
There was a loud noise, and the "people" that broke out of the sea crashed into the ground. Under the trampling of terror, the entire deck was trembling, and the accumulated rain and flesh blew up. As a wave of air swept across, it seemed like a peony blooming. In general, a moment burst.

After such a shocking scene, what was reflected in the eyes of everyone was a back, a tall, powerful back.

It is not human, but its body structure is roughly the same as humans. There is no shortage of head and limbs, except for a pair of horns standing on its head. There are huge bat wings on its back. The lower body like a goat is covered with dark brown scales. Covered.

This image is not only out of the category of human beings, but also very similar to the demons in western legends. Standing there with his back on his back, he felt a sense of horror of oppression, which made people almost choked.


"What the **** is this?"

"Even the demon jumped out!"

"Are there really such things as demons in this world?"

"Fake, it must be fake. This has no scientific basis!"

"If the devil exists, does the **** also exist, will there be heaven and **** after death?"

"No, why is the demon in the sea, shouldn't this thing be a **** creature with fire properties?"


In the live broadcast room, looking at the horns on the top of the head, the bloodline heirs of the anger of the bat wings, everyone was confused.

What happened?

Demons, how can there be demons in this world?

The chaos in the live broadcast room is, for everyone, the impact of this scene at present is better than the appearance of the genius Siren and the blood relative.

This is not to say how terrible this bloodline successor looks, how much more terrible than the Kraken and Bloodline, but a question of rationality and acceptance.

Simply comparing the degree of horror and horror, the Siren and the Bloodkind are actually better. Instead, the image of the "demon" of the blood successor is closer to the human aesthetics.

However, everyone ’s acceptance of Siren and Bloodkind is far from the successor of bleeding veins, because the existence of Siren and Bloodkind can be self-explanatory, self-hypnotic, and put on excuses such as biochemical pollution and radiation mutation, although It doesn't necessarily make sense, but it's more acceptable.

The blood successor will not do it. Although the image of the demon is relatively close to human aesthetics, what is the devil? It is the product of the spread of faith. The mythical monster built for the opposition has a very strong mystery and fantasy. nature.

In order to accept such a magical creature, everyone must first overthrow their own world concepts and basic cognition, just as someone in the live broadcast said, if this "devil" exists, does it mean "God "It also exists. Is there really a heaven and hell, a paradise, six reincarnations, the gods of the west, the immortals of the east, and all the lives in the legends after death? Is it true?

Compared to these, what biochemical pollution and radiation variation are really acceptable!

Therefore, everyone is confused, and it is difficult to extricate themselves in the conflict between fantasy and reality. Those who are not surprised at this moment are probably only Zhongli.


This is not surprising. The bloodline successors are powerful, because they are the "children" of alien evil gods. They have the purest bloodlines of the gods. They are completely different from those of the crude bloodlines of the dependent bloodlines. If you give them enough resources and Space, the future can grow up to the realm of evil gods.

The cost of creating such a "child" is huge, but those alien gods are willing to pay, because this is the only way they come.

It is true that the main role of the successors of the bloodline is to carry the soul of the advent of the evil god, as the carrier of the evil **** in the earth's activities. Without this carrier, their power would be greatly weakened under the constraints of world power.

This limitation cannot be changed, at least until the world is destroyed, so all alien evil gods who came to the earth will create bloodline successors as their own agents and soul carriers.

In order to make the carrier of the bloodline better adapt to the earth and wield more powerful power, alien evil gods usually use human templates, because human beings are the mainstream life of the earth world and the core force of the earth's civilization. The image template of the flesh heir can greatly reduce the limit of world power.

Not only is heir to the bloodline, but even the inside of the earth is also a reason. When the monsters reach a certain level, they will become human beings. The powerful individuals of various ghosts and demons are also humanoids. Even the royal family of Atlantis, the sea The birth of the elf life is also dominated by people.

In this way, it is not how noble humans are born, but that in ancient times, the human race broke out from hundreds of millions of races and established a glorious martial arts civilization. "Humanism" and obedience to "sky" will make this world so inclined. For people, even the basic rules have changed.

This set of theories is derived from the "Story of Heaven and Man", a sage of later generations. Whether it is true or not, Zhong Li dare not make a conclusion now, but there is one thing that can be affirmed, except for human beings and any creatures, as long as they can imitate the human body. That strength must be very powerful, and things like bloodline heirs, the more complete the human body, the more terrifying the strength, the legendary bloodline heirs created by the alien **** emperor can even reach the point where there is no difference with humans. Their limits have also been reduced to the extreme.

But the God Emperor is only a few. Most of the alien evil gods do not have this ability. They can only settle for the second best. They use various humanoid monsters as templates for their blood successors. What mermaids, human horses, human cows, human dogs? And even human pigs, only you can't think of it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ without them.

The devil is also one of the templates for the successors of the bloodline. Although most of them are not as good as the "angels" of human form, they are more powerful than mermaids and belong to the middle class.

Watching his bloodline heirs still facing away, Zhong Li did not rush to attack, but first scanned with the brain.

Bloodline Heir

Humanoid template: Demon (30% fictionalization)

Growth stage: Juvenile (50% of length)

Current status: weak (caused by lack of vitality)

Special Abilities: Batwing glide, blood pulse, flesh sacrifice, vitality alienation, devour and absorption.

Physical weakness: heart, skull.

Note: Bloodline heirs, the carrier clones prepared by alien gods for the advent, have the original bloodline split by the gods, and they are extremely powerful. Please be cautious.


After elevating permissions and further unlocking data, the brain has many more functions, one of which is the scanning of living organisms.

This scan is similar to "identification", and can get approximate information about the target. Of course, all of this information is based on the target's physical performance and mental brain data. There is no favorability, prestige or other gameplay. Content, not even specific data like Zhongli Properties.

But that's enough for Zhongli to understand its strength.

Devil template, baby stage!

Although an estimate has been made, the results of Zhinao's scan still settled Zhong Li's heart a lot. This is not his fear of challenge, but he prefers to hold the whole hand in comparison to the life and death struggle to win in danger. Take control.

And now, a demon template, the bloodline heirs of the infant stage, has not yet reached his range.

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