Rebirth of the Valkyrie Anchor

Chapter 352: : Brahma

The flames burned, the smoke billowed, Zhongli and the little monk Baiyun stood outside the temple, watching the fire quietly, engulfing the ancient temple, and turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

The strength of the black sky demon is still beyond Zhongli's original expectations. The sky order is just the strength of his strength. In fact, his power level has far surpassed the sky order, but I do n’t know why. If you can't fully play it, you will be suppressed in the Yin Department.

If his power can be fully exerted, it is still a question of whether the immortal Buddha who had confronted him at the time can withdraw from his body, let alone suppress him.

Zhong Li speculates that the level of this dark demon **** can be compared to the gods, or that he is a god, after all, there are things like seals in ancient times in various fragments of the world. The evil **** broke out.

Because the power level of the Dark God is too high, the divine power he played caused extremely serious pollution to the Yunling Temple. It was because of this that the monks in the temple fell into madness and killed each other like a walking dead. Even if Zhong Li arrived, they could not be recovered, and they could only be killed one by one.

It ’s just killing. It ’s not safe. In the end, Zhongli still has to cremate the corpse with the temple. Otherwise, it ’s not long before he will give birth to demons such as corpses, ghouls, and even more horrible existence. An existence like "Lan Ruo Temple".


Looking at the ancient temple that gradually turned into ashes in the flames, Zhong Li shook her head, and the impact of the revitalization of energy was far more important than ordinary people imagined. Take this fragmented world, long before Zhong Li arrived, it had already been The vitality of the earth node is infused. The connection with the earth is not the beginning, but the result of one stage. It is like cancer. There is no early manifestation. When the disease is waiting, it is already late.

Perseverance has strengthened the strength of this fragmented world, and also changed the practice environment of this fragmented world, so that demons are crowded. The middle and upper levels of the millennium tree demon and the black mountain old demon do not say, even many are hidden for ten million The terror of the year has been awakened from the dormancy, and the Dark God is one of them.

Nowadays, the power of the world has a certain suppressive effect on the existence of these horrors. Even the dark gods can only use the power of the yin and yang to rebel into the world of the sun, and they still cannot leave the yin division. .

However, how long can this suppression last? The power of the world is not unlimited. Civilization, nations, and all things, things that exist in this world are the source of world power. If civilization collapses and mountains and rivers break, the power of this world will Weakened and eventually depleted, unable to maintain the rules and order of the world.

There will be evildoers in the country's perishment. It is no wonder that demons are rampant.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li's eyes were much deeper. When he turned back, he looked at the young monk who was still in tears and asked, "Your master has entrusted you to me, and you will practice with me in the future. How? "


The little monk nodded, and then thought of something. He folded his hands in front of him, bowed to Zhong Li, and said solemnly, "Thank you for accepting the donor."

Zhong Li smiled and said, "My surname is Zhong, and the single name is a single character. If you don't dislike it, call me a big brother."

At this point, the little monk shook his head, and said in a serious way: "The donor, Bai Yun is a monk, so it's hard to call it that."

"Is it?"

At this point, Zhong Li didn't care, and laughed: "Then you call it whatever you like."


The little monk thought about it, and then looked at Zhong Li up and down, and finally said, "You do n’t cultivate as a deep man, do n’t look like ordinary people. Bai Yun calls you a layman."


"This little monk."

"Really wooden head."

"Brother, brother, do you still accept the younger brother?"

"Child, you just missed an old thick thigh."

Because the incident happened suddenly, everyone in Lingyun Temple did not feel much sadness. At this moment, listening to the words of the little monk, they laughed again.

Zhong Li ignored it and touched Xiao Baiyun's head and said, "Okay, let's go."


Bai Yun nodded and turned to look at the ancient temple in the sea of ​​fire. After three years of worship, his eyes turned red, and he murmured, "Master, Bai Yun is gone. Take care with your uncle and uncle, brothers and sisters!"


Take Xiaobaiyun, leave Lingyun Temple, and Zhong Li walks to Yunzhou City. As for the Daguo Temple, after scanning with his brain, he only got one ruin. It seems that while the Yunling Temple was robbed, Daguo Temple was not Can be spared, destroyed in the hands of that broken demon.

Daguo Temple was destroyed, Zhong Li naturally could only keep Xiao Baiyun beside him. Fortunately, although he was young, he was very sensible, and there was a little Xiu Xiu in his body, and there was a puppet left by him by the old monk. You need to take care of Zhongli and take it with you.

The two went on the road and headed for Yunzhou City. The road was still desolate and dead. It was only near the boundary of Yunzhou City that they saw some pedestrians, but they were mostly rivers and lakes. They looked fierce and came and went. Ordinary people.

In addition, there are also many robbers. Needless to say, Zhong Li solved it smoothly. He ran away by chance, and Zhong Li ignored it. After all, in this world, there should not be too many people who fall into the grass. And it does not need to waste time.

So, at dusk, five days later, Zhong Li and the two finally came to the city of Yunzhou. This still took a little white cloud. If Zhong Li left alone, two days would be enough.

Yunzhou City, the capital of a state, is also a desolate and bleak scene. Under the majestic city gate, there are two soldiers full of puppets, and the pedestrians are very sparse. Most of them are in groups. The team's rivers and lakes people, holding a large ticket reward order, catching the perpetrators all the more make people feel hesitant.

Zhong Li led Bai Yun and went straight into the city. He didn't encounter any embarrassment, because he let go of his breath a little, and he had a powerful deterrent. Unless he hit his head and broke, few people would come to him for trouble.

Pedestrians are still scarce when they enter the city. They close their doors and close their homes. In a large state city, only a few shops are open.

Seeing this, Zhong Li also frowned, took Bai Yun to a noodle shop and sat down, calling: "Boss."

"Come here!"

A tall middle-aged man came to the table, looked at Zhongli, and then looked at Baiyun, showing a yellow tooth, smiling slightly: "Two guest officers, what to eat?"

Zhong Li threw out a silver ingot and said, "Ask you something."


Seeing this, the middle-aged man suddenly widened his eyes, grabbed the silver ingot, and looked at Zhong Li. His eyes were completely different, looming greedy and cruel like a rat, but he covered up the past and laughed. "I don't know what the guest officer wants to ask. I also have some skills in this movie. No matter what the news is, I can ask the guest officer."

Speaking, he put the silver ingot into his dirty arms, and the meaning was self-explanatory.

Zhong Li didn't care, he just asked, "What's wrong with Yunzhou City? A few people were not seen during the day."


Listening to this, Li San's eyes changed again, and he laughed: "This, it's a long story. You are not a native, guest officer. One month ago, the governor of the country visited Kyushu, which happened to be near Yunzhou City. The altar will be laid in the city, and every day, everyone in the city will go to listen to the ceremony. This little master is also a Buddhist person. Why do n’t you take him to see the guest, I heard that the boss is to the Buddhist person. Even more courteous ... "

"Protector of the country?"

Zhong Li frowned, then turned on the scanning function of Zhinao to check the condition of Yunzhou City, and then her face changed.

"Baiyun, let's go!"

Regardless of Li San's eager face, Zhong Li grabbed Bai Yun's hand and walked towards the city.

Along the way, because to explore the fragmented world environment and maintain the cross-border live broadcast, Zhong Li ’s Shenwu points have consumed a lot, so after entering Yunzhou City, Zhong Li did not start the scan the first time.

In addition, scanning is scanning, inquiring and inquiring. There is no conflict between the two. After all, scanning is not enough to let Zhong Li know all about it, to inquire about some information, and to know oneself and the other, so that one can fight well.

With white clouds, Zhong Li quickly walked to the state capital, but did not want to ...

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

Bursts of chanting came from the front of the street, apparently a Sanskrit chant, but with a twist of evil spirits, people were dizzy and their eyes blurred.


The wind screamed, the dust was permeating, Zhong Li stopped his pace, protected Baiyun behind him, and looked up at the source of the Brahma. I saw a group of people walking forward slowly, all wearing robes, non-monks, and six central bodies. The strong, naked upper body man carried an altar. Under the altar, there was a faint sight of a man sitting side by side, wearing a golden red coat, revealing evil intentions.


"What the **** is this?"

"This voice is poisonous and cannot be stopped at all!"

Because of the boring journey for a few days, many of the live broadcast rooms have been quiet, and they are boiling again, watching the words of the party who came slowly.


At this time, Bai Yun, who was pulled behind by Zhong Li, also found it inappropriate, grabbing Zhong Li's clothing corner and said, "There is demon in front!"


Zhong Li nodded and said, "Baiyun, you hide aside and protect yourself."


Listening to this, Xiao Baiyun didn't say much, immediately hid aside, took off the baggage behind him, took out a golden mandala embellishment, and Xingluo's wandering draped over himself, which is the protective body his master left him magic weapon.

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

"Nanwu, Nanwu, Amitabha!"

The evil Brahma approached, and finally stopped in front of Zhong Li. A woman headed in front of him came to Zhong Li and said, "This fairy is long, and the protector of the country has an invitation."

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

At this point, Zhong Li was indifferent, without any thought of counting, but with a chilly cry, he raised his hand into a palm.


Domineering palms, out of nowhere, instantly wiped out the demon wind and evil atmosphere, the woman in front of them was hit by this palm, the body flew out, and slammed into the team behind him, It was a mess.


The team was chaotic, and the few fighters who lifted the altar were also impacted. They couldn't help but be stunned. Seeing that the altar was about to fall, a gust of wind suddenly rose, replacing the several fighters to stabilize the altar, and then even more Ascended high into the air, he uttered a sharp drink.

He shouted loudly, and the altar was full of gold. One of the buddhas sat side by side, looking down at Zhong Li, and said, "I am under the seat of the Buddha, and passed on to the Buddha, you are not here to kneel and receive my Buddhism?"

"Just lie to the gods and the ghosts. I didn't expect to lie to myself."

Looking at this botched illusion, Zhong Li shook his head and blasted out again.


The palms were urged with arrogance, and the altar in mid-air was nowhere to be avoided. It was smashed by the palm of the palm, and the Buddha shadow disappeared and replaced by one person.


It was also at the moment when this person fell, a buzzing sounded, and the figure falling in the void turned into a blood stream flying out, and biting towards Zhongli.



With a muffled sound, the flying blood hit the body of Zhong Li, collided with his protective gas hood, but couldn't break through, but clung to it, and let everyone see what it looked like. It was a whole body of blood red. A huge puppet that is more than a few feet long.

There are several feet in this body. The upper body is three points taller than Zhong Li. Now it is close to the air hood of the bodyguard. Thousands of knives and feet are cutting alternately. The poisonous teeth in the mouth are also biting. I want to block this. Barrier breakthrough.


"What is this stuff?"

"Oh, so big!"

"Big is big, but how does it look weak?"

"That is, in the battle just now, I thought it was a peerless demon?"

In the live broadcast room, everyone's speech was full of surprises.

In this regard, Zhong Li didn't say much, the sword pointed a little, Li Mang appeared, and a sharp sword blade flew straight towards the skull of the slug.


There was a loud noise, a squeak, and Zhong Li Jianmang shot and landed on the mandible's head and jaw, but did not penetrate directly, but collapsed and disappeared into the void.


Zhong Li's eyes were frozen, watching the blood armor 撕 ~ ~ who was still biting in front of him.


A dragon yelled, Tianyan was dimmed, Zhongli retracted her magical power, her eyebrows frowned, and she murmured, "Dragon Qi?"


When the words were down, he heard a hissing and buzzing. The cricket action was even more violent, and a majestic and powerful force was revealed in the body, which affected Zhong Li's body shield and gradually disappeared.

Just then ...

"The immeasurable amount!"

Zhong Li stepped in, clenched his palm into a fist, and thirteen layers of dragon elephants blasted out. He took a heavy blow and was shocking. He broke through the body and broke a mass of flesh into two shells and fell to the ground. No more noise!

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