Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 218: :Games start

"these people……"

"It seems to be rich children!"

"What seems to be, basically, you check the status of these enterprises in Xiangjiang."

"Xingchen Real Estate, Asia Shipping, Yongyu International, Yongcheng Jewelry, Jinfu Securities, my obedience, real estate, aviation and shipping are all three ways. Coupled with this jewelry finance, these people's net worth is even better. Brother Cheng, I'm afraid it's not much worse. "

"These **** are not short of money at all. No wonder they took the initiative to call the police after they robbed the bank last night. They turned out to satisfy their perverted killing game."

"This is a group of people who are full of support and revenge on the remnants of the scum of society. How do their parents discipline them? Wrong, where do the average wealthy children have such courage, even if they are bold, where do these arms come from? Yes, can this be obtained with money? "

"What's weird about this, don't forget where this is, and what the big guys started from. They were not clean from the beginning. Although these years, they have been applying grease to their faces, and they look white. But the foundation is still the foundation. What is the difficulty in trying to get some arms? "


One stone provoked the millennium waves, and Guan Zu and other people's data made the people who were already emotionally excited exploded in an instant. Apart from the original anger, they added a few points that they had never noticed, or found Hatred that was also ignored.

As it is said, there is no unequal and unbalanced, no poverty and uneasy. Everyone hopes that they will be treated fairly and justly, but there is very little real fairness and justice in this world, especially in this money and wealth. Above all, many people have to succumb to reality.

However, the acceptance of reality does not represent psychological identification. Therefore, many people have a feeling of rich hatred in their hearts. However, because of cultivation, reason, and other reasons, the degree of manifestation varies, and some people are indifferent. People are extreme, but no matter what, this psychology exists more or less, because it is human nature and unavoidable.

Now under the intentional guidance of Zhong Li, this psychology has been stimulated, and the anger of everyone has also expanded. From the original anger to Guan Zu and others, it has gradually escalated into anger against several families, making this live broadcast Wind direction, step by step turned dangerous and extreme.

Many people are reluctant to see this development. Nie Hailong is the same, but he is helpless, because all of this is led by Zhong Li, and he has no ability to stop it.


Looking at Zhong Li with a calm look, and thinking about his previous words to Xiangjiang, Nie Hailong shook his head and gave up his last effort. His expression turned to indifference, and he said to the person who was still inquiring on the computer: "Mr. Qin I got the news that the group of gangsters who ransacked the Bank of Asia last night is now hiding in the No. 17 warehouse on South Road, Xiangjiang East District. I hope that the Xiangjiang police will take immediate action to arrest these desperate robbers. "

"Asian bank robbery, a desperate robber?"

Listening to this, the person on the other side of the phone paused, and then quickly said, "Brother Nie, rest assured, I will give an order now to guarantee that the band of robbers will be taken down within 24 hours, absolutely not Let them threaten the lives and property of the residents of Xiangjiang again. "


Although this sounding speech made Nie Hailong feel a little speechless, it was very suitable for the current situation, so he didn't say much, saying: "The gang of gangs is very dangerous. They have automatic weapons in their hands and send out flying. Tigers. "

"Okay, no problem, I'll give an order now, to Brother Nie, this case just happened last night. How could you even be alarmed?"

"Mu ~!"

Before the other party finished speaking, Nie Hailong hung up the phone, looked down at the live broadcast, and found that the materials of Guan Zu and others were not there, and he did not put his conversation with the talented person in front of the audience.

Seeing this, Nie Hailong was also interested, and asked, "Why not broadcast?"

Zhong Li smiled and said, "How much you need to give them some face, otherwise, it would be bad for the dog to jump over the wall."


This time, Nie Hailong didn't reply, but silently mourned some people for a while, and prayed to God, don't let yourself be someone's live material.

"Anchor, what now?"

"Did the big brother in that special department contact the police?"

"Turn the camera back, it seems like a police officer has just entered."

"Yes, those lunatics are still saying that the game has begun. Have they set up traps and waited for the police to hook them?"

"Slump, why is there a traffic jam at this time? The anchor let's get off and run. Should it be too late to run over to the rescue?"

"Don't joke in front of me. I'm from Xiangjiang. The anchor is about 30 kilometers away from the South Road in the East District. The daylily is cold."

"Thirty kilometers, is it so far away? The drone just seemed to have flown in less than ten minutes. Isn't nuclear power so exaggerated?",


The conversation between Zhong Li and Nie Hailong was not clear to the audience. Looking at the information of Guan Zu and others in the live broadcast room, he didn't turn the screen back, one by one, anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Jumping feet, but helpless.

Fortunately, this time, Zhong Li complied with the public opinion, and quickly cut the screen back to the warehouse, but the perspective changed slightly, and came to a team of police officers wearing the body armor in the body armor. Chen Guorong, who only appeared on TV not long ago.

"Inspector Chen!"

"Brother, are you too efficient?"

"What efficiency, these are the traps where the lunatics deliberately exposed their position and attracted the police."

"The gangsters have designed an ambush plan, and they are waiting for the police to come to your door. These people don't know the situation yet, so it is dangerous to go on like this."

"Anchor, can you remind them with a drone, just drag them in."

"Xiangjiang police haven't got the news yet, just call them to remind them!"

"You're stupid, the cell phone was on while the Squad was operating?"

Seeing that Chen Guorong led a team of police officers from the severe case team into the building, the audience in the live broadcast room was anxious.

Unfortunately, no matter how anxious everyone is, it will not affect the development of the matter. Under the leadership of Chen Guorong, a team of police officers from the severe case team has penetrated the building.


Suddenly, in the darkness, a strange noise sounded, and a figure flickered along. A few nervous police officers immediately shot and fired, but all fell into the air, and the figure was strangely disappearing.


A police officer gave a curse, his expression was obviously a little nervous, and even a cold sweat came from his forehead.

As a newcomer to the newcomer group, his psychological quality is obviously not enough. The gunshot that everyone heard before is his masterpiece.

As if he noticed something, Chen Guorong frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Calm, don't panic, Group B keeps the exit, Group A follow me!"


Sleep, a group of people moved immediately and divided into two groups, one at the exit, and the other went deeper with Chen Guorong.

"Brother, you are still in the army!"

"Don't go in, hurry up!"

"How did you split your troops at this time, didn't you let them break through one by one?"

From the perspective of God, watching the "wrong" command of Chen Guorong, everyone was anxious.

However, at this moment, anxiety is useless. Chen Guorong led a group of people to go deep, and soon came to a promenade.

At this moment, on the side of the wall, the light suddenly lit, Chen Guorong's eyes were frozen, the muzzle turned momentarily, but what he saw was a display screen, and the blue interface was a line of English-GAMESTART.

Games start!

Chen Guorong looked aside and immediately stopped his pace and said on the headset: "Tianming, did you receive, Tianming, hey ..."

The interruption of the signal suddenly made Chen Guorong's heart anxious, and he was about to withdraw, suddenly ...

"Bang, bang!"

The screaming gunfire accompanied by screams and wailing echoed in this silent building, making several nervous police officers in the severe case throbbing, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked.

"what happened?"

"Not good, those **** have started!"

"Brother, you go quickly, what are you still doing?"

"These people used information to isolate the police call!"

The onlookers were clear, the authorities were fascinated, Chen Guorong did not know what kind of trap he had fallen into. The accident and uneasiness of his teammates made him a little calm, and said, "Ahai, keep someone here and don't go away, Akan followed I."

Having said that, Chen Guorong turned around and returned to the original road, and soon felt the exit, but saw that the iron gate was locked. The two police officers who had been guarding the gate had disappeared, leaving only two beaches of shocking blood.

"What about them, where are they?"

Seeing this, Sun Kang at the back suddenly panicked, and Chen Guorong was a little anxious. He couldn't open the door with a few kicks. He couldn't break the lock by firing. He just turned around and rushed to meet his teammates.

At this point, the perspective began to turn, and since a skylight flew out, behind several police officers who had separated from Chen Guorong.

Several police officers did not find this "drone" that did not exist, and they were still carefully searching for exits and others.


At this moment, another scream came out in the darkness, a figure moved out, and the spirit was tense to the extreme. Several police officers instantly pulled the trigger. After a set fire, the target was found to be a dummy.

This made several police officers angry and exhausted again. They were trying to move forward, but saw a person slip out on the other side. Several people turned around and were about to shoot, but they saw a "corpse" and couldn't help it. .

At this moment, Zhou Su, disguised as a corpse, smiled coldly, suddenly raised the gun in his hand, and a person shot down and responded ...

The lens shifted again ~ ~ Soon everyone saw a well-designed killing game, someone was suspended by a sudden rope, someone was hit by a popped iron door, and someone was shot in the dark The bullet knocked down, and for a moment the entire building was filled with sorrow and roar.

"I can't stand it!"

"These beasts, I'll be stupid!"

"These cubs are so vicious at such a young age!"

"Anchor, where are you, shouldn't you still be stuck in the road!"

Looking at this well-designed trap and **** and brutal slaughter, the live broadcast room has become a mess, and some people's hearts have fallen into the ice cellar.


In the office, one person smashed the computer in his hand, and then ripped off the phone, snarling: "Give me the North District Chief ... Which am I? I am your mother, my grandmother is rich, and immediately called Guan Ming the flutter Answer me on the street. One minute slow, all of you guys will get me out of the pond! "

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