The sudden attack, unrivaled strength, faced with this completely unexpected accident, Bruce was confused, but not surprised. The alliance of Lars and Assassin gave him more than just physical strength and skill. Ascension, as well as battle wisdom and absolute calmness.

For an instant, just for an instant, Bruce had no less than three countermeasures to his current situation, and the body responded instinctively. The adrenaline hormones hidden inside the suit and the special agent of the Assassin Alliance were quickly injected. The various anti-reverse devices were also activated, and several bat darts coated with heavy anesthetics flew out immediately. The right leg, which was not restrained, burst into rage, and it would look like a bump on the knee. Go up.

This ad hoc reaction can only be described by perfection. If another person comes, even his teacher, the leader of the Assassin Alliance, known as the devil's head, will have to be caught if he cannot catch it.

However, there are not so many ifs in this world. It is not others who stand here at the moment, but Zhong Li. In the face of these counter-offensives, he did not react very much, but just bent his right leg and resisted that. The knee bump that broke out, and the rest like bat darts, just ignored.

"Bang, bang!"

There were a few harsh sounds, the communication between gold and iron was normal, and the bat dart made of that special alloy was useless in front of the nearly perfect iron cloth shirt, and the epidermis was ejected without being punctured.

The counter-attacks were useless, and Bruce was shocked. He put together the body that had been injected with the adrenaline and the Assassin Alliance medicament, and was preparing for the final resistance.

Just then ...

"Indoctrination begins!"

With an icy sound coming from nowhere, a torrent of torrents of memory rushed into his head, Bruce felt only a sudden pain in his head, and the sight in his vision appeared distorted and blurred. The face that did not see clearly was hidden by the darkness quickly.


I do n’t know how long it has been. It was a thousand years or an instant. Bruce suddenly awakened, but the sight in sight was no longer the original. The mysterious man who knocked him to the ground also disappeared, not even He himself ... disappeared.

Nothing wrong, disappeared, Bruce can't feel his body, can't see his existence, even can't move autonomously, just like a lone soul abandoned in the void, completely out of touch with the world.

In simple terms, it is the perspective of an onlooker, as if watching a movie, can see everything, but can not make any changes or influence.

Even though the Assassin League has been exposed to many things beyond reality, knowing that the world is not as simple as it seems, this kind of encounter still shocked Bruce, and when the strange scene gradually showed a little familiarity This shock is even more difficult to add.

"Here is ... Gotham!"

Collapsed buildings, billowing dust, screaming crowds and congested traffic flow. Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar city, Bruce saw nothing but shock and misunderstanding in his eyes.

This is how the same thing?

What is this place again?

Why did you come here?

Questions appeared one after another, and the backlog was in his heart, but he was not given the opportunity to find an answer. The next moment, this "lens perspective" shifted again. Then, one is not familiar, but it is no stranger. The figure appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Bruce was completely shocked, because that person, he had seen it, and had seen it every day, but not in reality, but in the mirror, because that was-himself!

Bruce stared at "himself", walking through this city that was being destroyed, the building collapsed, the dust became violent, and the exquisite building jungle in the old days gradually collapsed in this irresistible disaster, and the sky fell After the crystal rain, scarlet blood flowers spread on the ground. A girl was penetrated by a piece of glass that had fallen since mid-air. A child was crushed by the crushed crushed stones into blood ...

So, more than shocking?

Watching the ruined city and the collapsed crowd, Bruce finally woke up from the chaos, looked up into the sky, and saw the dazzling light, like the sun blooming, and the destructive power swept out. Everything that was blocking the front turned into dust.

A weird and huge ship, since falling from the dark sky, has crashed high-rise buildings and collapsed, the blasting dust is like a roaring dragon, bringing the fleeing crowd together with the entire city Outrageously engulfed.

In this general scene of doomsday, Bruce saw "self" again, a self that looks so small, driving a toy car, struggling in the gap between the collapsed buildings, it seems so difficult He couldn't help but hold his hands, not sympathetic tension, it was anger, powerless anger and despair beyond words.

After a while, "I" stopped because the congested crowd completely blocked the passage. After opening the car door, he looked at the people paralyzed, desperate, confused, and even ashamed. He didn't know what to say. Something, I just felt that my heart was suddenly tense, as if to take an invisible hand, pinch it hard, and crush it!

Despair, confusion, and ultimately inability to accept the reality. In the face of this irresistible doomsday, some people collapsed on the ground, some were doing useless struggles, and some people put their final hope in their own eyes, toward The battlefield was cast.

Yes, the battlefield, in the middle of this destruction, is a battlefield, in which more than one side of the battle, the people can not understand anything, only to see a few figures and several shapes distorted or enveloped by the existence of light staggered, Seems to be fighting.

Everyone does not know who is fighting and who is evil, but the instinct of survival allows them to place their hopes on those silhouettes, holding hands tightly, praying, praying!

Bruce stared at all this, like the "self" on the scene, watching this shocking but inexplicable scene, feeling that the hand that squeezed his heart was a little bit more forceful, It made it difficult for him to even breathe.


I don't know how long after that, a deafening explosion sounded, making Bruce immersed in all this impenetrable, suddenly felt a sudden pain in his mind, and then his vision was distorted, blurred and dark again ...


With a scream, Bruce woke up, but saw that everything had just disappeared, and he returned to that building, the dimly lit office building, and the whole person fell to the ground, dead by one hand. Hold on.

I don't know if it is because of this, there was an unusually intense pain in his mind, causing his body to tremble involuntarily, and the body under the battle suit was soaked with sweat, and the whole person seemed to have just been salvaged from the water. .

But he couldn't take care of it, because the talented scene was still vivid at this moment, as if the seal was engraved into his soul, and he could never forget it again.

This is how the same thing?

Was that just an illusion?

What can make such illusions, and what can build such illusions!

"Uh, uh!"

The doubts entangled in the heart, the pain that ravaged his mind, made Bruce's thoughts confused, his body twitching and trying to stand up, but could not offer any strength.

At this moment, the one pressed his hand and suddenly took it back. Zhong Li stood up, staring at Bruce who was struggling but could not stand up, and his face was also pale.


This is Zhong Li's ability after raising the brain power to the sixth level. He can use his own body as a transmission channel for the brain to inculcate others. The content of this indoctrination is not limited. In addition to various martial arts, Can instill a variety of profile information.

This indoctrination has no effect other than the effect of receiving information, and the person receiving it will not be particularly affected by it. Therefore, it is impossible to rely on this for brainwashing control, even forging a memory. Can't do it.

In addition, this indoctrination also requires a stable environment, that is, the two sides must not be interfered with to a great extent, otherwise it will cause very serious damage to the body, especially the brain area. A bad one can become an idiot. .

Therefore, forcibly inculcating is a very dangerous thing, especially for those who are inculcated. After all, Zhong Li is the master of the intellectual brain, the first protection target, and he has opened the heavenly gate of the temple, even if the indoctrination fails. Www.wuxiaspot .com ~ also has a headache, it is impossible to suffer much damage, the indoctrination is different, there is no intellectual brain in the body, the protection measures are naturally weaker, plus the strength problem, then the risk factor should not be too high. It's not that Bruce's strength is good, Zhong Li will never force him to inculcate him.

Now it seems that this forcible indoctrination is indeed a bit difficult, but fortunately, the effect is still there. Looking at Bruce who is still a little confused, Zhong Li nodded with satisfaction and stood aside waiting for his recovery.

It doesn't take long to wait. As Lars's most proud disciple, Bruce's strength is not bad, and he quickly offsets the effect of intellect. The body falling to the ground suddenly twitched, staring at Zhongli coldly, but did not show up. Voice.

Seeing this, Zhong Li didn't say anything, because he knows that it's better to say nothing now than to say anything. He needs time to digest and accept this message that subverts the concept of the world.

Silence remained for a moment, until Bruce's shout came from behind, Bruce was awake, glanced at Zhong Li deeply, then backed away and disappeared into the darkness.

Seeing this, Zhong Li did not stop, just cut the perspective of the live room and let everyone watch Bruce retreat to the edge of the building, leaping out as he came, disappearing in the dark ...

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