Aspen fell softly on the seat, panting low, fragrant sweat dripping, and even soaked in the white lining of his professional attire, as if it were a little pony with no load. A different kind of flattery and temptation.

Jiuyin's true formula is the best practice of heavenly order. Needless to say, it is still an ordinary poplar, and it is impossible to bear it. Therefore, Zhong Li split this practice, only The contents of the first three layers of the recipe.

Even so, it is necessary to consume a lot of sacred military points to escort, otherwise, where does Zhong Li use painstaking efforts to establish any college, which can be taught directly?

Seeing Bai Yang's weakness, Zhong Li shook his head and whispered softly: "Take a break and digest this instilled content. It will soon be okay."


Listening to this, Bai Yang couldn't say anything, agreed gently, then closed his eyes, and Zhong Li turned to look out the window and opened the broadcast ...

"Brother, you're on air!"

"Come on, be happy, there is a lot of time anyway!"

"I'm going to die without a live broadcast, really really going to die o (╥﹏╥) o!"

"I heard that the anchor has returned to China. Why, don't Dongyu have a lot of places to go?"

"Everyone forgive me, the anchor now has this fighting power. There are basically no creatures on the earth that can stop him. How can I broadcast live without any material? Check it out later."

"Fuck, it's airing, where is this?"

In the Shenwu World, everyone in the live broadcast room wasted their lives as usual, until the screen jumped and new content appeared.

The camera overlooks, as a convoy passes through the quiet neighborhood and before a college.

The college is said to be because of the megalithic gate, there is a famous ancient plaque, and the words "Iron painting and silver hook" are one of the hot topics in the world today-Shenwu!

In this name, I went live, what is this place?

"Finally here!"

"Is this the anchor college?"

"When is school starting? I can't wait!"

"What anchor, no big or small, let the director know?"

"How long does it take to study before it can change like the anchor ... you, terrible?"

Seeing that the academy was finally about to unveil, the live broadcast room instantaneously boiled. After a while of questioning, the result was a while, but unfortunately Zhongli did not answer, and the camera focused only on the surroundings.

It can be seen that the construction of this college is very rough, the traces of construction have not been smoothed, and the layout is only general. It is absolutely unsatisfactory to talk about the environment. Although there is vitality, but the live broadcast room The audience inside couldn't feel it. For a while, it was unavoidable to feel disappointed.

Zhong Li did not explain this. The camera and the team continued to move forward. After walking through the large courtyard, they came to an area called a medicine garden.

The team stopped, Zhong Li pushed the car door and walked down. The resting poplar didn't follow, but he didn't look lonely, because in the two cars behind him, there were also some amazing figures.

Shen Jianshi, Song Shuzhen, Zhong Yinge, Zhong Yinyue, and Lin Moying and Li Xiangjun, all the people who originally stayed in Baiyunguan came and looked around curiously.

"The environment is not bad!"

"It's no wonder that there is so much aura in the world ..."

Although Shen Jianshi and Song Shuzhen did not deal with them in the past, sometimes they have a sense of conscience. It is as if they are looking around, and they are keenly aware of what they are, looking at each other, and then turning their eyes. Zhong Li.

Feeling the eyes of the two, also to answer the doubts of everyone, Zhong Li smiled and said, "Vitality is a special energy born in the world. It disperses the world and spreads all things. Basically, everything contains vitality. The difference is only the quantity. Just how much. "

Having said that, Zhong Li looked around again and continued: "Therefore, in this world, there will be some gathering points of vitality, that is, the legendary cave heaven, overseas fairy mountain, this is how it is formed, and now this college is the same, There is a huge vitality node below it, which continuously radiates to the surroundings, so the vitality energy in this area is far more abundant than in other areas. "

Between words, Zhong Li turned his hands and took out a bright white jade, which was the heart of the tree that was taken out of the ghost cherry tree, and continued: "The vitality has extremely magical power. For many things, With the effect of improvement and strengthening, in an environment full of vitality, the speed of spiritual practice will be greatly accelerated, and the essence of life will be improved a little bit, the genetic genes will be improved, and the fundamental blood transmutation will be completed. This is true of human beings and other lives. same."

Anyway, Zhong Li held the heart of the white jade tree, walked into the medicine garden, came to the huge circular tree garden in the center, and dropped it!

The heart of the tree dropped, fell into the ground, and suddenly a green light bloomed. The ground under everyone's feet also appeared a large mysterious rune, a large amount of mist emerged, and even condensed into water droplets, nourishing the entire medicine garden.

The green light is the center of this medicine garden and the central node to which the runes of the battle are connected. A large amount of mist is flowing, absorbed by it, and then ...


A loud noise, such as a thunderous sound, a green shoot, a bud shoots out, grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, extends upwards, successively up and down, and turns into a green tender green willow Seedlings, so still rising against the wind.

One foot, two feet, three feet ... ten feet and ten feet, in just a few minutes, this seedling has become a giant tree, a hundred feet of weeping willow, and thousands of green and willow branches urged by the light Jasper's radiance, as if it were really made of beautiful jade, was so enchanting.


"What's the matter?"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

"Did you use the legendary Jin Xila?"

"What gold 坷 坷 is clearly Yuan 坷 !!"

"Wait, isn't this the seed of a cherry tree, why is a willow tree growing now?"

"It must have been that the cherry blossom smashed the woman's canal and secretly hooked up the old willow next door.

Looking at the towering weeping willows that were full of wind and wind, everyone in the live room was stagnant. It took a long time for them to return to God and yell again.


Shen Jianshi and Song Shuyi who followed him were also shocked to see this. Fortunately, the two were unusually determined and not to be out of shape. They just came to Zhong Li and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhong Li smiled and said, "Three thousand avenues, different paths, the same person, the same tree, the heart of the tree is the essence of the tree's life, to the extreme, just like a white paper, what color you apply, What kind of state it is, the vitality environment here is more suitable for willow tree growth, so it becomes a willow tree. "

"That's not what I asked!"

Shen Jianshi gave him a white look, and said, "This tree is growing so fast. What fertilizer did you use? Is it the legendary Jin Xila?"


"Sister Shen, you ..."

"Image, pay attention to image!"

"Goddess, please don't go in the direction of the female nerve!"

Shen Jianshi remembered the thunder and beat everyone to the outer focus. It was completely unexpected. This person in white clothes wins the snow, and the fairy is like a dust. There is such a "competitive" side, and the image of the goddess appears instantly. Shake or even collapse.

Even Zhongli was a little speechless, shaking her head and saying, "This medicine garden is located directly above the vitality node. I have arranged a large spiritual gathering to make the vitality become a substance and fill the soil, air, and moisture. In this, the tree heart itself is extraordinary in nature. When placed in such an environment, it will naturally grow rapidly and enter the juvenile stage. "

"It wasn't Jin Yanla, it was Yuan Zhenla!"

Shen Jianshi suddenly realized, and then thought of something. He looked at Zhongli with an astonishment and asked, "What did you just say, is this just an infant stage?"

Zhong Li nodded and smiled: "Yes, this willow tree is still in its infancy. When it matures, it will not be so small."

In this case, Zhongli is not exaggerated. The ghost cherry in the last life was in the east, and it was not close to the vitality of the sea. It only relied on the extreme shade of the earth to become a ghost-ghost cherry ghost. Small cities are covered. In this vitality node, there is the blessing of the magical spirit array, and the environmental conditions are excellent. I do n’t know how much. How can it be out of the blue in the future?

Thinking of this, Zhong Li turned to Shen Jianshi again, and said with a chuckle: "This medicine garden is to cultivate elixir, which is not suitable for living and cultivation. Your residence is at the rear. Check it out later if there is any dissatisfaction."



"Already living together?"

"What do you mean, what do you mean?"

"Sister Shen is just fine. What happened to so many other girls?"

"Anchor, do you know that the Crystal Palace is opened with a hatchet, Brother Cheng can look at you in the sky!"

Feeling excited by the crowd that showed a face, Zhong Li ignored it, and people lifted out a wooden box to open it, which is the spirit and virtue card of the ghosts.


Later, I saw a stream of blooming, condensed into the crowd, and led by Chao Ying and Meng Xiu, and saluted to Zhong Li, all ghosts.

Zhong Li turned around and looked at the ghosts and said, "This willow tree is soft in the middle, and the yin is the yang. You are merited as ghosts, and they are in harmony with it, so living here is of great benefit."

"Thank you, Father!"

Listening to this, all the ghosts are overjoyed, even Chaoying and Mengxiu, who are already gods, are no exception.

According to folk reports, Huai, Liu, Mulberry, and Gui are the four big ghost trees. They are easy to produce evil and are not good for people. Therefore, they are very taboo and cannot be planted in the house.

In this way, although there are some superstition factors, it is not completely unreasonable. Most of the trees such as locust, willow, mulberry, and laurel are feminine in nature and have the effect of containing soul and soul. After reaching a certain age, they can even be used to make Yin Weapons are visible.

At present, this big willow tree is generated by the heart of the ghost cherry tree, and the underground vitality node is also used by the King Kirin as the underground palace to hold the corpse. Needless to say, the evil nature of nature will not give birth to this big willow tree.

However, extremely yin and yang become extremely yin and yin, yin and yang are not absolute. When Zhong Li arranged the gathering of spirits, it concealed the tendency of his own mixed elements, making this large overcast willow tree with a very Yin nature The masculine, inner yin and yang reconcile, guarantees that in the future, it will not fall into the devil's way like the ghost cherry.

In this way, it is even more beneficial to a group of ghosts who have cultivated ghosts by virtues. After all, ghosts are not evil spirits. They take yin as the root, and they must have a certain amount of yang. Will not be devoured by the nature of ghosts and become bloodthirsty ghosts and evil spirits. In addition, the existence of yang can also accelerate the cultivation of ghosts and achieve the status of Shinto. It only works under the power of the world such as merit. The benefits are endless.

Therefore, standing under this big willow tree is a coveted thing for ghosts, how can you not be surprised.

Seeing a crowd of ghosts and surprises, Zhong Li didn't say much, saying, "Please, everyone!"


The ghosts echoed in unison, then returned to the light, and the merit card flew up, hanging on the tens of millions of weeping willow branches, blooming in the Tao Jinhua. It was cold, and there was an extra peace.

Seeing this, Zhong Li was also very satisfied, chuckling: "In three days, the school will start, and by then, you will have to bother you with more effort and teaching."

"Don't let Egong down!"

The weeping willow, the words of the spirits coming, all expressed a sense of joy, and obviously liked the place of sacrifice.


"My teacher is not human?"

"What are you talking about? You're not human!"

"That is, respect for the teacher will not be the case, fired!"

"After that, wouldn't there be something more terrifying than the head of the class teacher?"

"I have three days left, I can't wait, can I pass now?"

In the live broadcast room, there was a joke, which was both exciting and anticipating. It seemed that none of them realized the hardships and difficulties of this practice.

Seeing this, Zhong Li also shook his head and said, "It is difficult to practice. It is absolutely impossible to succeed without a tenacious heart. Therefore, I hope everyone can set their minds, not to play, not to enjoy, but to Work hard for the future and survival of the people around you. You must stand up to ~ ~ and you must stand up to this test and trial! "

Between words, Zhong Li's tone changed coldly, and he continued: "After entering school, all trainees must receive one month of formal military training. Those who fail to pass the exam will be dropped out of school!"

Having said that, without waiting for everyone's response, the live broadcast was closed.



"That's over?"

"Don't leave, anchor, just talk!"

"Frighten people, don't you just have one month of military training!"

"Yes, it's not untrained, who is afraid of who!"

The live broadcast was closed, and then Zhongli's words were recalled. Although everyone felt a little uneasy, most of them were not attentive. After all, things like school training are not unfamiliar to everyone. Although it is harder, it is not difficult to grit your teeth and pass by ...

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