw a jade slip!

"Do you think I dare not?" Yue Gui's killing intent was boiling.

She was not making trouble, but she did not agree that a person who was not as good as Guan Dao could become the emperor.

And it was even more impossible for her to let the emperor department and the outer demon have any connection!

So, she knew that the third emperor department was using her, but she didn't care about this use.

She just wanted to correct the mistake!

She raised her hand, and caught the jade slip with her delicate jade hand.

The jade slip glowed in her hand, and the next moment, she used her spiritual sense to find the place where the outer demon was.

On the other side, the people who did not leave didn't know what to say at this moment.

The first emperor department can only be described as crazy.

The first emperor department is self-destructing.

Once the person with the identity of the outer demon, no, or the young demon lord, is supported as the emperor!

Then the whole world will surely rise up to attack him!

This will shake the foundation of the Human Emperor!

It will also shake the foundation of the human race in the first era.

The news spread quickly, one after another, and it became more and more outrageous!

Some said that Luo Chen was deliberately cultivated by the extraterritorial demon.

Some said that Luo Chen was a pure demon fetus, born as a demon fetus, and had been lurking in the Human Emperor Department.

There were also people who said that Luo Chen was the demon fetus cultivated by the first Human Emperor Department.

Various rumors emerged one after another, but without exception, they all pointed to one point.

That is, Luo Chen's extraterritorial demon!

"Kill him, what else can I say?"

"Why keep him alive if he is not killed?"

"The First Human Emperor Department is confused, the heaven is blind, how could this happen?"

"No need to say more, whether the First Human Emperor Department gives up or not has nothing to do with us, it is no longer their business, but now, they dare to let the outer demon, or the young demon lord, be the Human Emperor, they must be killed!"

"Yes, everyone can kill him for eliminating demons and defending the way!"

"It is better for my mount to be the Human Emperor, at least it is not a demon!"

"In fact, this has nothing to do with us, he has already given up!" Some people also said some fair words.

"Look, there is a god of heaven and a saint here, it is really amazing, he actually said such words."

"Why is it irrelevant, why is it not?"

"That's the outer demon, understand? It's the young demon master!"

Various voices began to spread in the First Era, and in an instant, the First Human Emperor Department became the target of public criticism.

At the same time, on the other side, in the darkness of the edge of the universe, a beautiful figure flew across the sky at a very fast speed.

She was so fast that she even used all her strength to hurry on, and her powerful force directly penetrated the universe.

She approached, and with the guidance of the map, she soon came to the place where the outer demon was.

Before she got close, she had already felt the endless demon energy steaming in front of her.

Sure enough, this was the base camp of the outer demon.

At this moment, Yue Gui's murderous aura did not diminish, and she was fearless.

Even if she died today, she would kill this young demon master!

Otherwise, it would be a joke to let a young demon master of the outer demon become the new human emperor!

Passing through the passage where the demon energy was steaming, she really entered the place where the outer demon was.

Ahead, some places were surging with demon energy, but some places were extremely sacred, with brilliant light shining all around, illuminating the world.

It was not as desolate as she had imagined. It seemed that half of it was a demonic domain, and the other half was a beautiful pure land!

At this moment, she saw an old cow, who suddenly sat cross-legged there, as if he was comprehending the great Dao, with a radiant light all over his body, extremely sacred.

But the next moment, she saw the old cow turned into a bull demon, with a surging demonic aura and a ferocious look, terrifying and horrible!

Yuegui's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she took action!

"All the demons should die!"

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