Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 339: : Fajia!

The campus is beautiful, but the beauty is not perfect. There are still many things that make people feel distressed. The military training at the beginning of school is one of them.

The idea of ​​the military, Zhong Li, is not unclear, but he deliberately indulge, because he also needs a rigorous military training to sharpen these students and transform them from ordinary ordinary people into soldiers who can withstand blood and war. .

In a month, such a large-scale change is undoubtedly difficult, but fortunately, this is only the beginning, and Zhong Li does not need them to immediately enter the battlefield, so this is only a foundation. With this foundation, they still have to accept relevant Training and learning in the end can become a qualified warrior and fighter.

This foundation is very important, so for the little movement of the military, Zhong Li chose to default or even indulge. This is also the reason why this one-month military training is extremely harsh and for many students, it can be said to be an hellish experience like never before.

Fortunately, **** returns to hell, and the actual elimination rate is not high, because this group of students were selected by Zhinao through relevant materials. In the future, they will all be successful warriors. They belong to the backbone of the human race and have high personal qualities. The development space is huge, and the spiritual will is even more tenacious. As long as they persist in not giving up, then this training degree is nothing, let alone the vitality, elixir, flesh and blood, medicinal spirit, and other materials as supplements.

Under such conditions, Zhong Li is helpless. He wants the world to be a martial art, everyone is like a dragon, but the road is chosen by himself, and someone has to be a salted fish. What can be done?

Drinking water by cows doesn't work!


In this way, it was another month of dazzling eyes. The hellish military training life finally ended after New Year's Day. The youth campus was a little less serious and nervous, and a little more free and relaxed, making people feel more comfortable.



In the auditorium, among the crowds, Li Wuyi was a little nervous. He reached out and touched the tall and strong around him, and quietly asked, "Who are these people?"

"Some things don't need to be asked, it's no use asking them!"

Tall and strong is still an army green camouflage, with a strong and robust body, showing a surging breath, it seems that he is even better than Li Wuyi.

After being so blocked by him, Li Wuyi couldn't ask any more. He could only look away and quietly looked at the people around him.

In this auditorium, in addition to students such as tall and strong, Li Wuyi, there are many raw faces, wearing uniform uniforms, looking a bit cold and calm, temperament very similar to the military, but a little different!

They were not students of the college. At least Li Wuyi hadn't seen it, and it was because of this that he was curious. As soon as the military training was over, the college gathered them here. What is this group of people doing?

Gathering speech?

It should n’t be. There are only 50 or 60 people in a class, but there are only a few here. What does this say? Do they have to be eliminated, or should they enter a key class as an elite training?

Although from the perspective of the situation, the latter is the most likely. After all, here are the best performers in military training, and there is no way to be related to the elimination of squad leader such as Gao Tazhuang, but these people ...... What's the situation?

Li Wuyi glanced around and secretly looked at the people in uniform. Although Gao Tazhuang did not move, he had a lot of cleverness. With a glance at the corner of his eye, his heart was clear. He murmured: "There are seven places in Guo'an, so many People, it looks like they're all here. There's a big move! "

After all, Gao Tshuang frowned again, and asked himself, "No, there are really big moves. What are these rookies doing, just training a month of recruit eggs and sending them as cannon fodder is not enough?"

"be quiet!"

Suspiciously, a sigh of applause rang out, and the already quiet people looked at each other, looked up at the auditorium platform, and saw the three of them come to the stage.

Headed by Zhong Li, who hasn't shown up all the time, Nie Hailong and Ren Dongping are separated. This battle has seen many people secretly surprised.

Seeing this, Zhong Li didn't sell off either, and said directly: "Congratulations, you passed the military training assessment with excellent results, but this is just the beginning. Next, there is a task assessment, a very dangerous task assessment!"

At this point, I paused, glanced at everyone, Zhong Li chuckled, and then said, "The content of this task is very simple, just two words-drug control, you will be divided into two hundred teams, which will be inspected by the National Security Bureau. Officials led to Xiangjiang to thoroughly and thoroughly eliminate the source of drugs. In the process, you will encounter obstacles and dangers in all aspects, gangsters, killers, social influences, popular reactions, and even official system personnel, your boss, your Your companions, as well as yourself, can become enemies, because there is Xiangjiang, a battlefield without smoke, but more dangerous and cruel! "

After all, Zhong Li paused for a while, and after everyone digested this information, he continued: "Don't feel that I'm alarmist, let alone underestimate the danger and difficulty of this task. Facing such a battlefield like this enemy, You need not only force, but also wisdom, and a firm heart! "

In words, Zhong Li glanced over and took a look at all the people, and then said, "This task is the assessment of law enforcement officers, and is not directly related to martial arts practice. You can choose, if you want to accept, go to Xiangjiang, unwilling to accept, also It doesn't matter, you can stay in the college and continue your martial arts training. "


At this point, everyone was stunned. They couldn't understand Zhongli's intentions and didn't know how to choose.

"You guys have time to think about it, dissolve now!"

The hesitation of the crowd was an expected event, and Zhong Li also said something more, which caused the crowd to disband and leave.

Although there were many doubts, Zhong Li said so, and everyone did not dare to ask questions, but only disbanded the team and left the auditorium.

The trainees left, but a group of prosecutors did not act. Zhong Li looked away and said softly: "They are students and you are teachers, so I hope that you can lead by example, model yourself, complete this task and complete this assessment. ! "


Unlike trainees who don't know anything, this task has issued an order notice within Guoan. The prosecutors selected today are also elite members of Guoan. Most of them are from the Guo'an Seven Division, which is responsible for national security. Investigation and combat departments, the Central General Administration of Zhili, loyalty, quality, and ability are all top choices.

They are teachers as well as students. After this task is completed, they will enter the college and become the first students of the tradition of the Fajia!

Yes, the inheritance of the legalists is the reason why Zhong Li chose Xiangjiang as the first stop of anti-drug. If the legal order is to exist, someone must maintain it and use the power of the legal order to maintain the existence of the legal order. This is the legalist. The core concept of inheritance is also the root of the practice of the Legalist tradition.

Real law enforcers will be blessed by the power of the law, and will benefit no less than merit and fortune. In this way, they can practice infinite power, whether it is a demon or a ghost, and it can be suppressed and suppressed to a certain level. There is the ability to act on behalf of heaven, even if it is a saint's deity, he does not dare to confront it directly, otherwise the law of heaven and the sanctity will perish.

It ’s a pity that these realms are too difficult and difficult, especially in this chaotic world that is about to change. To maintain the legal order and suppress all kinds of turmoil is easier said than done, the law is broken, the order is broken, what kind of practice is it? achievement?

Therefore, Zhongli last life, the inheritance of the Legalist School was short-lived. Although the Earth Federation was later established, it was barely forced to set a certain legal order, but it still couldn't help trampled by the chaos. The major forces painted the king, and the imperiousness made this law. Nothing is the same as a piece of empty paper, and the legalists who use this as the foundation of their cultivation either break their hearts and become enchanted, or they can't break through, and they ca n’t even break through the ranks, let alone heaven and heaven!

Zhongli will never let the chaos repeat itself when he is born again. Therefore, the establishment of the Legalist tradition is absolutely indispensable. They will become the maintainers of law and order. The heaven and earth are returning, the gods and demons of all parties are coming again, and the majesty of the law cannot be shaken, let alone who draws the land as the king, cannot be lawless!

With the protection of the Legalists, Zhong Li was able to integrate the power of the human race and dominate the Quartet to counter alien races ~ ~ If not, then the last life was separated from Germany, and the situation of war was different. How did it ultimately change the end of the defeat.

Nowadays, the ban on drug use in Xiangjiang is to challenge the test of Fajia practitioners. Because the practice of Fajia practitioners, the most important thing is the foundation of the law. Fajia practitioners can have ordinary qualifications and ordinary understanding. Only the true meaning of this law can be understood. And persistence cannot be lacking.

Only true law enforcers and defenders can practice by the power of this legal order. If they are contrary to it and know the law and break the law, then no outsider will be required to punish them, and their foundation will be destroyed because of the broken heart, or they will go into magic. Death died.

The reason why the ancient civilization can compete with the gods of the other world and even defeat and expel it is due to the contribution of the Legalists. It maintains internal order, suppresses and kills external forces, and has a strong combat effectiveness. Educational heritage, now Zhong Li lays the foundation of legislators, and he will surely gain a huge boost in the future.

Of course, the investment to be made for this can not be underestimated. If you do n’t say anything about the practice resources, let ’s just say that the legal order is established. Zhong Li will have to provoke a large number of people. The future world will be merged, demon, demon, fairy. God, the strong people from all walks of life return, I don't know how many people will be opposed to him. If he can't maintain this legal order, then the members of the Fajia family will be in danger of breaking the heart. The bamboo basket fetched water without a word, and added many enemies.

In comparison, now this little Xiangjiang is really nothing, it is just an entry test, a small test.

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