Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 265: : Magister

Deities are a broad concept. Compared to the so-called gods, Zhong Li is more inclined to say that they are high-dimensional life. Powerful forces have changed their life essence and personality level. Therefore, in the eyes of the weak, They are incomprehensible, unable to imagine, and even unable to touch.

If the strength of both sides is equal, then it will be found that this so-called **** is actually just a kind of life, and there is no real difference in essence between humans, demons, and beasts, so even if there is a **** of the last life In the experience of the magical sky, Zhong Li did not develop any sense of awe for "God".

However, this is not the reason why he destroyed this street sign. He does not need to use this to show his courage or disdain, and to destroy the street sign, mainly because this thing is one of the nodes on the island. In addition to building the island, Outside the environment, it can also have a certain impact on the spirit of the entrant, and then achieve the effect of confusion.

With the power and wisdom of a deity, the battles set out are naturally no small matter. For other people, not to mention the great master who is superior in grades, is the stepper who has stepped into the extraordinary field. Under the influence of this street sign, also She will be lost in the battlefield and be trapped alive. Only Marie Rose is the best example. She has golden blood and is not inferior to the master in terms of strength. It can be seen that at the moment of this street sign, her mind was still taken by her.

In this way, the role of this battle is not weak, but it is a pity that when he met Zhong Li, the temple was opened, and the Wu Soul was cultivated, he did not ignore all the powers of deception, but it is still not difficult to pass away. This is to others. The strange and horrible street sign, in his opinion, is indeed pretending to be a ghost, and can be cracked with one foot.


After the street sign was broken, Mary Rose also woke up, but her expression was a little confused, and she didn't seem to realize what had just happened. Looking at Zhongli, he didn't explain and walked towards the island.

In this way, it is not that Zhong Li pretended to be high-cold, but that he discovered one thing. The strength of this battle was much weaker than he imagined. Except for this deceiving street sign, there was no other arrangement or even this street sign. After the shattering, the mist generated by the alien evil power was all thinner.

What does this show, is that the evil god's strength is too weak, or is this battle set too crude?

No, Zhong Li doesn't have any awe of this so-called god, but he doesn't despise the power they have. Since there is a **** on the island, the defense force cannot be so weak. Now There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, he gathered the power of the battle to the center, and even relaxed the periphery.

This is indeed the case. After the street sign was broken, the alien evil power shrouded in the void was obviously dissipated, but at the same time, the power in the central area was also strengthened, so that the consumption of Zhongli maintaining space scanning increased a lot.

The oracle could not strengthen the battle force for no reason, and something must have happened in the central area, such as-Ino!


Zhong Li's pace accelerated, and Mary Rose realized what was behind him, and the two hurried to the center area.

With the advance of the two, the originally thin fog became denser, and the traces of artificial repairs on the road became more and more obvious. In the end, even a paved road with stone bricks appeared. There were many wooden poles and tree branches on both sides of the road. There are many skulls hanging above, including human skulls, revealing a sense of barbarity and primitive sacrifice.

"these things……"

"Human skulls, and skulls of various animals!"

"It looks like someone has lived, wouldn't it be a cannibal?"

"It would be really good if the cannibals are the anchors of this fighting force. I do n’t know who eats who the cannibals come to!"

"When I just came in, the blonde girl yelled at the street sign, as if she could see something, which English-speaking friend would translate it for."

"Sorry, the professional translator at level eight in English said that she was not speaking English just now, or even any language we know well."

"How does this place feel like Silent Hill? There should be no monsters!"

According to the Horror Valley theory, the higher the degree of personification of non-human things, the stronger the sense of horror given to people, like dolls, dolls, scarecrows, and if you look closely, you will feel extra horror.

This theory also applies to the present. Before the island was seen to be desolate, everyone didn't feel anything, but now, with the deepening of Zhongli and Mary Rose, a lot of human traces appear, coupled with this desolate and silent atmosphere, feeling It's quite different.

The terror came and swept away. Even though there was a screen, everyone felt that the cold was very cold, even if they communicated with each other through the barrage between live broadcasts.

The crowd was shocked, but Zhong Li was speechless and took Mary Rose to go deeper. After a while, he finally came to the center of the island.

It's not just an artificial trace here, it's a small tribe, but it's more primitive in style, and it's uninhabited today, showing a sense of empty silence and strangeness.

Seeing this, Mary Rose was still a little curious, looking around to see if there was any trace of Ino, but Zhong Li said nothing and went straight to the center of the tribe.

Now this area is the center of the island. A large amount of alien evil power is scattered in the void. The range that can be scanned by the brain is directly reduced to 100 meters, so Zhongli has no way to determine the position of Ino, but fortunately Someone showed him the direction, there was no need to look for it, and he just walked to the position where the alien evil was the strongest.

Soon, the two came to a square, an unusually wide square, located in the center of the entire tribe. It was magically not shrouded in dense fog, because in this place, the alien evil power was no longer manifested in the form of fog.

In the huge square, a bluestone altar is erected, and there is a statue on the altar, which is the one-legged crow depicted in the previous street sign, but compared to the graffiti painting of the child, this statue is very delicate and lifelike. It's not that the body is out of range, and it is standing still on the altar, I'm afraid that everyone will regard it as a real crow.

The entire altar is in the shape of a face, with a bluestone staircase on the front, and a small lake built on the back. The small lake is not large, it is just three feet in size. It is not so much a pond as a pond. The water in the pool is not normal water, but like mercury, the whole body is flashing with an unknown liquid.

The crowd did not pay much attention to this weird pond, because the people standing on the altar and in front of the altar attracted more eyes than this.

On the altar, in front of the statue of the dead bird, stood a small figure, purple long hair fluttering, the crown-like crown is bright, and the gorgeous halberd in his hand is more like a huge handle because of the disparity in proportion. Her wand, held by her, stood side by side, which seemed a little out of harmony, but was inexplicably lined.

Ino Arantis!

The owner of the spirit of Xihai, standing on the altar at this moment, was completely unaware of the arrival of Zhong Li and Mary Rose, because under this altar, there was a magic circle shining, although the blood-red light had not yet reached the sky To the point, but also spread to the surroundings, surrounding the entire altar like an aperture.


"What the hell?"

"Wife, come out and see God."

"My head is dizzy. Who will help me?"

"Who are those three guys? It looks strange."

This scene that could only be seen in the movie was full of magic, but it seems so real at the moment, coupled with the previous continuous shocks, even today, there is even a doubt in this live broadcast room. No sound.

"His Royal Highness!"

If the live broadcast is not live, Mary Rose is not clear. After seeing Ino, she doesn't care about the others, she just comes forward with a shout.

This shout didn't exchange Ino's response, but let the three men who stood in front of the altar and stared at each other suddenly woke up.

That's right, in front of this altar, behind the Eno, the circle was not shrouded, and three people were standing, three people in black robes, all hidden in the shadow of their coats ~ ~ Her guard! "

"Which Oriental is who?"

"I don't know, it's just killing anyway!"

As for the arrival of Mary Rose, the three seemed unsurprising, so their eyes stayed more on Zhongli, who was covered by the shadow, and instantly revealed a deterrent killer.

Mary Rose also noticed the three of them, but was concerned about the safety of Ino, and did not consider it too much. She directly determined that she was an opponent. While rushing forward, a hand of cold light bloomed, and she had to fight against each other.


Seeing this, one person sneered suddenly, facing up to the rushing Mary Rose, raised his right hand, white and slender fingers sketched in the air, and murmured the obscure and complicated strange syllables in his mouth.


The powerful wind howled, the surging air stream condensed in the void, forming a cyan energy visible to the naked eye, and rushed towards Mary Rose.

The energy wave covers a huge area, and the speed is even more amazing. Mary Rose, who was about to go for a close-kick, had no time to escape, and was directly hit by this energy wave.


The energy shock made Mary Rose difficult to resist, and her petite body was directly taken out by Zhen.

At this moment, a person arrives instantly, the detective catches her body, unloads the strength, and falls lightly to the ground.

Although the impact force was removed, the injury caused by Fang was unavoidable, and a bright red ray appeared on her lips, but she ignored it, staring at the person who had wounded Fang, and gritted her teeth and said, "Magister!"

"Not yet."

Before the words were over, he was covered by a soft whisper. Zhong Li patted her on the shoulder and said, "These are given to me. Go there and see what's going on."

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